Page 61 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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Alumnus Helps Bridge Cultural Gap With Music WMC NEWS RELEASE Irish and British Music Week," "Snet- Friday,Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. in Baker Me- ard Anderson, '71; Ralph E. Wilson, '68; Can music bridge the cultural gap land, Norwegian and Swedish Fiddle morial Chapel. Western Maryland College President Dr. between people from diverse racial, ctb- Week," "Middle European and Baltic Such celebrated artists as Tom Robert H. Chambers; Dr. Ira Zepp, '52, nic and religious backgrounds?Westem Week," "The Black and White Choir Paxton, Cindy Mangsen, Zan Mcleod professor emeritus of religion studies; Dr. Maryland College alumnus Walt Experience: TheirDifferences and Simi- and others will perform. So will Margaret Boudreaux, chair and associate Michael believes it can. larities" and "Song Writing as a Politi- Michael, a guitar, mandolin and ham- professor of music; and Dr. Gordon He isn't the only one. The college cal Statement: the Sixties to Rap." mered dulcimer player. Shelton, '68. Linda Van Hart, a local art has joined in a partnership with the 1968 Festivals, concerts and other special Common Ground will be supported teacher, is a member of the advisory graduate to form Common Ground Mu- events will be held throughout the year through summer tuition income and board. For more Information call Common sie Harvest, a non-profit organization to promote Common Ground's theme patron donations. The organization is Ground's Administrator Robyn Boyd at that will present courses, concerts and that diversity does not equal divisive- working to raise $70,000 in start- up (410) 857-1710 or Artistic Director Walt conversations geared to bringing people ness when people are brought together funds to support salaries for the artis- Michael at (410) 857- 2919. together. by something they have in common - tic director and administrator, as well Common Ground will initially con- musrc. as marketing and advertising costs. sist of three week-long summer pro- The first concert, featuring English A board of directors has been ap- grams of workshops and performances folk musicians John Roberts and Tony pointed to achieve that goal. Dr. G. starting in 1995. Theme weeks being Barrand. will be held Saturday, Nov. 19 William Troxler, president of Capitol considered include "Palestinian and Is- at 8 p.m. in Baker Chapel. Common College, serves as president of the raeli Music Week," "Irish, Northern Ground's first fund-raiser will be held board. Other members include Rich- Folk music is not just at Fells Point WANTED WMC NEWS RELEASE already booked more big names for its first For information call Robyn Boyd, Hear ballads of the sea, of rural fund-raiser Jan. 20, including folk artists administrator for Common Ground, at Campus representative. KODAK life and industrial toil and strife at a Tom Paxton, Cindy Mangsen, Anne Hills, (410)857-l7100r Artistic Director Walt PRODUCTS SPRING BREAK TRlPS BEST PRICES & "Guanranteed" concert featuring English folk musicians Priscilla Herdman, Walt Michael, Zan Michael at (410) 857-2919. INCENTIVES. Cancun. Nassau, Jamaica, John Roberts and Tony Barrand Satur- Mcleod and more. S. Padre, and Florida. We handle the day,Nov.19at8p.m.atWestemMary- bookkeeping.. you handle the sales. land College's Baker Chapel. Dance Co. Under Way CALL 1·800-222-4432. The evening is sponsored by the college SPRING BREAK '95 and Common Ground Music Harvest, a By DAVE WEIGELT that WMC,aliberniartscollcge,deflniteJy new organization begun by alumnus Mwrt;,;"g~"",
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