Page 170 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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News Friday, May 5, 1995, Page 6 Honor and Conduct Board ROTC instructor ranks #1 revises sanctions for students Public Information Office RIM AseH By 2) A minimum sanction of residence hall When it comes to training SARAH SNELL the nation's future military lead- SwJfWrirer exclusion' for the remainder of the semester Dean of Student Affairs Philip Sayre pro- plus the next semester: ers, the American Defense Pre- posed new standards of penalization in March a. activating a false fire alarm or dis- paredness Association ranks 10 be implemented by the Honor and Conduct charging a fire extinguisher without necessity Western Maryland College's Board. The SGA made an amendment to the new Maj. Ruben Navarro number His suggestions came out of several dis- sanctions by adding one concerning illicit one. The assistant professor of cussions with students, faculty, and staffin light drugs. military science was presented of last fall's racial vandalism, this semester's a. first offense: $150 fine, contact with the first-place Colonel Leo air pistol shooting, and an intensified gen- parents, and a minimum of 3 hours commu- A. Codd Memorial Award April eral concern for safety. Sayre sent a memo nityservice 21 at Fort Monroe in Virginia out to three Western Maryland College or- b. second offense: $300 fine, resi- for his innovative leadership in ganizations, the All College Council, the dence hall exclusion' for the remainder of the Army Reserve Officer Train- Honor and Conduct Board, and the Student that semester and the following one (an op- ing Program. Government Assembly, on March 6 of this tion of voluntary counseling for a minimum "During the past two-and-a- has left year listing his ideas for changes. "Put sim- of one month may be cause for reconsidera- half years, notable Maj. Navarro on the sol- mark a truly ply (students, faculty, and staft) ask: What tion of length of exclusion or amount of diers and cadets of the First Re- behavior will (the WMC community) not tol- fine) gion (ROTC) Cadet Command," erate?" he wrote in his memo. c, third offense: Expulsion from said Lt. Col. Bayard Keller, pro- After close revisal by the three previously WMC mentioned organizations, here is a list of (Residence Hall exclusion has been defined fessor of military Navarro science, for the in recommending changes to be made: by SGA as not allowing the offender to en- prestigious award. "Maj. 1) A minimum sanction of suspension ter any residence hall for any reason) and is a tenacious from WMC for the remainder of the semester Dean Sayre .said, "I'm pretty happy with Navarro officer and instructor mo- tivated plus an additional semester will be applied for where this is going." Though he has already the following offenses: involved the three groups mentioned before, who exhibits exceptional lead- June for the U.S. Army Command & General a. possession or use of a firearm, air he has asked that The Phoenix run an article :~sr~tlyS~!ISfu~~:~hA~:~a~~f~~~ Staff College at Fort Levenworth, Kansas. pistol, facsimile gun or BB gun on campus on the proposed changes to further involve b. physical abuse including, but not the entire student body. He welcomes all ers." Storm: A Study in Modern War." limited to, racially motivated conduct and letters and comments from the WMC com- Indeed, his ability as an imaginative Navarro commanded a Field Artillery sexual assault munity concerning the issue. and innovative professor are impressive. battery and has been able to share his In teaching freshman cadets, Navarro personal perspectives, while also invit- "Follow paths of intensity ... ensures that hands-on training occurs ing guest speakers such as a desert storm outside the classroom with land naviga- battalion commander, to talk about the When you walk into a meadow, there is always one flower unit organizations which stands tallest, whose colours are most vibrant. Don't tion, small In teaching sophomore and the M- application of theory to current con- 16 rifle. cadets, flicts. wander almlessly looking at the others, thinking, 'Maybe 1 he draws on his experiences as a gradu- Navarro reaches out beyond his ate of the U.S. Military History course ROTC duties to involve himself in other ought to pick a paler one, so as not to draw attention to my- Leavenworth, college Kan. self.' Take a straight path to the taller and brighter. Once you at Fort In addition to his regular academic aspects of the by the student community. He to was selected members reach it, revel in its vitality, its exuberance, its glory. Enjoy it to teaching load each semester, Navarro pledge the Sig~a Phi Epsilon Fraternity the full - be not afrald to share it with others. lf they retort and Capt. Michael Drumheller, assistant as a Renaissance Brother and now serves adviser. of military angrily, show it to someone else, for it is only those who ignore, professor a new course science, also de- as faculty Ensemble, He has will played with a on the receive veloped the Jazz and Persian walk with their eyes dosed wh~ remain only half-full, half- Gulf war called "Operation Desert Master of Liberal Arts degree in May. satisfied. Love, love yourself and everyone around you. PICK THE BRIGHTESTFLOWER,whatever its colour." Good Luck Class of 19951 WMC junior one of 20 accepted into gOY'Ssummer intern program Bv KIM ASCH program and are presented to the governor Public Information Office and his cabinet at the end of July. The teams Marie Guard '96 is both a non-tradi work together to research in detail a signifi- icnal student and an exceptional student. cant issue facing the state and then present he 35-year-old junior is a regular on the recommendations for resolution. Many of the pean's List, earning highest honors every suggestions made by past interns have been OVERSTUFFED 1r SUBS OVERSTUFfID SANDWICHES emester, and holds many positions of lead- implemented. TURkliY CLUB .••.. _..••.•...• $S.sO HAM_ ...••.• _ _•.•.•. $;l.::tS rship on campus and in the community. The In recommending Guard for the pro- !Monrovia, Md. resident gram, which accepts only 20 of the state's DEU TURKIiY $4o.7S CORNIiD BHF _.$4o.2S s also the first Western Maryland College brightest applicants, Western Maryland Col- CHEESESTEAK ••••••••••••••••• f6.S0 PASTRAMI $.4 •.::ts tudent to be accepted into the prestigious lege President Robert Chambers said, "Marie ~overnor's Summer Internship Program. is an exceptional student. (1 speak from per- COLI» CUT ...... ,, __... _,,_.••_. .$A.9S ROAST TURICIi _.••_.$.4.50 The eight-week course matches full- sonal experience-she earned an 'A' in my HAM & CHEESE •••..•..•.•.• $4.7S DiLl TURkEY .••..•..••.• _•.••_U.50 ime interns with a mentor in a state agency class!) She is also a campus leader, currently hat corresponds with each student's inter- in office as the president ofWMC's Nontra- EAT HERE, TAKE IT WITH YOU OR st, background and career goals. Duties of- ditional Student Organization as well as serv- en include attending meetings, drafting cor- ing 00 our Curriculum and StudeotlFaculty WE'LL BRING IT TO YOU! espondence, tracking legislation, assisting Relations Committees." DIAL EXT. 7J;S onstituents and researching policy options. Guard hopes to teach on the elementary Policy papers are developed by teams school level when she graduates in May DIiLIYIiRY AVA ... BLE BETWEEN 6::10 PM ~ 10:;\0 PM SUNDAY - FRIDAY f interns durinz the first five weeks of the 1996.
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