Page 58 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 58
"-;~r?'% Immature The Phoenix Independence • Editorial Life at Western Maryland Col- lege is basically uneventful. Yes, Editor-m-Chlet we have an occasional wild. drunken Lisa HiU '97 party, a few fights and disagree- Managing Editor ments, and other minor inconve- niences that end up on the Campus Advertising Manager Safety Blotter. If one takes the time David Weigelt '95 10 read the Campus Safety Blotter, sl Business Manager he will soon see a pattern; a great Udeni Dbarmapata '96 majority of the problems occur in Layout Editor Rouzer Hall. Pamela Barry '96 Once again, the only all-male News Editor dorm on campus has become the toi- Dan Schaeffer '94 let of WMC, literally. The 1994 Fall On tbe Hill Editor semester has become a record set- of fire ting season for number Jenny Daino '95 Photography Editor alarms pulled (in one night, evenl). Aden Mages '97 damge done to rooms, bathrooms, and hallways, young men away from Sports Editor Jay Hilbert '95 their mommies for the first time who mistake the elevator for a urinal, and the hallways for spuoons and places General starr to vomit the results of too much par- Aaron Ahlburn '97, Virgil Cain '96; tying. Paco Frisuelos Kromer, Rebecca "what the Hell is going on here?" Henry '95, Heather Reese '96, seems to be a common question Keith Remo '97, Charlotte Saylor among students, staff, faculty. and '98, Jonathon Shacat '98 administration. Are these guys seri- ously in need of some materna! care to remind them that they arc potty Faculty Advisor trained and don't live in a pig pen'! Terry Darton pranks of those who DO slill Ihin\..: come uu. tit) you re,ll1y Ihil,;"_ th.n Or arc these incidents merely the all- they are in high school. trushtng a bathroom, urinating all tics brought on by the new found WELL, GUESS AGAIN, over the place, and causing the great freedom of college life? FELLAS!! You arc at collcge now, rucus of 2 AM fire alarms is cool?! Whatever the reason, it seems ex- and yes, this is a time to assert your WeH, r believe I speak. (or the ma- tremely childish. Not everyone who independence from your parents and jority of the campus when I say, lives in Rouzer is responsible for explore a life without parental su- "HARDLY." these problems, but they all have to pervision, but don't you think this is Dogs don't even urinate where pay the price for the immature getting a little out of hand? I mean, they live and sleep. The Phoenix is published bi- weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- Frustration With Intolerant Students ministrators of WMC. The paper welcomes freelance submissions on Macintosh disks in • Letter Voiced most word processor formats. The Dear Editor: editor reserves the right to edit for Let me juxtapose two statements, not only homosexuals, but of all (he Them Back in the Closet Day", etc clarity, length and libel and to publish both found on some pink triangles other groups. So, those people who . Such reactions seem to reveal more as space permits. All submissions which appeared on campus October plastered the campus with the pink tri- insecurity with those persons' self- (excluding self-addressed diskettes) II: I. "National Coming Out Day: angles have helped break the con- definition and less aobut any credible become the property of The Phoenix We're here" 2. "October 12: National spiracy of silence which runs from moral or social stance. For those and cannot be returned. Beat Them Back in the Closet Day". overt violence to subtle social exclu- people who find difficulty stepping Please include a name and phone The first is a necessary affirmation sion. number for verification. Names will and passionate defense of the validity I write this letter to protest, draw at- out of the idea that heterosexuality is the pervasive "natural" good and ac- be withheld only by the discretion of and beauty of Queer identity (be it tention to, and demand accountability cepting love between people regard- the Editor-in-Chief. Gay, Lesbian, or Bi). The second is from those persons who have defaced less of genitalia, it would seem that The Phoenix does not discrimi- the reason why the first statement is or trashed the pink triangles which curiosity and questioning would be nate based on age, race, religion, gen- needed; blatant and violent were put up around campus October more productive than name-calling der, sexual orientation, national ori- bomophobia/heterosexism which re- 11. I fail to see what it is about those and defamation. gin. condition of handicap, or marital veals only the insecurity of those who persons' particular notions of mascu- status. made the statement. linity or feminity which finds immedi- In support and protest, I write this letter to thank those ate threat to themselves in pro-Queer Mail to address: spontaneously brave persons who efforts and reacts with violent bravado Jered Ebenreck The Phoenix placed the triangles around the campus or insults such as a "National Beat 2 College Hill on October II. The pink triangle of Class of 1994 WMC Queer affirmation is particularly im- Westminster, Maryland 21 157 portant because of its history. During the reign of Hitler's Third Reich, con- (410) 751-8600 cemrauon camp victims were catego- (410) 876-2055, ext. 8600 rized with variously colored triangles indicating if they wre Jews, Gypsies, Communists, or homosexuals. The pink triangle was sewn to the camp uniformof any homosexual: the pink Please Recycle! trtanatc was a sign of the conspiracy of sucncc which justified th~' murder 01
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