Page 38 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 38
Thursday, September 29, 12\14,Page 14 Seniors Lead VolleyballThrough '94 Season By JAY UIl.BERT rnemoncs have S",,'16 EtJj,OI' bcen disappoint- What do the past three ments. They will winning seasons in WMC all remember the women's volleyball have in road trips, playing common? Six superb players. the games, and the Throughout the past three question every try- years, Denise Spangler, out: will Jensen Krista Shaffer, Jen Jensen, make the team this Anne Ptunckeu, Jenny year? .. When I Keilholtz, and Tineka Byes was a freshman I have led the Green Terrors was really worried through coaching changes I wasn't going to and disappointing postseason make it, and it's a v, losses. And co-captain big joke even now Spangler feels that, "we've at tryouts. Every- definitely grown closer over one is like 'is Jen Senior Krista Shaffer (#2) has been a big contributor to the success of the volleyball program since the years." Jensen considers going to make it?'" the '91 season .. the other player some of her Jensen explains. spite going out in the first had 15 kills, 83 total attack at- knowing this was their senior best friends, "we' re all best Playing togetber for three game of the Mary Wastungton tempts, nine service aces, and year, and they have specific friends and we have been years has really brought these Invitational with a sprained 79 digs. goals. They're working hard." feels that they are good Shealso since freshmen year." Co- six close on and off tbe court. ankle. In 1993 she was on the Tineka Ilyes has had 40 captain Shaffer agrees, " " we all know what to say to All-Centennial Conference kills, 121 total attack attempts, role models for tbc younger they were my first friends on each other. We look to each second team. two service aces, and 42 digs players on and off the court. campus. We've always other for help," says Plunkett. Krista Shaffer is also a co- tbis season. She is a 5-8 out- "They are maturing and taking been close. Even though " We know how to critique captain. She is a 5-9 outside side hitter from Red Lion PA. on the role as seniors and lead- we're in different activities each otber in a positive way." hitter from Corriganville, MD Jen Jensen is a 5- JO middle ers of the team very well." we've always stayed close." According to Byes this and she has bad 85 kills, 284 hitter from Rock Hall, MD. llyes feels that there is a lot These six have been closeness and familiarity has total attack attempts, six service She has had 32 kills, 93 total of motivation between the six through a lot together in the really helped on the court. aces, and 75 digs so far this sea- attack attempts, and one dig. of them because this is their se- past three years. In 1991 "We have a lot of experience son. Shaffer made the AII- Anne Plunkett is a 5-5 out- mar year ... We want to go to llild 92 they rest in tfie semi- pfaymg witf each other. We Tournament team at both the side fritter and defense special- the NCAA's, this is our fast finals of the middle atlantic know how everyone plays, Gettysburg and Mary Washing- ist who is from Nassau Bay chance." And Molloy feels " tbat tbeir desire to win shows. conference playoffs. And we're used to being on the ton Invitationals. In 1993 sbe Texas. She has had 32 kills, They are more aggressive, last season they were third court together which gives us received All-Centennial honor- 128 total attack attempts, eight they're realizing the fact of how in the Centennial. "We're an advantage." able Mention. service aces, and 56 digs so far good they are, and they want to always on the edge of mak- Denise Spangler, co-cap- Jenny Keilholtz is a 5-8 this season. :took the competition in the eye ing it to Nationals," says tain, is a 5-10 middle hitter outside/middle hitter from This is £Qach .... Carole rather than shy away. They're Jensen. They also had a from Hanover PA. So farthis Taneytown MD. She went to Molloy's second season with still getting better," she says. coaching change before the season she has had 87 kills, Francis Scott Key High these seniors and she is pleased 1993 season. 219 total attack attempts, 12 School and is a commuter stu- with how they have been play- "The seniors will definitely be But not all of their service aces, and II digs de- dent. So far this season shc has ing so far. .. They came in missed:' ':~~R~JyIomen~Crushing 'l~~=~"!}ll!!~wr s"" .., Ed;"" "It's really hard (to play teams 'That IS a,matter of ~ng reach. Shatter led with eight kills. Green Terror volleyball contin- with less successful records) 00- ~ comm~cation ~ gelling Spangler led the way with 13 ." thought we played very ues 10 kick. butt and take names. cause you havctobercady fc-any- up f~r what s happening. We kills while Dill had 18 set assists well," said Molloy of the team's LastSaturday,itwasCcntenniai thing. It's tough to stay focused, wereJ~stflal We need l?getthat and four kills. performance. "What I said in the Conference toes Bryn Mawr and butlthinkwereaJ1ydidagco:ljob ~n~~~ and gel things go- With an easy match such as huddle was that 'we played the Ursinus who came to wesurunster or that today," said semor co-cap- mg, said head coach Carole Ursinus (1-12, 0-4), MOUDy had a way we wanted to on our side and foraconferencetri-meetaffair. The tain Denise Spangler. Molloy. 'We'vchadthatha~n chancclOclearherbench,anoppor- it really didn't affect us who was Green Terror easily took care of For a while, the second game before but we Jump back m. tunity that does rot come often. on the other side. We made some Bryn Mawrln the first match 15-3, of the Bryn Mawr mateh was a We've turned it around a lot TIle matehes also gave me Green adjustment'), Iknew they weren't 154 and 15-6 and rolled over little closer then intended. WMC quicker when we've had that Terror room to work on different going to be a hard-hitting Ursinus in the second IS-I, 15-1, hekla74beforeboth teams would problem earlier in the season." things. team ...Everybody concentrated "lt gives us achance to work on and communicated well." After the lull, things we like to do in practice but In bam matches, the Green ~~~ h m Dill we don't always have time to do Tenor were Ihe bencficiaryofnu- likethequicks,thebad::rowattack, . merous errors from Ursmus and served cight andunngshketna.t' saidscnior co- Bryn Ma'M'. straight points, captain Krista Shaffer. The Green Terror record now finishingthesec- Ursinusdidtakeearlyl-Oleads stands at 14-20verall,4-Oinlhc end gamc as in two of the three games, but the Centennial (before Tuesday's Bryn Mawr lead was wiped out very quickly. game with defending Centennial committed four In the opening game, Green Conference champion Franklin errors in that Tenorsenior Anne Plunkett served and Marshall). span. thc team's fllSt seven points. Fol- Entering the game wilh F&M, lowing sideouts from both learnS, Molloy saw some areas that could The third game senior Ttneka lIyes fmished the Ix: improved u{Xlll. .o[ think we was as close as match with the following eight want to concentrnte on our block- 4-3 Western points (five on Green Terror kills, ing and coming off our defense Marylandbcfore two on Ursinus errors, and an Dyes and into a tough offense. We outscoring Bryn ace). TIle next two games went ac- served tough today and we want to Mawr 9-0, put- cordingly as the Bears of Ursinus try to do that in the future."
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