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the quality of the newspaper contents this semes- ter. "We did great on the stories, but we need to The Phoenix As ihe fIrSI full semester under a new editor written to it." do more with layout," said senior English major draws to a close, we on the Phoenix staff have Although we have finally received some feed- Rich Thomas. reflected on the changes the paper has undergone. back from the issues we have covered this semes- "I think that Sports has gained a degree of Editor-tn-Chief We have a new look, with everything from ter, some staffmembersaren'tcompletely satisfied. professionalism," said junior Josh Foster, Sports Lisa T. Hill '97 the masthead (thanks to senior graphic arts major "I think we need 10 be more controversial," said coeditor. "I think Sports looks the best it has since Junko Honda!) to the general layout. Having more freshman history/political science major Sara Beth I've been here ...we've spent a lot of time on it." A Advertising Manager dedicated people on the staff is reflected in the Reyburn. "We didn't make people talk enough." sports journalism major, Foster is anxious to re- David Weigelt '95 creative diversity present in the layout in the last Other staff members have no hope at all, but cruit more sports writers for next year. "I'm really few issues. Although the majority of the staff is have adopted an extremely cynical view. "It's my excited about- the section as a whole, and I hope Business Manager very young, the degree of interest in the paper last semester with the Phoenix ...I'm going to we can keep it going," he said. Pamela Barry '96 and desire to learn promise the next few years to Mex..ico!" said juniorsociology/Spanish major Pam Overall, we are proud of the work we have he awesome. Barry. "The campus is too apathetic. We have too done and the milestones we have crossed, although News Editor Someofthestaff members had specificcom- few people and those few people get stuck with all we realize we still have a long way to go to be Michelle Hamilton '98 ments they wanted to share with the student body the work. Barry, who has been handling the great. With more hard work and plenty of luck, about their impressions of this year. Phoemxs business, advertising, and doing layout, next year is going to be a continuation of what we On The Hill Editor "I see a great difference between the fall and said she "blames the students as a whole." began this semester. Better layout, harder, more Jonathon Shacat '98 the spring," said junior John Manard, coeditor of Freshman biology major Jonathon Shacat, in-depth stories, and a bigger staff are all in store the sports section. "The Phoenix as a whole has however, believes additional attention from Phoe- for September. Photography Staff improved immensely." Manard, an English ma- nix adviser and journalism professor Terry Dalton HAVE A GREAT SUMMER! SEE YOU Aden Mages '97 jor, said that in order to keep doing well, the staff would help the paper improve. "Terry Dalton does IN TIlE FALL! Tameka Collins '98 has to retain its numbers. "As for the sports sec- not realize how much effort the staff puts into pro- • Letters to Paco Frisuelos Kromer tion, this has been a really good semester. It's the ducing the newspaper," said the On the Hill Editor. only time [Sports] has had a letter-to-the-editor Many staff members simply commented on Sports Co-Editors Josh Foster '96 the Editor John Manard '96 Women's Lax questions Distribution Manager thoroughness of article Amy Weigelt '96 The most recent edition of the Phoenix General Staff included a story on the Women's Lacrosse AaronAlhburn '97, Paco Frisuelos team that had a very negative tone and Kromer, Elizabeth Valuet '98 made the team appear to be having a los- Laurie F. Cicero 'sa, Jill Marron '97 ing season. Some of the assumptions Chrissy Pardew '97, Ross Hollebon made were unfounded and had the writer '97, Sarah Sheckells '97, Stewart bothered to interview either the coaches Bittel '95, William Bower '95, Sara or the players he would have found good Beth Reyburn '98, James Riggins '98, reasons forthe changes from last season. Richard Thomas '95, Doug Yarrall '98, As a team we feel that the ar- Sarah Snell '98 ticle couJd have been better written. A number of players were insulted by this Layout Staff article and our fans have said that we are Paco Frisuelos Kromer, Lisa Hill '97, much betterthan it made us sound. This John Manard '96 article expresses an attitude of defeat that is not appropriate for a school newspa- Faculty Adviser per that is supposed to support our teams Terry Dalton and encourage school spirit. For some L- ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ bi- The Phoenix is published do not Student questions real concerns ofWMC ticle was anything but the boost of confidence weekly. The opinions expressed needed. We feel an apology is due to the team for necessarily represent those of The Phoe- I write this letter because, as a student, I am Unfortunately, this is not a one-time occur- the misrepresentation of our season through the nix staff, the faculty, or the administra- greatly distressed about the antagonistic relation- rence. Rather; it is the nonn in relations between laziness of the writer. torsofWMC. ship between the administration and the student Campus Safety and the students, and students and Thanks, The paper welcomes free-lance body" Iam specifically responding to an indident the administration as a whole. submissions on Macintosh disks in most whichtookplaceonApril3Oth. During the Hon- I find it appalling that Campus Safety prac- The Women's Lacrosse Team '95 word processor formats. The editor re- ors Convocation, many cars were parked in the tices such flagrant hypocrises and that no one in a serves the right to edit for clarity, length, fire lane outside of McDaniel. This is a place position of authority seems 10 care. It appears that Pledge's hazing offends and libel and to publish as space permits. where students are constantly being ticketed and! the only time anyone is afforded the luxury of an All submissions (excluding self-ad- or towed. When questioned as to why the cars administrator that cares is if that person has money concerned student dressed diskettes) become the property parked there during the event were not ticketed, to give to the school. On April 18, 1995,Ihadaveryunfor- of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. Campus Safety said that the people to whom the An issue which seems to consistently be tunate experience with a Phi Della Theta pledge. Please include a name and cars belonged had "given money to the school" pushed aside, ignored, and overlooked is that this phone number for verification. Names and were therefore allowed to park there without school's purpose is for and about students. Cam- It was dinner time and I was sitting and talking by a by when I was approached with my friends will be withheld only by the discretion being ticketed. pus Safety and the administration are employed of the Editor-in-Chief. I am at a loss as to why it is that students by the students, and it is high time that they realize Phi Delt pledge. This pledge totally disrespected He repeat- being. me as a women and a human The Phoenix does not discrimi- who pay close to $20 thousand a year to attend and accept this fact. They must begin to listen to and vulgar act, nate based on age, race, religion, gen- WMC plus an additional $25 for a parking per- and work with the students to better the commu- edly asked me to do a disgusting would not give The pledge as a pledge prank. der, sexual orientation, national origin, mit are not afforded the same treatment. As nity and therelationships within it. Understanding up. He persisted for at least five minutes. It was condition of handicap, or marital status. Michael Rapaport pointed out to Campus Safety, students' wants and needs is integral. The voice of totally uncalled for. This is a form of hazing and a fire lane is a fire lane every day ...not just when the students is the one which needs to be listened I will not stand for it. These so called men should Mail to: students park there. to and understood-not the voice of money. grow up and give people the respect that they The Phoenix When confronted about this discrepancy and Across campus I have seen notices to partici- deserve. I spoke with Dean Sayreand action has WMC, 2 College Hill asked their names, the Campus Safety officers in pate in "Senior Pride." Sadly, I feel no pride, only taken place. I urge all students to report harass- Westminster, MD 21157 question said that they did not have to give their disgust and disillusionment, in attending a school ment by fraternities, in order for appropriate ac- names and slammed the office door. It is obvious which cares little-to-nothing about its students and tion to take place. You pay to attend this school, (410) 751-8600 to me that Campus Safety has no respect for the which permits such hypocrises to take place un- just as they do, so don't be a victim of harass- (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 students of the WMC community. It isalsoobvi- checked. ment, of any kind. ous that Campus Saafety and the administration Thank you, Sarah Dexter Thornton FAX, (410) 857-2729 extend gross misuse of power and control over Katherine E. Fago Class of '98 the students.
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