Page 44 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 44
" ~"~"----------------__----~~__~~~----~--~--------7---------, I ~ I \ n,:~:G.~;YF%!Il_r:jjWg;T"r_:::';:::WifW¥(l1K;<:. :';:,:JWWK'_g5i0i;;::;iWW~~' Hate Mall Won't BeTolerated formal investigation by the police." BMIHost Classified By LISA T. HaL He went on to state that the FBI was notified for intelligence purposes, in case Haunted Ads As many WMC students already know, several students discovered flyers a related incident has recently occured at promoting racial and ethnic hate in public places in the area, such as the Rouzer, l\1cDaniei. and near the post of- Cranberry Mall. Factory - fice on September II. Leaflets were "The Anomey Genera1 wants to make again discovered on September 17 dur- it a top priority to prosecute bate inci- WANTED ing the football game in front of dences," Webster explained. 'The FBI BMI HOSTS HAUNTED FACTORY Winslow. The incidences were reported keeps an eye on bate groups around the ON TIlE HARBOR Campus representative- KODAK SPRING BREAK TRIPS PRODUCTS to Campus Safety, and President Cham- country ...they have many more resources BALTIMORE, MD---On Friday, oe. "Guanranteed" BEST PRICES & bers sent a letter to the entire student to deal with this kind of thing." tober 28 from 7:30 to II PM and Satur- INCENTIVES. Cancun. Nassau, body, denouncing the hate mail and Webster also stated that this kind of day, October 29 from 5:30 to 11PM, the Jamaica, S. Padre. and Florida. We occurance does not happen often at WMC. Baltimore Museum of Industry will play handle the bookkeeping ... you handle stressing the benefits of diversity at the sale~. CALL 1-800-222-4432. WMC. "Wehadmaybeonly three reported in- host to lovers of the macabre as victims According to Campus Safety, several cidents last year and maybe two this of gory industrial accidents are set to SPRING BREAK '95 students in Rouzer were targeted, the fly- year," Webster reported. "And they are frighten visitors to the third annual ers having been taped to certain people's usually anti-gay, not racial." Haunted Factory on the Harbor. These SELL TRIPS, EARN CASH, & GO If the person or persons responsible doors. for this are apprehended, there will be a ghosts are spooky reminders of what FREE!!! Student Travel Services is now hiring campus representatives "Whenever we have these hate inci- happens when a workplace is beset by Lowest rates to Jamaica, Cancan. fonnal judicial hearing on the case. dents, we always involve the anyone bas any information leading to If careless workers from ages long past. Daytona and Panama City Beach. Call [Westminster] City Police," stated Mike those responsible, please contact Cam- Timmy the Tinsmith, "Boiling 1-800-648-4849. Webster. "Since not just one specific Boris," tbe goulisb "Drill Team," and the person was targeted, there will not be a pus Safety. Deadly Tool Hall of Fame are but a few FUND RAISING of tbe blasts from tbe past you will en- Grafton Book Sandwiched In counter at tbe factory,located in an 1865 Choose from three fundraiscrseither lasting throe or seven days. No oyster cannery building. The cannery's first owner, Mr. Sandy Platt, is sure to investments. Earn $$$ for your group and personal cash bonuses for yourself Westrnin<;tcr,NID--~,by the college and Locust Books of make an appearance. Call 1·800-932-0528. ext. 65. Sue Crafton, willbetbe second book this fall Westminster, takes place in Mcljeniel on se- In addition, the BMI will present a to be discussed in Books Sandwiched In, the lecteddaysduringthenoonhour. Thccvcm's waterfront production of "Legend of the informal book review and exchange session organizers have arranged these sessions to Haunted Tug" (weather permittingj: tea- NEICEO at Western Maryland College. Itwill be held bringpeople together from all walks ofhfc 10 turing the 1906 steam tugboat Bahimore People interested ai working on thc 011 11lUfStUI)', October 20 from 1~ noon to I diSUISs and review books in an informal at- and a possible sighting of Patsic. the: business or ud, ~I! ;,j,!jC vtaff for ) ,:U[ f'M in r-:kDmid Lounge. 11K (:n'111 "rr.:l' mospbcrc. Pruticipamxurcmvitcdto reine u p,\\:lr~C(l Monster. F.,' :~.",.., ;hl,I!>p.")ll,lhcjlutJlic. lunch and enjoy rbc beverages prn\·li.kLl '1;1(' Ha!JIw:J f-;~("I(l'l Oil !he Harl"'l(l,' i:< LeKoy Panek, proresso- of engnsn, will Pub1isbed in 1994, "k'" Is fur Killer ce- a festive way to celebrate Halloween share his views of this wak. Dr. Pmdcbas scribes Kinsey MiIJhooe's attempt to solve publi.sbedanemberotbooss.erucesaedre- the mystery of a classy booker's death. De- with the whole family and experience the city's for Museum views during his career, focusing primarily spite an abrupt eOOing that has the reader Kids." "Best Hend-On So LONG,AND THANKS on his love of mysteries. His books include sean::bingfCl'missingclues.tbesturdilyengi· The Baltimore Museum of Industry is FOR ALL THE FISH Watteau's SOOQherds' The DetediyeNoyel =
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