Page 165 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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Sports See page 16 Big plans for Lewis Hall will update facilities soon JONATHON SHACAT and the mathematics, computer sci- On The Hill Edilor ence, and physics departments will Construction and renovation at stay in the old section. Classrooms Western Maryland College is inevi- and offices for departments such as table, and that's especially good economics and business, foreign news for students and teachers in language, and communication may Lewis Hall of Science. be housed in the old section, ac- Six buildings, including cording to Seidel. However, it has Peterson Fine Arts Hall, the Studio, not yet been determined what de- Alumni HaU, Levine Hall, Memo- partments will be housed where. rial Hall, and the Lewis Hall ofSci- Lewis was built in 1914 and ence are either being renovated or renovated in 1966. Since 1966, are in the planning stage for reno- very little work has been done to vation at this lime: Lewis Hall of the structure and many faculty Science is currently in the planning members agree that the facilities in stage, with construction scheduled LHS are lacking. to begin the summer of 1996. The Dr. Richard H. Smith, Jr., a date of completion is about the chemistry professor, said LHS us stay on the board plan, but also spring semester of 1998, according needs more hoods so that "we have have a food court so if we want to to Dr. Ethan A. Seidel, vice presi- a safer environment" to work in. go to an ala carte plan we can by dent of administration and finance Hoods are essentially large vacu- adding cash registers to accommo- and professor of economics and ums that remove harmful gases re- date either or." Boselyadded. business. leased by chemicals from a room. These renovations may start as The project includes the con- He also said that the arrangement early as this summer. Bosley an- struction of new wet laboratories of the desks in the laboratories does ticipates the project will stan and a 42,000 square-fool annex in not enable the professor to work "Pretty soon, like in June, which a new section, plus renovation of with and talk 10 the students in the on the card-swiping is very optimistic, because there is rest of the Administration, the building's old section, accord- class. the current board plan, a lot of other issues that contrac- ing to Joyce D. Muller, director of Dr. Carol A. Rouzer, another be registers that will tors raised, it never goes the way public information. chemistry professor, said "the ven- prices of each indi- you think its going to go, it always The estimated cost for the con- tilation system is not really ad- price. But there is con- takes longer." The students should struction and renovation of LHS is equate" in LHS. She added that the the change from the be familiar with this concept, see- about $12 million, according to hoods "don't have very much pull "This design will let ing as though Memorial Hall Seidel. A $3.5 million bond pro- to them." posal that has passed both the Space in the chemistry depart- lack of space in LHS is a problem. Maryland Senate and House is ment is also a problem, according The computer science program is awaiting final approval from the to Rouzer. She said that one of moving into the mathematics de- By SARA HEllt REYliURN a1ties for late payment. Rooms could governor and will pay for part of Smith's research students had to partment next year and it needs StaffWnter not be squatted and all doubles were to the construction costs. The balance use a closet as a lab because of the room for a computer .lab, said Approximately 225 students se- be filled. will come from donations made to lack of space. Boner. This extra room will be lectedtheirroornsfornextyearthrough Many Greek organizations were the college. In order to receive the Rouzer added that Ethan available when LHS is renovated. the new lottery system on April 25. unhappy with the changes. In previ- Maryland state grant, the college Seidel's satellite dishes on the roof Dr. David V. Guerra, a physics Students reported to the Forum ous years, the Greeks have had an en- must match the amount with dona- ofLHS cause rain water to leak into professor, said more modem tables duringtheappropriatetimefortheirlot- tire floor and had used double rooms tions, according to Seidel. the seminar room because of im- with electricity and water are tery numbers. Then, they checked in as singles. Fornextyear,Greekswere Lewis Hall of Science houses properly drilled holes. She said needed in the labs in LHS. He com- and, while waiting for their numbers expected to fill every room 10 capacity the biology, chemistry, mathemat- other problems include the heating plained that "we are always stretch- to be called, looked at a chalkboard or else they may have to forfeit some to Scott Kane, ics, and physics'-departments at and cooling system and the lack of ing to plug something in." He upon which were listed the available of their floor. According WMC. After construction, the bi- electrical outlets. added: "A classroom is a class- rooms. When their numbers were the reason forthis is notahousingshort- ology and chemistry departments Dr. Robert P. Boner, a math- room, but we could use some lab called, they went to the table for the See Room Draw, p. 5 will be moved into the new section ematics professor, agreed that the See Lewis HaIl .fScience, pA building they wanted to live in. There were a few problems with the process, rut most were quickly re- Inside: solved 'Ibe computers were not work- ing so the selections could not be pr0p- Honor & Conduct erly registered on Tuesday evening. Also, a few students showed uR with- Board revises min. out roommates and had to be matched sanctions 6 on the spot. Freshman pledging There were a few- reports of stu- dents trying to put a hold on a room by linked to lower intimidating other students who were GPAs.... ..8 considering the room This year's room draw had a few Rich's Top 10 10 alterations. Students chose their own Eating Disorders at lottery numbers and the housing deposit Western Maryland.. 12 increased from $100 to $200 with pen-
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