Page 30 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 30
News Thursday, September 29, 1994, Page e A Quick Look At Some New Western Maryland College Faculty Judith Coryell, fonnerly of River- wills, nursing homes and Alzheimer's Ramona Kerby, formerly of Fort Professor Joe Macht joins WMC as side, CA. Joins the education depart- disease. She has served on the boards of Worth, Texas, joins the education de- the Laurence J. Adams Distinguished ment as an associate professor. She has a number of professional associations partmcnt as an assistant professor. For- Chair of Special Education. He will focused her career on teaching the deaf, and has been awarded three grants. The merly an elementary school librarian, coordinate the college's Human Ser- with stints at the National Tecbnicalln- most recent was a research grant Kerby is the author of several children's vices graduate program and will take stttute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute awarded for 1992-93 by the Baltimore books including, "38 Weeks Till Sum- over as CEO of Target lnc., a non- ot Tecbnology and Gallaudet University Commision on Aging and Retirement mer Vacation," "Cockroaches," and profit organization that provides resi- in Washington, D.C. She has also taught Education titled, "The Nursing Home as "Friendly Bees, Ferocious Bees." She dential, occupational and recreational on the primary and secondary school Part of an Urban Environment:' holds both a Ph. D. and a master's of li- services to people with developmental levels. Galambos earned a master's in social brary science from Texas Women's Uni- disabilities. Macht has written several Coryell holds a Ph. D. in education work from the University of Maryland versity. She also earned a master's in publications, including the book, curriculum and insuuctton from the Uni- School of Social Work and Community counseling education from Texas Chris- "Poor Eater: Helping Children Who versity of Rochester, N.Y. and master's Planning and a bachelor's in social work tian University and a bachelor's in el- Refuse to Eat." He holds a Ph. D. in in special education for the deaf from from Cornell University. She is pursu- ementary education and Spanish from educational psychology from Arizona California State University tn ing a doctorate at Catholic University of Texas Wesleyan University. Kerbywas State University, a master's from Northridge. She earned her bachelor's America where she expects to complete an adjunct professor of Library and In- Colorado State University and a in nursing from San Diego Stale Univer- her dissertation in December. formation Science at Texas Women's bachelor's from the University of Mi- sity. Most recently, she was a professor Galambos is a psychiatric social work University while she worked as an el- in the department of special education at consultant at Sinai Hospital and a social ementary school librarian in Arlington, California State University. work consultant at Manor Care in Texas. Jasna Meyer, formerly of Colum- Towson. Prior to coming to Western bia, MO,joins the communication de- Mohamed Esa has been promoted to Maryland College, she served as an ad- Debra C. Lemke, formerly of North partment as assistant professor. Her assistant professor in the foreign lan- junct instructor In the Master's of Social Carolina, joins the sociology/social American and Croatian background guage department. He speaks six lan- Work program at the Catholic Univer- work department as an assistant profes- provides inspiration for much of her guages, including Arabic - his mother sity of America. National School of So- sor. She completed four community sur- work including her dissertation, "A tongue - and Hebrew. Esa is currently cial Service. vey reports with the Iowa State Univer- cross-cultural analysis of conversa- writing two publications and has pub- sity Extension Service, as well as a re- tional storytelling." She earned a lisbed live works since 1986. He bolds David V. Guerra of Silver Spring port with the Georgia Extension Service bachelor's in English from Fontbonne a Ph. D. and master's degree from tbe joins the physics department as an assis- on "Environmental Knowlege and Per- College in S1. Louis and a master's in University of Heidelberg in Germany. tant professor. He has worked as a Na- ceptions of County Cornmtstoncrs." speech communication from the Uni- He will take a group of students on a trip tional Research Council Postdoctoral Currently, she is focusing her research versity of Missouri, Columbia, where to Germany, Austria and Switzerland Researcher with NASA-Goddard Space on value freedom and academic free- she anticipates completing her Ph. D. during the January Term in 1995. Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD and has dom. Lemke holds a Ph. D. from Iowa this fall. Over the past five years, Pro- taught physics at Montgomery College State University and a master's and fessor Meyer has been a teaching as- Columbia resident Colleen M. in Germantown and The Bullis School bachelor's from the University of Georgia. sistant at the University of Missouri. Galambos joins the sociology/social in Potomac. Guerra holds a Ph. D. and Prior to coming to western Maryland Col- work department as an assistant profes- master's in physics from The American lege, she was a visiting assistant professor courtesy of Western Maryland sor. She is a prolific writer on issues University and a bachelor's from at Westem Carolina University and the College's Public Information Office concerning the elderly, sucb as living Middlebury College in Vermont. University of Northern Iowa. Other Faculty Offices Displaced Campus Safety Blotter By the Rennovations: 9/107:45 AM Blancbe-a staff 9/17 3:56 PM Winslow..:.......anem~ a leaflet bearing a Dr. Julie Badiee and Dr. Michael member resident reported the theft of ployee discovered swastika, CS, in conjunction with city a VCR from his unlocked room. Losch have their offices on the 911110~30 PM Decker Center-e-sru- and federal agencies are fbvesugaring, em- 9119 10,28 AM GolfSb_ third floor of Hoover Library near dents reported to CS that racsajeanets ~lf)yee reported an attempted break: had; been tb,e fac.ititynea£lhe the audio visual section. :matJb~lx.e;.:lnvestigation revealed ild- into the building. d~tional similar Jeatlers \0 several resi- 9/1.912:33 PM Penn. Ave Beuses-e= dence halls on.cempus. This uwt~ is a Slll( was Ifeated by CS-EMT (or under a joint investigation by Campus an allergic rcaralcn to mcdfcatlon, Safety, the wesrmtaster Polite. and 9/192:00 PM ANW-a student re- ue Federal Bureau ot Investigation. PO~d the theft of ~j~yjdeo camera PUB € GRILLE 911111:40PM Wbifefocd-a student duril1gth~last t~l)days; reported phone harassment. 9121:,1:2~tPMGar.den Apartment 9112$:05 PM Rouzer-c-e studentwas Lor-e-student reported etectrlcal mal- obswed by CS on the roof. appliance caused a small . -a smdemre- ported phone harassment. student 91132:58 PM Whiteford ~aslu~ dent:wJX)rtedtbe tbefI; of mOtor vcl1jcte !}J2~1:30~¥ ••R~z~~Fa cocuactor accessories. repcrted ··van~ism· to. tbe vending 9115·8:10 AM Wbitef'ord-,..a student maCb#tes •. A saitsolutioo.:had been repOrted pbone harrassment, poured into the machi~~TbiS action 9/1,5 2, 15PM Engiat'Dinlng !lalh dous. notcansc the macb_ne to.dum:p a SlurieQt ieported a stolen bag. nioney:it m~rely burrtsQut the circuit 9/16 6:15 PM B1anc~a· student boards,. ~aQ~Jn£appro~ lmatel y $1 ,000 """wdbyCSforj.",C( bite or in damage. A rewardi$. offered for in-
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