Page 43 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 43
Thursday, October !3,}994 Page 3 • Perspective What Do YouDo With A Hatian Boat Person? Once again America is embarking people of our own whom we have at- would be welcomed to the U.S. general. These other people did not on the path to enlighten our neigh- ready conditioned to work at menial Well my goodness, you might say, think that this was the best idea, and. bors to the south and extending our tasks, and by allowing a fresh wave where is that promise? You mean he now they are making their voices hand in friendship to the people of of unskilled workers we are really was not really planning to help the heard. The truth, perhaps, is Ihat the most impoverished nation in the threatening the powers that be, for Haitians? But he promised! He also President Clinton's heart was in the western hemisphere. We are cur- these new people will not be assirni- promised a middle class tax cut and right place, and his intentions were rently assisting the poor citizens of lated right ~ ~we could right on the mark, however the real- Haiti to rebuild their nation so that away, and be wait- ity of the whole situation is some- freedom and democracy will forever ~~e:e a d1f~ V:/' ~ ;:.'..._---~l~C: ~~; thing else. The people of America reign on this island to our south. , 1rg;1 a1n ~~ile fO~ are not necessarily as generous as he Yeah right,,,., if you believe that ["CO, cul- that one is, and they do nOI want him giving one, I can think of a few bridges that ture, a dif- too! their stuff to the Haitians. I would like to sell you. The posi- Icrenr out- At the The world in which we live is a tion as officially articulated. to rein- look on risk of very strange one at times, and here is state the democratically elected life, and more importantly they actu- treating the President too harshly, a glaring example. A well president who is currently in exile, ally believe in the American Dream. the truth must be at least brushed intentioned leader of a first world one Mr. Jean Bertrand Aristede, and Wow, now that could be a prob- upon. Bill Clinton is the victim just nation seeks to help a third world to oust the military dictator, one Mr. lem! It has taken generations to as much as those poor Haitians who country, but we really lack the meth- Cedras. is very polite and may ap- condition our own poor that their drowned off the coast of Florida in odology and the philosophy to help peal to the masses, but there are rea- plight is their fight and that they are their rotting hulks as they inched to- these people. The result is the re- sons just below the surface that beg not our responsibility. This truly ward a dream of a better life. He placement of a military dictator with to be examined. could ruin everything for those in was campaigning and trying to real- the U.S. military acting as the true Could it be that our government is power. ize his dream to be president, and to force in charge. really interested in making a better Has it occurred to you that Presi- get there he had to make a few prom- There is no real plan to rebuild a future for the citizens of Haiti, or dent Bill Clinton, the domestic af- ises. Nothing really damaging there, Haitian infrastructure, to conceive could it possibly be that our govern- fairs President is tackling this prob- right? governmental institutions which ment simply does not want to deal lem which would seem on the sur- The damaging part came when he will not only benefit, but will inspire with the consequences of what has face to be more of a foreign affairs woke up one morning and heard of the Haitian people. Until these Is- happened since Mr. Cedrus has been issue? Pretty weird, huh" the people who were risking life and sues are resolved. the plight of the in power? Well if you think about it, this is limb to come to America because people there will be no different To be more to the point. could it very much a domestic issue. WeI- they did not know that just because than it was the last time we invaded [1..: rhat what we nrc baring witness to C01l1e President Ctmton 10 the world the American President said some- them during the Wilson adrmntstru .. •..;~, rcc+sr policy of OUI' ck::h'd (lj ri- of rc(dity where just giving lip ;"c'r- !hinl~, 111' could <;lill change his cia!-, who UU nor wunt in srv '.I'''\l·~ virc is IIO! ':':I'Ot! cnoueh. 1-'<;:1 hall" 1111'11..1. He h suhjcc! III lh~ !Hl'<';SUI'(' of Immigrants from Haiti coming to you may ~ecaJi tuat candidate of 11k P::'I'!'ll' illl:l!,'d;:o!li·, ;.tfll!l,tli ':10'1' America and threatening to take the Clinton welcomed the boat people to him, the Congress, the press, and winners in this scenario. lower paying jobs away from those America, and in fact be said they eventually the American people in title: YI)\H:';' / V! IIA~I·..!M UI'!'111 'J'.JIC)r~ ~.I (_JI I n L1\111)''' ~~!l!! Students show a difference of opinion concerning the ob- servance of Colwnbus Day on Campus. A defense of the celebration was found on the window of the communter lounge, while indictments were taped allover campus. '------ ._._-_ .•._---------,---_._- -...- .- _. ----~..-_ ..-- --_._ ...
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