Page 31 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 31
AdjunctTheatre Arts Professor, Steve Miller Dies Steven Miller, member of the ated from Plattsburgh Stale in Saturday, college community and adjunct 1982 and received his Masters ~~~ePh~: r"~at:,c"~;IIIIII•• 1l faculty member, died Monday, Degree in Design and Educa- September 19 at vermont Medical tion at the University of Illinois. Massena. Miller was involved in the Center. Miller had been associated with theatre in many parts of the Western Maryland College and country, receiving several theatre the Theatre Arts Department awards. since 1982 when he designed his Surviving in addition to hts par- ents, are sisters Pamela Patrick of first show for WMC, 'I1Ie !Joy Massena, N.Y. and Tracy Th- Frielul. Miller was born in Massena, ompson of Parishville, N.Y.; brother Mark Miller of New York, graduated from Massena High School, and at- Massena, N. Y. and nieces and tended Jefferson Community nephews. College for one year. He gradu- A memorial mass was held When It Comes To Exercise Trust The ACSM They know what they are tuting fitness. of fitness, your fitness needs, though equipment, like what is By CARRIE McFADDEN Exactly what does it take to and your fitness goals. in the fitness center, may pro- C"'"n'b"'in~WTi'" talking about. One source of ex- "Work out aerobically for at peruse-cor the people who get and stay fit? Well, accord- Here are the latest Inness reo- vide a superior stimulus, calis- leasl30 minutes." "Lift weights make these exercise rules-is ing to these guys, several es- ommendations from the ACSM: thenics are effective in improv- one set of 8-12 repetitions of 8- the American College of Sports sential components impact any I. Type of activity: any ac- ing and maintaining strength. 10 exercises per week." Medicine (ACSM). Actually, health-related fitness program, tivity, aerobic in nature, that 6. Flexibility exercise: a groups "Stretch, stretch, stretch." We the ACSM, created in 1954, is and these should be included in uses large muscle continuously. and well-rounded exercise program include can be maintained stretching to in- These compo- should your rouune. don't question these finn rules the largest and most respected crease Flexibility. Holding a set forth by the exercise indus- sports medicine and exercise nerus include cardiovascular Swimming, jogging, brisk walk- stretch for 6-30 seconds with try, we just sweatily follow science organizaton worldwide endurance, muscle strength ing, and dancing are all good ex- them-Of should, anyway. Af- with more than I2,000 members and endurance. flexibility, and amples of aerobic activity. no bouncing is the best way to ter all, experts say exercise is in 50 cournnes working in all body composition (the amount 2. Frequency of aerobic ac- achieve flexibility. good for us and torturous exer- areas of medicine, allied health of fat you have compared to tivity: 3-5 days per week. Gregg Nibbelink. WMC's cise is just a part of life, right? professions, and scientific disci- lean tissue). 3. Intensity of aerobic activ- head athletic trainer, advises Now, you know you have got plines. By their own defmition, But all you may want to ity: 60-90 percent of your taking the half-credit weight course training to become to exercise; that is just the way the ACSM is a "rich and color- know is how much exercise maximun heart rate. activ- miliar with the equipment and fa- of aerobic 4. Duration it is. The simple truth is that ful kaleidoscope of people and does it take to make you look ity: 20-60 minutes of continu- machines in our fitness center many people do not know how professions bound together to good? How much does it take ous activity. and the muscle groups they to get started. That is one rea- utilize medicine and exercise to rid your body of 5. Resistance training: work. len Flynn, WMC's soc- son we have these "experts" for a better and healthier quality unneccessary fat, improve your strength training -using free cer coach, is available to help telling us what to do and how of lire:' flexibility, and strengthen your weights or machtnes-i-suffi- aquaint students with the ma- often to do it. But have you ever What this anonymous group heart and muscles? cient to develop a fat-free chines and can be reached by wondered who these nameless, of heros may simply mean to The ACSM has established weight, and condition major calling ext. 568 or 569. faceless experts governing our you, however, is that you need a set of six minimum exercise (Carrie McFadden is a local time in the gym or out on the to trudge a few mere laps guidelines to help you achieve muscle groups should be per- track really are? And more im- around the old track or endure this overall fitness, but the de- formed at least twice per week fitness consultant and a full- portantly, why should we listen many more sit-ups to meet their gree to which you follow them and consist of one set of 8-12 time student at WMC.) consn- to them? requirement standards depends on your current level' reps or 8-10 exercises. AI- HOUSE OF UQUORS If this sounds like you, don't ignore it. "Everything in SpirifS, PLUS Courtesy & Service" Seeking help on CARROll PlAZA SHOPPIIG CENTER, WESTIIINSTER, II) 21157 National Depression (RI. 140a'ld Englar Rd.) Screening Day- could 848·1314 lotto & lottery Headquarters change your life. 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