Page 65 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 65
WMC Madrigals Perform in Connecticut ----~B~Y~S=ro=TI~L~E=E----- lions including the American ing surrounding the new Na- sue various majors and career represented a viewpoint of C"",,;b,,,jngW,j,,, Choral Directors Association. tional Standards in Education goals ranging from Theatre the new Education Stan- WMC professor Dr. Margaret recently passed by Congress. Arts and languages to tbe sci- dards at a national confer- If you happen to walk across Boudreaux, Director of the During ber presentation, Dr. ences and medicine, but also ence of diverse music orga- campus next Tuesday evening, seek to embrace music nizations," commented Dr. you will probably hear a group as an integral part of Boudreaux. "Ultimately, the of vocalists rehearsing unusual their liberal arts edu- ensemble received more lyric pieces inside Big Baker cation. She further re- than regional exposure in Chapel. The WMC Madrigal marked that the group the choral community." Singers, an ensemble of select exemplifies the ideal Members of the 1994-95 voices from the College Choir, of the interdiscipli- WMC Madrigal Singers in- perform choral chamber music nary and cross-cul- clude: Todd Bidding, Robin unaccompanied throughout the tural Renaissance at- Carroll, Amy Dreibelbis, school year at various concerts titude towards music Steven Eckstrom, Melissa and soirees in the college com- and therefore follows Farrell, Anthony Fitzpatrick, munity, around Maryland, and . the spirit of the Na- Arnie Glasgow, Leslie Huffer, in Washington, DC. tional Standards which Joanna Lajewski, Joseph Late last month, however, calls for a greater un- Lajewski, Scott Lee, Chad the singers travelled to the Hartt derstanding of the rela- McGowan, Kimberleigh School of Music at the Univer- 1.I==~!i!!!!!!!!I!ttonsbip between mu- Nichols, and Ana Maria de sity of Hartford in West Hart- =: sic, the arts, and other los Rios. The Madrigals will ford, Connecticut, where they Members of the WMC Madrigals have performed in the college educational disci- perform as part of the Cham- community, around Maryland, and in Washington D.C. were featured at the conference plines. "This was an es- ber Music on the Hill Series Endless Song: Unity and Diver- Madrigal Singers, spoke at this Boudreaux. explained that the pecially important pcrfor- Sunday evening, November m sponsored by many nation- convention about issues in the students comprising the WMC mance for the WMC Madri- sixth, in Little Baker ally renowned music organtza- fields of music and choral sing- Madrigal Singers not only pur- gal Singers because they Chapel. "USA Today," from p.8 Freedom of Informalion, Issues and a Pulitzer Prize juror. He lives in lions at stockholders' meetings conferences where she bas been Western Maryland College, is a Programs committees. He is a Washington, D.C. with his wife around the nation. recognized by Presidents Carter. supporter of education, journal- member of the Advisory comrrut- Ann and two children. She iseditorand publisberoflhe Reagan, Bush and Clinton. She is ism, business, medicine and the tee of the Neiman Foundation, Prichard's appearance is spon- newsletter, Highlights and often quoted as stating, "I do not arts. Last year at WMC, Mrs. which selects journalists for mid- sored by the Evelyn Y. DavisFoun- Lowllghts, which comments on the deal with flunkies" and "POWER Davis sponsored a lecture' by career fellowships at Harvard Uni- dation. Mrs. Davis, head of the meetings and other business and is greater than love." She was re- fonner Soviet spokesman vcrsny and is a member of the foundation, is well covered by the political issues. Highlights and cently named to the advisory COIll- Gcnnadr Gerasimov. board of visitors of Howard nauonalpressaxabusuessjcurnal- Lowltghts goes only to CEOs of mtttee of'George Wasltington Uni- The event is free and open to University's Deperunent of Jour- is. who asks daring questions of major corporations. Mrs. Davistre- versiry Medical Cenrer. the public. For more infonnation nansn. H.£ has also_:.'iCf\'edtwice as CEOs and spon~rs bold resolu~.!" q~ntly attends White House press Mrs. Davis. who attended call (410) 857-2290. Time-ly Gifts and Clocks c~:, .. '?;; ~ ,,\ 30 W. Main St. 876-6650 {J.. FAN'S Chinese Restaurant Westminster. Md 21157 Szechuan * Cantonese * Ameri- Lava Lites reg. $59.95 sale $49.95 can Stand-Ups reg. $29.95 sale $19.95 848-0919 876-3166 Come in and browse. ~ l 59 W. Main St. Westminster WMC students 20% off all merchandise not al:(<:1ld.?'_9h~~1~.:.~, Hock's Florist Fall [s [n The Air Student Lunch Box Specials Flowers For All Occasions! 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