Page 34 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 34
Thursday, SeR\~l1'l!er29, 1994, ~l!ge ~R 60 Seconds 1IIttASA. s~ on Campus Time Cop Time Cop, staring box of- (which seems to find its same problems present in fice sensation Jean-Claude way into any movie he's in Time COp which are preent By Aden Moges Van Dammc. shows another even if it seems a bit odd for in all timetravel movies, the side to this kick boxing his character to posees ei- scenario is overall believ- How do you feel about the movie icon. The director ther such skill or such able if you believe that time trvel could be a possibility. renovations on campus? actually has give some di- knowledge). Tiem COp al- The first few travel se- lows him to explore the ac- rection to the actors and the screenplay actually gives tual realm of acting. quences arc a bit confusing some depth to the rugged, Though the supporting and slow, but the show "It doesn't bother time travelling futuristic G- cast arc basically un- picks up and givces the au- me!" man. knowns, leading lady Mia dience a ride that's worth Van Damme, who usually Sarah does a fine job of por- the price of admission. has not been noted for his traying Van Dammes ill- I give Time Cop a B- for acting ability, but rather for fated wife. plot, but definitely an A+ his skill in kick-boxing Though there arc the for action and advent rue, Hanh Trinh IP2.®mm®SJ § m®wn®w§ g Communications Deee-Lite "It needs to be done during the summer. " By Keith Remo Many will remember The new CD, Dewdrops some Good Loving:' The Deec-Lue the three is, for the In the Garden, Dean Wansel '97 multicultural as groovenicks most sexual record. jazzy "Apple Juice Kissing" describes the pleasure in a Communications that dressed in retro garb The album opens with "Say good kiss: "Kisstn' in the back and had one club hit, Ahhh ... ", which declares row/ tbat's how we missed the "Groove Is In the Heart." freedom of sexual exptes- moviel said you had cotton- Although the group cannot slon. Lead vocalist Lady mouth/ that apple juice was boast much mainstream sue- Kier urges us to "enter groovyl Splishl smack on my cess, it is definitely not in- sexual altered slates" on the lips! Applejuice kissln' makes dicative of the quality music premise that we stay pro- me roll my hips." In addition they continue to put out. tected. On the relentless to the repertoire, Lady Kier Although Deee-Ltte has "Somebody", the Lady vents showcases two of her poems, added a new person to their her desires blatantly: "I want "Mind Melt" and "What Is line-up, the characteristics somel need some! got to have This Music?", both of that made them so likable some! take somel make which are set to ambient, before have not changed. some...good lovin'." Bed trance-like melodies. Deee-Lite continues to deco- tricks are explored on "Stay In The third album from rate their music with ob- Bed, Forget the Rest": "When Deee-Llte, Dewdrops In the scure samples, copious bass, you bite your bottom lip/ I Garden proves to be the and the most infectious want to do back ffips/, Kiss band's freshest and funkiest "It is your belly button/ And show long."
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