Page 39 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 39
Green Terror Men's Soccer Has Improved Greatly co-cap- senior By JAY HILBERT where we should have won," into the game." himself a nice breakaway. After together," said "Last year, we tain St. Jean. Spc",Edj,o, said senior Chris Kaplan. "Ev- Haverford's lames eluding two defenders, Kaplan Make no mistake; the Green ery game we play shows a lot of Peninston broke a I-I dead- went for broke, but Ford goalie would roll over and early in that Terror men's soccer team has character, especially this game lock, giving the Fords (2-5 Kevin Therell dove a the right season, we would get that men- has been dif- tality. This season improved greatly from last when they scored within the overall, 1-2 Centennial) a 2-1 lime and thwarted Kaplan. rereru." year, playing all eight games in first two minutes and we never lead. Nineteen minutes later, Kaplan would get eventually Western Maryland had to do '94 very tough. What becomes qUI!". In every game. if we Brian Davis took a tipped Eric get even. the end tate for a team thoughis were to put our one-on-one's Stromquist pass and lofted it With less than three minutes without leading scorers Rick Estes (who banged knees with a not the fact that they played away, we would be unde- above elevated Green Terror to go in the game, Kaplan had close; it's what the scoreboard teared." goalie MatI S1. Jean, putting the same opportunity 15 min- H-Ford player midway through reflects in the end. utes prior. After taking the ball the second half) and Gut Entering Saturday's game from Ryan Hudson at midfield, Valladares, who sat our the game with Haverford. the Green Ter- Kaplan outran and outdribbled with a sprained fool. Both injuries ror had just come off a brutal 2- two Ford defenders. This lime are not season-ending and both Iovertime loss to Dickinson. In Kaplan knew where the goane should play this weekend against there three losses, WMC has was going and shot low and Franklin and Marshall. left-to-right, past a sprawling After Frank Adamson put lost by no more than two goals. Therellto close the gap to 3-2. Haverford on the board thrcemm- Example number one: Then "The last time I went down utcs into the game, Rick Estes 17th-ranked Carnegie Mellon a nice Chrisuaan there, the two guys were clos- took Abildso scored with less than a minute pass and lied the game up at I-I ing in on the sides and Idecided left in the game to seal a 2-0 to go straight up the middle and with 33 minutes left in the first wtn. it cut my angle down, so be got half. Example number two: Many it. This time, the same thing Both teams played aggressive, failed opportunities hurt them happened except I pushed it to slash-mouth soccer. This should in a 2-0 loss to Swarthmore. the left and it opened up the not be surprising from a Green Example number three: right side of the goal," ex- Terror standpoint because of the Saturday's game with plained Kaplan. who knew that 5-1 healing up at Haverford last Haverford. year where WMC players felt that Once again, the Green Ter- Therell would be thinking left. ror played good enough to win Kaplan's goal was the sec- the Fords were taunting them and running up the score. Slide tack- at home versus Haverford, but ond in as many games for the les and hard fouls were often oc- the same story took place as Westminster native. WMC took another tough one- Ryan The Green Terror would not currences but both teams could not muster a goal before the first goal loss, falling to the Fords 3- _._ Haverford. regain possession as Haverford 2. ~ - The Green Terror head the Pi-ford advantage at 3-1. ran out the clock. intermission. Much to the Green Terror "We came out and played a "In the first half, we played ~:et ~~~ts~iP;h~; :I:~~do~h~~~ it up best about (3-4-1,0-3)credit. they did not great game, after having a real well but we didn" t finish," rear ends off ," said dejected "In most of these games, we quit. game like Dickinson ... We're stated Ptevyak. Green Terror head coach John should be ahead. Instead, we Minutes before the third definitely not letting down. Both teams place 16 shots on Plevyak. are in a battle where where Ford goal, Kaplan took the This isn't going to bring us goal as St Jean and Therell made a "It's ---- conference game we're just trying to get back ball past midfield an",d ",miTad~C-=d::-ow_n~; things are going to come 12 saves apiece. Women's-Cross Country '94 Season Could Show Marked Improvement that much better." says Renner. By JAy HILBERT s".,,,,&Jj,(>< Among the new runners that are After a disappointing eighth place looking crack the top five include finish at Centennial's last season, freshman Laurie Cicero, who has the Green Terror women' s cross been leading the workouts so far, country team made sure that last sophomores Jen Light and Maureen year's ending would not be repeated. McDonough, and junior Amy With the addition of eight new Havener. runners (13 overall). the 1994 sea- The returnees include juniors son could very easily be one of great Emily Fleming, Sarah Ensor, and improvement for tenth-year head Melanic Phipps. coach Doug Renner. "Depth-wise, we'll have a pack," "Everyone seems real motivated tells Renner. .... they're out for a reason, you can "Keeping everyone together and tell," said senior captain Erin pushing each other," says Jenkins Jenkins. will be her biggest job as captain. Jenkins is the leading returning Competition-wise, the ladies will runner from '93. Jenkins' best time deal with a 10th-ranked Haverford came last year at Centennial's with a team thai always seems to reload 22 minute, 40 second performance, year-after-year, while Gettysburg good enough for second on the team and Franklin and Marshall are usu- behind Kendra Weible (19:56). ally tough. But Jenkins, according [Q Renner, The heart of their schedule begins might have to improve on her own at the Dickinson Invitational on Oc- performances. "Where Erin was tober 8th. It will be after that meet number two behind Kendra last year, where Renner sees as an evaluating she is going to have to fight to even point for determining what's realis- be in the top five this year; we're tic with the conference.
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