Page 33 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 33
Tlte Puzzfe Page BETTER BELIEVE B's ACROSS ACROSS 57 "Good"night, 11 Tennismatch 40 Arthurand 1 Amphitheater 1 "Mary hao aatne division (2 wds.) Rk:hards 6_upona 59 Norway's capital 12 Buzzers(?) 41 Sfraiqht course lime. 5 Sacks 60_majesty 13 Artdeg. 44Split-_soup 10 Tableclothlabric 9 Whale hunter 61 Approaches 21 England'sWWII 45 "_,oobold," 14Leamlhe~, 13 Misrepresent 62 Repose aces (abbr.] Spencer (2 wds.) 310 Quote, part 1 14 GeneralRobert 63 Proofread 23 To be, for Pierre 46 Anackfromall 15 Followsthrae _(init.+last 64 Laborer 24_quanon, sides 16 "Yes,_!" name) essential part 47 To_nollo (2wds.j 15_outon DOWN 25 Medievalservile be: Hamiel 17 Inn 16 Causinq deatn 1 Direct class (2wds.) 16Intolhe_, 17 'ts you 2 Choir voice 26 Start 48 Besides 310 quote, pari 3 ____:__ is you 3 One missing in 27 Make joyful 49 Dutch painter 20 Dormant ain't .. ."(2wds.) action (abbr.) 28 Backslide Frans 22 Hwys 18 Fencingsword 4 Tardy 29 Redveggies 50 Lucy's partner 23 Enemy 19 Much 5 Person 30 Beneath 51 Intend 25 Taxagcy. About Nothing 6 Too 31 Makeamends 52 In regard to 26 Friend 20 Italian river 7 Earth(preL) 32 Part 01 ship (2wds.) 27 Pound parts 22 Suits 8 Recentfighters 34 _ and end 53 29 _ play (2 24 Maledeer in Bosnia all(2wds.) Miserables wds.) 25 Maxes arap 9 First Hebrew 37 Disparage 56 OxiordEng. Diet 33 Vitals(abbr.) 26 Conviction letter (pI.) 38 Dutch colonist, 58 Sci. study, 34 Anddon'/_, 29 Blackorbrown 10lndianlribe SouthAIriCa inquiry atn qucte, part 2 animal 37 Neither's pat 30 Expressionol 3B Baseballpro contempt 39 Kleenex 33 Antelope 42 Be indebt 69 Michael Jordon, 19 FormerlyPersia Paulo 34 Swiss capital 43 "_you for one (abbr.) 21 the Brazil 35 RRl1bbr. coming?" 70 Warms on stove season. 46 Goody_s 36 Stare in wonder 44 Andis_, 23 Forthe_, (hyph.,sl.) 37 Complairus tsl.] Euripides quote, DOWN Euripides quote. 48 Mirrors reflect 38 "_,winds, part 4 l_ornothmg partS these and crack your 45 «ect a! a safe 2_Grande '24 "Not !"(3 49 Infrequent cheeks" distance (2 wds.) 3 Beginning's wds.~ 50 Mark 39 Nothisorhers 47 Withdraw opposite 26 Famous 52/nhis_, 40 Thrashes 50 Babel and Eitfel 4 Whoso Alexander, Eunpides quote, 41 Blessings 51 Papartners learning, Euripi- English author part 2 42 Society page 52 Yes des quote, part 1 27 Movieaward 53 Antique car word 54 Aged 5 On the briny 28 Time abbr. 55 Losesth8_. 43 Buildingwings 55 Former TV host 6 Propose 30 Peace or Euripides quote, 44 aasebaner 57 Gil,former 7 pecpre.ptaces. lileratureprize part 3 Reese Dodger things (2wds.) 56_Frank, 45 gemove weter 59/s8_260 diarist uom ooat quote. part 2 8 Rudely brief 31 Famous 57 Owl cry 9 46 Fermented 61 260 quote, last 10 A Sea eagle 32 playwright 58 Cut into glass Three-spots beverage word leamjng,260 34_E,elec 59 ActressSandra 47 urqent request 65 laborer 01 old quote, part 1 engin.deg 60 Cellular material 50 Makea_ 66 Bnellener II Whatprompler 35 Amer 621rishgrp 51 Military (abbr.) 67 Removedseeds glves(2wds.) 36 Pies kids make 63 Clear, as profit 54 Style,fiair 68 Pierre's 12 Automobiles 40 FamousMarch 64 Merchandise 55 Pedal digits' 13 Oir. days (abbr.) VERBAL - NOUN MATCH S 3.1 3 3 N S 3 .1 I a 3 .1 S 3 1:1 Each verb or phrase at left matched to a particular .noun at right will both a be definitions of the same third word. For example: add and nobleman are 3 8 0 :) 3 N S 3 S 1:1 V 3 N 3 S 3 1 0 1 S 0 both delinitions of the word count. Fill the correct letter in the first blank and SlNIH.1 snOl:l3S1Nva 3N31:::11 S30.1 NV13 the correct "third word" in the second blank. '!!!~s~3tOlliO~oiHM"ili'~'ijid.1 I W I:j 3 1 a 1 .1 S 3 e H 3 8 V 3 a 3 S I V ~ V t'"j 1. aViate +_=1 _ a year's season 3 1:1 I 13 1:1 33M 33 d S 1 1 3 33 N 2. clang + _:;: r _ b. coins 3MO IIIIIol'i3101131"IV an:) MOla N 0 e S~338 1 a 3dVSl S3nSSI.1 3. sock + _:;: p _ c. opening, opportunity 1:10 N S 1 ... .1 S S 0 3 N 8 S 3 a V 3 aN ... 1 3 ~ 3 4. close up + _ = s _ d. salary in~rease 1 S 1:1 I S 3 :) 30:1 N no S 1:::1 .1 V I 3 a SI .... .1 S I 1 3 8 S 5. conceal + = h e. path S 3 .1 1:1 1 N 3 1 .... 1 S 1 I :I 3 8 0 N 1:1 ... 6. clasp + _ = h _ wedding jewelry 31:1n.11Nl:ln:l 1:1 n a :I 3~aOl 33d3 SOl 80S1 3 1 3 3 1V.1 I 1 3 .... :I 8 3 3 7. trip + _ = f _ g. tool 3 :) N'O S SI .... 8 a t'"j .... 1 8. care for + _ = 1 _ h. spigot palono sauo pauJBa1 aaJ'-I.L S,S all.8!1aa Janas 9. tumble + _ = r _ i. animal pelt 10. alter +_=c _ j. hobo 11. be behind +_=t _ k. pistol 12. bata ball + =h _ I. public transport 13. lift up +_=r _ m. pesky insect 14. receive a pitch + _ = c _ n. zero in tennis 15. rev up +_=g _ o. bargain (sl.) 16. hold together + _ = p _ p. ship's cargo area 17. rap +_=t _ q. SAO performance 18. clear dishes + =b _ r. fishing haul 19. smash + =b _ s. party drink 20. tear apart + _ = w _ t. bowling need 21. purloin +_=s _ u. pastry 22. march + _ = t _ v. f1ippered mammal
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