Page 64 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 64
On The Hill Wifi/)1 '·::·:·:».:.:·<):::-::::::/:////:::::i'E=lk::;:~:WWttft •••••:ft1Et8.";::;;Er.'"?T::::::;;::::2&i-:::··'" A Closer Look @);s F Miss Pennsylvania After three years of hard work and com- By CIIRlSSY PAROEW C"",';bUljnslVn',., pceuon, Kirstin was crowned Miss Pennsyl- Amoog all of the glitter and glamour of vania in May. From there she traveled to this year's Miss America Pageant, Western Atlantic City to represent her state in !he an- Maryland College had its own shinging star. nual Miss America Pageant. Leaving her Kirstin Bomer, Miss Pennsylvania, is a home in late August and not remming until graduate student here at WMC. Due to the the codof September, Kirstin and her fellow commitment and responsibility required to contestants put a great amount of time in fulfill the duties of Miss Pennsylvania, preparation for the pageant, Kirstin has takenahearofffrom tagraduate "The Miss America Pageant is one of the studies. but plans 10return to campus next fall . few productions like it that is still televised to complete her course requirements in the live, sonrequiresan amaang amcontortme masers otliberal arts program. to prepare for such an event in ocder for it to Kirstin completed her undergraduate run smoothly. We met for rehearsal at 7 studies at Ursinus College, in Pennsylvania, o'clock in the mcrningandsometimesdidn't in 1992. At Ursinus. she majored in history finish until midnighl That's up to 18 to 20 and anthropology and was active on the field tours a day for almost a month," Kirstin ex- bockey and lacrosse squads. It was actually plamed. heracademic pcrsuns that led Kirstin into her After many loog days of practice, the big pagenat compeerons. Kirstin saw pageants night fmally anived. Kirstin sbowcesed her WMC's own shining star: Kirstin Border, Miss Pennsylvania 1994, says that asagood way oeam scbolarshipmoreyfex many talents and ambitions at the pagenat, perfonning in the Miss America Pageant was an exhilerating experience. college. one of which was playing "Czardas with a "OvermyfouryearsatUrslnustbetuition TwistotOrenge' on the violin. aunqcecom- high school but when I got to college there she experienced some nervousness, Kirstin badinaeased200%. Bytbeageof20Ireal- binatioo of bluegrass and classical music. was nowhere to play, so Idecided to dust off says she was lucky enough to be rom com- ized I needed to start looking for outside "Ibedalweys played tbeviolin all through my instrument and use it as my talent in the fortable with public speaking. scbola'sbip money," Kirstin said pageants,' Kirstin remarked. "It was quite a cbange for me to perform At the Miss America Pageant, Kirstin was in front of an audience of20,OX) people when "McPaper" Comes to WMC a top five national fmaIist fortheRembrnndt I was used tocrowdsofaround4,(XX). Just to stand on the stage was a thrilI--the place is Award, an award given to ooe of the conies- rants for an excellent display in meetorshtp. C NEWS RELEASE staff and in 1982, wbcn USA Today was Kirstin says that performing in the pageant See "Miss PA," p.ll Peter Prichard, editocofUSA Today ,the launched. he was named columns editor of was an exhilarating experience. Although co's largest circulation daily newspaper; the edilOOal page. He was later pn:moted to preseet the Evelyn Y. Davis Lecture in deputyedi.tcrialdirecta"andt:bento~ oumalisn at wesem Maryland College editaial directoc with responsibility for the ov. IO at 7:30 pm, in Baker MeanoriglI editorial~es. hence ones life"-Preetam Shah, 4th LOwing his six-year ieeure, Prichard In 1987 Prichard wrote The Making 0 increased thenatiooal newspaper'sdaily McPape<, The Inside Story of USA Today, What advice do you have for the admin- floorRA lation by 23 percent, fromeocut 1.7 mil- which was named one of the best istration dealing with the problems in 6. "Rouzer needs better security for to2million,andhassteeredtbeJXlperto- books of 1988 by Kappa Tau Alpha. the 113- Rouzer Hall? people who enter the building, especially on weekends't=-Sean ani editOOal excellence, for which it bas tiooal journalism scbolarship society. He then C. '98 n several awards. Prichard is also senior returned to USA Troay where be held a suc- 1. "I would advise the administration, as 7. "00 a lot better job of policing during president/news and chief news execu- cession of management jobs until be was J have already. to take whatever steps the quiet houcs"-K. Jeevcs '98 ·ve of Gannett Co. Inc., owner of USA To- named editor in 1988 and chid news execu- that are necessary to identify the source 8. "Get more security people to help stop y and the nation's largest newspaperam- tive for Gannctt in 1990. of the problems in Rouzer, and then the stuff that is going on"---Greg Smith '98 y, A member of the American Society move swiftly as possible to remedy the A consummate newspap.-:rman. Prichard Newspaper Editors since 1984, Prichan1 bas situation. Anything short of that would 9. "Make the floors co-ed to prevent me rowdiness males"-John the of waked for Gannett, except for one year chaired several conunittees, inciOOing the send the wrong signal to the large major- television, since 19n. In 1978, Prichard ity of Rouzer residents who are affected Stambaugh '98 guards who are 10. "Hire more security hired to work on the Gannett caporate by, but not responsible for the worse- actually security guards"-Justin '98 than-usual problems that have arisen 11. "There is nothing that they can do there this semester"-Terry Dalton, about it, it is inevitable"-Mike Diehl Journalism Professor '98 2. "Dealing with the messy halls, the ad- 12. "Make me building co-ed, mis would ministration should act quick1y and con- make the guys act more mature because FREE LOCAL o(:ompul<:ri,I'''~TY 1'R"';c'MTIONl'I.i\N: policy should be made more severe and 14. ''The general attitude of the residents the administration should follow through needs to be changed"-Dave Demski with the punishment"-Steve West, 2nd '98 floorRA 4. "The students should work as a com- ~~~:Ii~ ~~;;:dt~u~~:~ili:~o;e~~~: munity to point out to the administration D. '98 tbe students who are responsible for all If you have gotten this far in the col- of the damages, such information should umn and you want my opinion, then here be kept completely confidential"- it is. I think that the college should hire a Arman Latif, 3rd floor RA cleaning staff for the weekends-this s. '"I think positively in accepting the fact would keep the halls clean all of the time. that each oneofus is an imiX>rtant player One good measure that the college has in maintaining me proper academic and taken is the addition of wet dye to the fire 876-lJSf social environment in Rouzer Hall-it is a alarm lever-this should prevent further valuable part of ones education and tampering. _ J. D. S.
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