Page 36 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 36
J~ ~ t,;;t "'l ing more stuff time arguing some- 6. "You should that you have, be grateful about for the money than doing small that you are g J.(1~ S~ ~~,,~p:~:o~appy getting pai~ as much as you thing you at have always been most people don't even have as half enjoyedt=- muchv-c-Susan good and 1 are for playing a game, you Steve Manger '98 Vandenberge '96 What piece of advice would dough"-Dan Colem~n '96 are financially set for Jife"- 5. "It is a damn shame when 7. "I understand that an im- you give to the professional 2." All the money In the Merideth Sigman, Graduate professional baseball play- portant part for the baseball baseball players? world can not buy you true Assistant to College Activities players is the money but it happiness, that goes for the Office ers let down a sport like should be more than that, they I. "Your season is over, so owners and players, they 4. "You should do a job be- that, the owners are equally should put the money aside at fault"-Captain sit back, relax, and watch are both being greedy"- cause you enjoy doing it not Drumheller, ROTC and play for the love of the the NFL rake in the Dora Sabc, Switchboard for the money, you are spend- lliIiiJ. sportv=-Jason '98 Clark being 8. "Stop Greedy and get out there and ptayv-c-Esther Griffith, Post- mistress 9. "What ever happened to the fans, we are the ones who pay you"-Elliott Koch 97 10. "Settle with what you have and give more of your money back to the commu- nity instead of your material p 0 sse s - stonsv=-Br!c Fay'98 II. "Grow upv-c-Chartes Lee, Campus Safety 12. "Better luck next year"-fim Belcourt '97 13. "You should have kept talking and playing rather than going on s t r i k e vc-. Carol Quinn, Reference Li- brarian 14. -seute your disputes before you lose all of your fans and support"- Amy Hindman '96 IS. "Trade places with me, you go to college and [ will play baseball for your sal- ary"-Sara McCracken ยท96 16. "Next year I am going to watch the F red e ric k Keys"-Mike Webster, Di- rector of Cam- pus Safety
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