Page 40 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 40
Lowe &Pickersgill To Coach Wrestling Team native, was officially hired in tournament, Lowe and mission by Dr. Carpenter to be By JAY HILBERT Spo",Ed;",' the first week in July, taking Pickersgill (who knew each involved in the selection of Add a 1993 National over for Paul Johnson, who other from previous wrestling the new coach. After Lowe's Greco-Roman Wrestling quit in April following the camps) conversed and selection, he hired Pickersgtll By JAY HILBERT S""".£4;,,,, champion, who coached for '93-94 season. Pickersgill informed Lowe as an assistant, since accord- What is one thing that the Salisbury Slate and the Mary- Already, Lowe is aiming about the vacancy. ing to Lowe. both men share ball strike will ruin? land National Cadet teams for the top. Pickersgill advised Lowe to the same philosophy about the with the heart and soul of "This is going to sound a put his "foot in the door. program. Green Terror wrestling for the bit lofty, but I want to do for a The following week, Lowe The hiring of these two en- ons, brothers, families, and past four years and what do Division III program here at came up and visited with Ath- thusiastic and career wrestlers ven husbands and wives shar- you get? Western Maryland what Dan letic Director Dr. Richard Car- is a sign that the wrestling ng in the American pastime. The end result is the hiring Gable did for Iowa- (Gable penter and Dr. Ray Phillips, program here will be dramati- e "pastime" that is for every- of John Lowe as the new took over a slumping Iowa English department chairman, cally improving over the next y; no matter what you look WMC wrestling coach and program and (hen led them to since Lowe teaches as well. couple of seasons. ike or how much money you fanner Western Maryland 10 NCAA championships)," .. At the time, he (Dr. Car- Last Wednesday night's wrestling captain Ray says Lowe. penter) didn't think anything first wrestling meeting was at- Pickersgill as an assistant. Lowe describes his coach- was going to occur, but he tended by approximately 15- "The first thing we have to ing style as "positive and en- said he would keep me in 20 prospective wrestlers. Ac- do is let people know that the ergetic. mind," said Lowe. A month cording to some of the wres- wrestling program is not go- It was through Pickersgill later, Johnson announced that tlers that I spoke with, they Ties-winning home run, no ing to be what it was," ex- that Lowe found out about the he would not return for the are very excited and looking urt Gibson hobbling around plains Lowe. job. '94-95 season. forward to the first day of be bases, and no Carlton Fisk Lowe, a SI. Michaels, MD During the Maryland state Piekersgill was given per- practice on October 23rd. ighlights from the '75 World eries, hitting tbe winning orne run to bring his Red Sox earn even with the Reds. It's aments like these that you eam for baseball. Now the game is decided by mances, not wins. Owners anting salary caps; players ticking together to preserve hat they and future genera- ions will earn. If their is one lesson to be earn by all of this, it is that aseball is a business, first, and game, second. How long will baseball trike? Nobody knows, but cn't hold your breath. The layers are united and the own- rs will not back down like in ears past. The owners have ever proven they are losing oney in the 22 years of these trikes. The players draw hatred cause of the large salaries. t's a game no one will win; xpect....The NHL. Coming off a season in here the New York Rangers in the Stanley Cup for the ftrst ime in 54 years, hockey needs he exposure now. With no Oc- ober baseball, the NHL needs a penetrate the fans as quickly s possible. Hockey has always awn interest and excitement, ur not enough to make it a true uperpower. One thing stands in the way: kout. The last thing hockey needed as a delay to the start of tbe A college education takes $$$. every year to students majoring in engi- ason, but they are going to get Don't send out an SOS.U 2 can get the neering, science, business, nursing and t. The main issue: Salary Cap $$$ you need with a merit-based a number of other majors, B 1of sounds familiar). The NHL Army ROTC ScholaIShip. 1,000's them. Army ROTC scholaIShips eeds to settle the dispute now of scholarships are awarded areA+. 'J'hey'reasgoodasAu. r suffer less acceptance across e USA. It does not mean a .ng that the NHL has gone to ampaor Anaheim if you don't ARMYROTt lay. ext issue: 75 years of NFL THE SMABTESTCOLLEGE ootball and my all-time NFL OOIJRSEYOU CAN TAKE. earn. If the Pittsburgh Post Ga- ene can do it. so can I> For further information, please contact MAJ Navarro (2nd floor Gill Gym) extension 720.
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