Page 41 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 41
Welcome Home Alumni, 1994 Homecoming THE PHOENIX Western Maryland CoDege Levine Hall Finally Receives Some Needed Attention By DAN SCHAEFFER treated as well as the other abled students on the top two tenstve." used, A garage connected to seven liberal arts. HWMC says floors, where all of the indi- He said they su11 have the Levine Hall, the music they offer a liberal arts educa- vidual practice rooms are. "It plans for the elevator and ground floor of The Studio building located behind tion, yet music is cut out," she would be a big problem for a renovation of the top two was converted for use as the Alumni Hall, is finally getting ceramics studio, Seidel said. some attention, but not as The ceramics studio was much as originally expected. cleared for use last Thurs- Renovations in Levine Hall day, although it still needs and some have been greatly reduced 10 painting he said, lights in- stalled, keep the campus-wide project The photography lab on under budget. said Ethan Seidel, vice president of ad- the upper level will be con- studio verted ministration and finance. January. to a jewelry Photography in Only the first floor will be (0 a be moved remodeled in Levine Hall next classes lab will being built in new summer, he said. Most of the Peterson Hall, he said. work involves remodeling the Other renovations include recital hall and making the en- enlarging the critique room tire first floor handicapped ac- and exposing the loft above cessible. he said, the drawing studio, Seidel Also, a new entrance will built on the side facing said. Most of the remodeling Alumni Hall, Seidel said. A work in The Studio will be pathway on the left of Alumni done during Jan term, he said. will wind down the hill to the Both art buildings, The door, he said. Studio and Peterson Hall, Margie Boudreaux, music professor, said the renova- will be finished by the start of "'!j1·1:1.~ ~'·::,:':"ll,'t. ii•.--.:\:_1- P,:l.,'r",)fl, 1":1. "'1': events nerd In we recital hall, Fine Arts Building, will as well as several jazz bands said. "They need to give the person using a wheelchair," floors. "Levine will receive have a new metal roof with and small ensembles which music department something she said. the most attention in the next two chimneys on top. Ins ide, practice there, but is unhappy to work with," Boudreaux said one of the renovation project," he said. there will be an art gallery about the cut of the second Tbis was not the first cut to music majors has a diaablility, Boudreaux said the plans and a new computer graph- and third floors. the Levine project, Boudreaux making it difficult for him to are very good. "It will be a ics lab. All the renovations said. An elevator, which climb stairs. "He can get up to very fine music building if Only the lOP two floors would have made all three the second floor, but not very we can move forward with there are being funded by a gift have individual practice floors wheelchair-accessible, comfortably," she said. the plans." ~ $1 million Peterson, from Mrs, Clementine rooms, she said, "The re- was cut from the preliminary She said the choir and Also suffering cuts in the Also, Alumni Hall will be hearsal rooms are in great plan last year also because of band rehearsal areas in Big renovation project is The made handicapped-acces- need of renovation," said budgetary restraints. Baker are not accessible ei- Studio on Uniontown road, sible by installing an eleva- Boudreaux, who found out "1 had strong objections to ther, An addition to house new tor inside and building a about the cut last April. that cut," she said, "but I was "The work really needs to ceramics and jewelry-mak- ramp out front, Seidel said. There are only ten music not consulted about it." be done," Seidel said, "but we ing studios was scrapped, done majors, Boudreaux said, but at She is very concerned don't have the funds at this but other spaces within the The work will be he said, by November, early least 150 people use the build- about accessibility for dis- point for a renovation that ex- existing structure will be ing to take private music les- Boudreaux said Levine hasn't been renovated for 60 articles, she said. years and has water damaged Terry Dalton,journalism pro- walls and ceilings. She said There is going tobe achang- fessor and Phoenix advisor, said that part of the ceiling col- ng of the guard. starting with the the newspaper will miss having lapsed in a room on the second ext issue of the Phoenix. SA Sommer as its editor. "Her floor last year and the ceiling This week's issue will be se- dedication to the paper, and tiles were just glued back on, ior S.A. Sommer's last as edi- sound news judgement, served r-m-chlef Sommer has been The Phoenix well," he said. In addition to the poor con- e leader of The Phoenix for a Taking over for Sonuner is dition of the building, it also ester and a half, sophomore Lisa Hill, managing doesn't have very good sound She origina1Jy was going to editor. quality. "Soundproof walls tep down as editor after graduat- arc needed in the upstairs ng in December, but a heavy her successor earlier this se- practice and rehearsal rooms," ork load this semester made her and has been prepariog Boudreaux said. ide to step down earlier, .. her tor therosuion "I think Lisa Michelle Zepp, music ma- "Between work, school, and a terrific job," Sommer jor, said it's hard to practice orne. 1 feel like I don't have when someone is using a nough time to devote to being nearby room. "If I'm playing a ditor," she said. "My philosophy Sommer's shoes nicely, "Lisa woodwind, someone practic- s that if I can't give 100%, I has considerable experience in ing the piano in the next room n't do it." S,A. Sommer shows new editor, Lisa HiD a new trick for student journalism and will, I can overpower its sound," she Sommer said she is sad to be laying out the paper, feel certain, continue to publish said. iving up her role as editor, "I However, Sommer is not She will do movie reviews every a newspaper we can be proud Zepp said music should be ive on the paper," she said. leaving Tile Phoenix entirely. issue, and occasional free-lance of," he said.
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