Page 62 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 62
~!Pe~~~!h~h~~~~OO~Y?'r.~2,R.!~~~~f!?!"~?I~~!!!}!~~'it~d~m~~u~!.~e~k brave enough to remain independent on to be desired. Quality should come be- why not bring in a live band more often. of decent housing hinders the opening of a campus overwhelmingly dominated fore quantity. Perhaps if CAPBOARD This idea might be especially successful any other opportunities. by Greek life, there is but one lingering focused on one big event a month, rather at times when Greeks are tied up in Our suggestion: Instead of spending and bothersome question: What to do I activities. millions of dollars to renovate classroom now that nearly everyone is jumping or one of the halls where students only spend a few being forced off the cliff of lowly inde- things that hours each day, why not put some money pendents. and falling into a seemingly people into towards housing? Improvements on cur- endless reservoir of Brother and Sister- life to begin rcru dorms and maybe even an expansion hood. Of course that leap of faith into a . is the security to bring forth new ones would benefit fraternity or a sorority seems like the living arrange- everyone. Broader housing oppcrtunl- deal of a lifetime. With all the closed mcnts they offer. tics would also make the decision to go smokers, off campus formals. and floor People who don't Greek a more genuine one for those who parties, Greek life would seem like the live on a fraternity choose that path. perfect key to existence here at Western or sorority floor are, for the Our school has ample personnel and Maryland. most part, condemned to a state of limbo resources to become an even better over- But just in case anyone was having thusiasuc about attending anything spon- as they pray fora fair drawing in WMC's all institution. However, it all depends second thoughts about that big jump, sored by the school. annual "Housing Lottery." Greek life as- on the drive and ingenuity of the people let's peacefully examine the sporadic Our suggestion: Why not bring mu- sures individuals that they will not have in power. Not that fraternities and so- and easily exhaustible alternatives to sic to the campus? With the vast array of to face the horrors of Rouzer or roriues are in any way detrimental to the Greek life at Western Maryland. small band went in the area, it wouldn't Whiteford ever again, but hopefully that campus, but it would be more beneficial As far as social life goes, there are be too hard to schedule at least one to isn't the reason anyone pledges in the to the student body as a whole, if students weekly events sponsored by play at our school each month. Events first place. For an institution that seems were presented with more options in ar- CAPBOARD; however, because the ac- like the video dances which are held in to be attempting the genocide of Greek eas like social life and housing. tivities all must be fITSt approved by the Money is main reason for limited cable channels can be viewed; channels 14 through 20 are system because it would belpto save money. net at different times during the day. BY JONA11IONSHACAT S/4w,;,.", blank Tbe total cost for cable television, through the This enables a student who takes for- Have you ever wondered why the cable Western Maryland College has its own local cable company, for the entire cam- eign language to choose a time that fits television system on the WMCcampus is so cable TV. system The coUege purcbased pus would be considerably greater than into his or her schedule rather than at- limited? There are 38 channels, but only the system in 1990ataCOSlofawroximately it would to have a system on campus. tending a lecture. about 30 of-them are actually channels that $145,{XX). lkcoUegedecilkdlOgetitsown Theonly bad part about having a sys- One problem with the channels in this tem on campus is thai the college is lim- range is they have a lot of potential in- ited to certain channels. For every chan- terference. There is a good possibility nel that the college adds, an amplifier that a channel located ncar this range and a receiver are needed. That means there are about thirty transmitters and re- ceivers in the room where this system is Have you beard about the Trwnpeters? 'The addition of No, it's rot a new musical group. Members located. Hence, this is a very large sys- tem. of the Trwnpeters are seniors Rob Brown, more satellite Jered Ebenreck. Erin Jenkins, Rebecca Based in the Lewis Hall of Science, Kane, and Emily Snyder.1lie Trumpeters' there are four satellite dishes on the roof motto is "For if the tnnnpet give an uncer- of the building. All of the equipment in a channels would tain sowxl, who shall prepare themselves 10 that runs the cable system is located re- ead to a raise in thebattk:T'(lCmniliiarn 14:8). room in that building. The system in- So what is the Trumpeters? The Trum- cludes four sarelhte dishes, enough peters is a campus-based honorary society ceivers and amplifiers for each channel which was founded in 1944 to recognize se- that the college gets, and the wiring and tuition," stated nior WOOlCIl displaying exemplary qualities installation for the entire campus. ofleadcrship, inlegrity,andsincerity. In later There are three different types of Dr. Seidel. channels that the college receives, ac- Ii-'::",::;::~!:,:~exlended to males. cording to Dr. Seidel these types include I; in the spring of based on (I) leadership, the following: "regular," "satellite," and "scrambled satellite" channels. may contain static. In order to prevent The regular channels are ones which this interference, additional channels could be picked up with a set of rabbit are not located in this range. According to Dr. Seidel, there are .iiiF~~~~iil~~~~~lears antenna. and Examples The satellite are several projects which are in the work- of these NBC, CBS. ABC, • channels are sent by satellite and are free ing here at WMC. Due to a suggestion The only satellite channel from College channels. receives is TLC (The Learning the possibility the SGA, the he is researching the receiving college of college chan- will be a nice addition IPS.iID]Wee Channel). The scrambled satellite people TNT. This large cable system on cam- to as to prevent nels are scrambled the already from getting those channels without pus. Because of some technical errors, CClI'll§lllii paying for them. Some examples of the college has been having trouble these are MTV, CNN, and ESPN. transmitting CNN Headline News. Dr. said CCCOJllll®~ee channels reason for the gap between of Seidel in a couple this channel will be The that some fixed of weeks. 14 and 20 is because for the ad- CCCOJDIl!lll§eellCOJ II' these use. channels are reserved for cam- for dition Any further suggestions be submitted of channels pus 17 is reserved Channel should students who belong 10 UpLink, a stu- to the SGA. Dr. Seidel said that the IF'II'COJ~lI'iIDIl!lll dent club. This club has and even a regular channels are because better tbe equip- the'- produced than such as a soap opera shows satellite channels Thursday 4:30-7:30 live talk show. The club members can ment costs about half the price. The more of RAPE CRISIS Smith House use this channel to film a desired addition lead to a raise satellite channels He in tuition. would show. INTERVENTION SERVICE Channel 20 is reserved for professors commented "1 would like to keep it the OF CARROll COUNTY ph. 857-0900 for academic use. Films for French and way that it is so that we don't have to German classes are shown on this chan- charge any extra".
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