Page 60 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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Academics: WMC Moves from 3 to 4-Credit System In a number of caegooes, a fewer ncm- "ACADEl\r1ICS?, from p.l The faculty council voted down aiding 4- Dan Wooten said he had to drop one of his ber of courses are required. For example, day classes. "They wanted to stick with what wastohavearicber expererce forstudents." we have," Coley said. "Ibe faculty was majors to graduate OIl time. there is one less social science, and one less He also said be cannot take as many elec- In addition. it will give protessors some afraid the four-day courses would jam up the humanities. "It's similar to what we have fkx.ibility in the daily schedule. because the schedule." tivesas he would like to. "There's no room in now, but not identical," Coley said. he said. my schedule foc any art classes,' currentscheduleistootighl "Now thcre will In the current system being discussed, "Isn't thepointoflibcralartscoUege, to take a Students must meet with their advi- be extra time for faculty to meet with stu- there is little overlapping. "We IJy not 10 variety of courses?" sors this month to decide between the rents," Coley said overlapclassperiods,"shesaid. "Tbere's too Junior Mika Humbertsaid the system is a new and the old system. Coley said stu- The fourth session is ~onal, so it will much chance students can 'tget the class they hassle for upperclassmen. "It' sjust one more dents can choose the system which is most not have to be used every week. Mast fresh- hassle for me to wony about in planning my beneficial 10 them. man courses will have the fourth session. want" Also, an activity pence is being planned "Despite the sbort-term hassle for stu- Other courses may or may not have it for the new schedule. The period will prob- scnor yeer," he said. dents, thesystem will be betterforthem loeg- TheMonday-Wednesday-Friday sched- Also, Neal points out thai. summer break ule will be left intact, However, a fourth pe- ably be from 5:00-6:30 PM. It will give stu- may have to be shorter because of !he two term," Neal said. However, he feels students should have riod will be held during a time code set aside dents time for extra-curricuIar activities like weeks being added to the school year; it might been involved in the decision. "It bouers me drama, choir, band and spOOS. have to start the week before labor day and in the morning or afternoon on one of the FacultyCouncil mcmbe Chares Neat, assn- end in mid-May. that students were not involved in the pro- three days. fur the Tuesday-Thursday a classes, the extra period will OOm! on Mon- elate professor of politcal science, said be In addition 10 the 4-credit curricuhm, cess," he said. "Tbecollege sboeld have dis- agrees with the decision. "Students can do a cussed it with them as a group." day, Wednesday, or Friday. better job ofleaming if they are taking fewer new system of BLARs will be unreduced Neal said the BLARs will have to be re- next fall. "In most cases the new system will A earlier system discussed would have different things," he said. be less restrictive for students," Coley stated. viewed again in two years. "At Ihal time, this included 2-day, 3-day and 4-day courses, 'The new system causes SOOleproblem; "Foeexample, tbeheritfge sequence will now year's freshman wiU probably have to go thus overlapping a lot of class periods, ac- for double majors, however. Sophomore count in other seperaIC categories." through with more changes," resaid cording to Coley. Hungary On the Advance International Law Expert WMC NEWS RELEASE meting Hungary's relations with the Euro- toSpeak at WMC The New York Times recently named pean mstinmoes and NATO. Hungary oneof the world's up- and-coming In 1992 Somogyi was elected chainnan world order, peace in the Middle commes. That's something Dr. Ferenc of the BoardofDirectofsofthe ExportGuar- WMC NEWS RELEASE East and the future of the United Na- Somogyi. Hungarian diplomat and educa- antee Ltd., a financial instiwtioo to promcxe International law expert Burns H. tional liaison to the Budapest Branch of Hungarian export. In the spring of 1993, he Weston will present the Phi Beta tions. He has served on national and Western Maryland College, already knew. joined the team working 00 tbe establishment Kappa Lecture on "Humanitarian In- international advisory committees He will speak on "Eastern and Central Eu- of the Budapest Branch of Western Mary- tervention: When? Why? How?" and investigative missions dealing rope: The Present and the Future" Nov. 6 at landCoUege. Nov. 3 at '7:30 p.m. in McDaniel with human rights and conflict miti- 8 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. In couaboauon with College interna- Lounge. gation in Korea, South Africa, Pal- As State Secretary for the Ministry for tional, a European-based educational agency Weston is the Bessie Dutton Dis- estine. Cuba, Nicaragua, the former Foreign Affairs (akin to Urce- Secretary of of which Somogyi serves. as chainnan. ting uished Professor of Law at the Yugoslavia and, most recently, the WMC will offer a focr-year 1JIldcrgmduate University of Iowa, He is also the Republic of Georgia, State in the U.S.), Scmdgyi played a role in Currently, he serves on the board program in business OOministration and ec0- associate dean for international and the reshapingofEastem andCentral Europe of editors of the American Journal after the collapse of the Soviet Union, He nomics to JX'CP3re students fran Central and comparative legal studies and chair and Law helped handle theproblemof GDR refugees Eastern Etlrq)e to becm1e leaiers inthe new of the graduate program in interna- of elected International of the Council is an member on in transit to Germany and later headed the global marlretplace. S1uden~ rn the WMC- tional and comparative law. Foreign Relations. Weston is also an Hungarian delegation at the negoliatiOllSon Budapestprogram will swdy fCl'twoyean; in A prolific writer, Weston has the withdrawal of Soviet troopS fmn HWl- BI.KIaJ:esI,Hungary and then fmish their last authored publications concerning elected Fellow of the World Acad- gary. twoyearsal WestemMaryIand's bomecam- human rights, environmental law and emy of Arts and Science. In May 1990.when thenew government pusinWCSlIllinster. was fooned after the fIrStdemocratic eleer Somogyi has a doctorate in world ec0- nomics and is JIDftcicnt in English and Rus- sian. He servedfor23 yearsin thcforeignser- vice and visited more than 50 counlries all HOUSE OF UQUORS "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & SetVice" CARROll PlAZA SHOPPINGCUTER, WES_STER, 11)21151 (Rt.l40andEng~rRd.) 848·1314 Lotto & lottery Headquarters RNE II1Nf & SPiRiTS· mE PERFECTGIFTFORAU OCCASKJoIS Sale Beer! ........ $6.99 case cans ............. $O.99/quart ......... $9.99 12 pack .....$7.99 12pk bottles Labatt's Beer & Ale ..... .. $8.99 l2pk bottles Molsenlce ... Iver Get Someb~dy'otol~Wasted! * Bud Light Ice . . . $10.99 case botlles $9.99 case cans * Coors Dry ...~ . 'JI'NI(IYS r-------, " AliA CA8 110% Off rr:J"aw~i1Tghtl rMilwaukee's' All A SIAID.· I I Best I I I I & Busch I I I I Any purchase I I I I Excluding sale I I $8.99 I : $7.49 : I items and tobacco I I I case cans wi coupon I I I L products I .J .J : case cans : fRlfNDS DON'! m fRlfNOS DRIVf DRUNK L __n!!i!!!!t __
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