Page 35 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 35
Thursday, Septemb~r 29, 1994 Page 11 On TheHUI Boys from page 1 scene-English "The work is very redun- Shane Ireland, Derek Johnston, they have been treated. "It feels esung to watch the way the di- dant," stated Orellana. "We classroom a snackbar scene Lit.-and Kevin Lundell, Matt Marchese, degrading to be the background rector tells us where to stand Dan O'Kelly, Orlando actors ...Wc are the overlooked and when to walk:' do the same scene over and where I'm righ behind the lead actor:' Torpy said, describing Orellana, Andy Price, Christian cast members:' explained Todd The actors have only done over. If the actors didn't walk Radgowsky. Scott Schenzer. Bickling. senior biology pre- one or two 2-3 minute scenes, or talk right...everything has some of the work already done. "It's good experience," Scott Schobcrg. Nick Speitel, dental major. "We're the last even though they have worked to be perfect." Todd Stampp, John Torpy, and ones to know about things ...The several days. In one scene. the While the rest of the stu- While none of the actors Chris Tripp. last ones to eat, too. And be- WMC students provide the dent body at WMC will be have yet to report that lhey have Despite rumors, everyone sides, the pay sucks for the num- crowds of students in the hall- going home over Fall Break, seen Winona Ryder, those that has equal parts in the movie. ber of hours:" ways of the prep school. Vir- several of the WMC actors had had a chance to talk with "They all get treated like kings However, many of the WMC tually all the students agreed will be participating in a fair the male leads all agreed that whcn they go, though," actors, including Sickling. were that the work gets very boring scene for the movie. theyarc "great guys:' 'The biggest thing that Milstein saidIaugfung. very impressed with some and tedious. At least one WMC student, Some of the guys could not things. "I found it very interest- "I never thought they sophomore physical educa- shocked me was that the stars agree more. "They fed us ing to find out how they do ev- worked that hard on a movie," tion/education major John arc just like we are," stated Shane Ireland, a sophomore great!" exclaimed Orlando erything on the set," Sickling exclaimed WMC student Josh Torpy, will be returning to Orellana, sophomore English added. Hunter. work on the movie sometime political science major. "It's an major. "The other day we had "Its very interesting ... a new "It's interesting to see how later in October to film scenes experience I'll never forget. filet mignon and shrimp experience for me," remarked much [work] goes into one of the dormitory floor where and I'd definitely do it again:' scampee for lunch!" sophomore psychology major scene," added sophomore Dan the lead actors "live." Other students bad a much Kevin LundelL "I find it inter- O'Kelly. "We've already filmed a Classilled different impression of how RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING Ads "I " I ~ I" I \ \ 1\1 WANTED Campus representative- KODAK PRODUCTS SPRING BREAK TRIPS ..~" BEST PRICES & INCENTIVES Cnacun, Nassau. Jamaica, S Padre & Florida. We handle the bookkeeping you handle the sales. CALL 1-800-2224432 SPRING BREAK '95 SELL TRIPS. EARN CASH. & GO FREE!!! Student Travel Services is now hiring campus representatives. Lowest rates to Jamaica. Cancun, Daytona and Panama City Beach. Call 1-800- 648-4849. NEEDED People .interested in working on the business or advertising staff for your campus newspaper. The Phoenix. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Sales oriented person. Great opportunity. Eamiungs unlim- ited. PIt. All interested should 1st Row - Anne Fuller, Ann Reen, and Jessica Mongrain meet in Decker Center, upper 2nd Row - Todd Caple, Bill Lubking, Marshall Brown, Melissa Summers, Kim Haker, and Scott Morsberger level on Monday. October 3 from 3rd Row _ Todd Retchless, Rob noener. Andy Dziengeleski, Chris LeCron, Jeff Daniels, and Ed Waters to am -I pm Call 8764621 FuNDRAISING ARMY ROTC SALUTES OUR SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS. Choc c from three fundraisers laung either three or seven days. No investments. Earn $$$ for Every year Army ROTC awards thou- as books, lab fees and an allowance up to your group and personal cash sands of merit-based scholarships to quali- $lOOO/year. But more than that, Army bonuses for yourself. Call 1-800- fied students around the country and ROTC is one C:=0urse.that develops 932·0528, ext. 65 right here in your school These your leadership abilities and confi- scholarships pay most tuition. as well dence, qualities that lead to success. IN SEARCH OF ••• the answer to the ultimate queation of life. the universe and ARMY ROTC everything. (It'snot42.) FREE BEER!!!! THE SMARTESTCOWGE COURSEYOUCANTAKE. And now that we have your auenuicn. thank you for reading For more information call Major Reuben Navarro at ext. 727 or visit OUf offices in Gilt Gym. the classiflcds.
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