Page 56 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 56
-,-,-"-,:-;-,,, . ",,,,-,,.r "" . Terror Cross Country Star Greg Davis Keeps Getting Better By JAY HILBERT more Robie SPQ'''' EdilOr Birdsall was 130th Meet after meet, Greg (30:48). Davis becomes better and Davis will get a better. chance to show his Two weeks ago at the talents against the Dickinson College Open, the state of Maryland Green Terror sophomore set on Saturday. t= a personal-best time of 26 Western Mary- minutes. 33 seconds en route land will be hosting to a second place finish. the Maryland Col- Last Saturday, on the lege Invitational same course, Davis shat- where 18 Division tered thai two week mark, I. III, and cornmu- Greg Davis prepares ror a practice run running the 8000 meter nity colleges are Carlisle course in 26: 12, expected to attend. 25:41 was good enough for excel as one of the top and sophomore Jen Light (100lh· 22:25). good enough for fourth Out of all the Centennial the victory. His next fastest rookie runners in the Cen- place out of a field of 213 Conference runners present, teammate was a distant 95th tennial. The Gettysburg ladies runners. Davis finished behind place. Cicero placed 22nd with a complete the team title As far as the overall team Genysburgs Bill Gray. The Green Terror ladies time of20:19. Emily Shenk sweep, placing first with 69 scoring for Western Mary- Gray finished second overall were much better in the was the next closest Green points. Allentown was sec- land is concerned, forget it. with a time of 25:43. team standings. Out of the Terror in 64th place ond with 96, while Carnegie Only three Green Terror Dickinson" Lowell Ladd was 33 teams that ran, WMC (21:34). Mellon bronzed out with [09. Franklin and Marshall jun- men ran on Saturday. Be- the third CC finisher (sixth placed a respectable 11th Rounding out the lop five ior Jamie Kendig won the la- sulcs Davis. junior Jim ovcrult). with J~O points. were senior captain Erin ('tanu:-. iini~IIL'U il! 5 J !h InJi.idua::v. i.('hal!\Hl Ourc ,I r;1in. I,,~,Ii !11:1 f. J"nki!1~ (7:-l ;1-2 1:-171 place I::~::]S). all,.i vopho- V:dkv's JciT KIi~!~l.:l tunc (II t.aunc Cu-ero cl)!1liutJe:, 10 ),111\ Havr ucr (!;ith BE LESSPRODUCTIVE AT THE OFFICE. ~e office has alwaysbeen a place to get ahead. Unfortunately, it's also a place where natural resources can faIlbehind. So here are some easy ways to reduce waste at the office.Turn off your lights when you leave.Drink out of a mug instead of throwaway cups. And to cut down on trash, use both sides of a memo. Doing these things today will help saveresources for tomorrow. Which is truly a job well done. J.-.800-MY-SHARE. IT'S A CONNECTED WORLD. DO YOUR SHARE. I!I!I A Public Service of _:'~arth Share ~, This Publication
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