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education professor at Western before." Maryland, is the group's adviser. Bates said these small-group In the hectic life of a college He also helps find guest speakers studies were formed this semester student, there hardly seems to be and provides prayer support. Ober to replace the bimonthly meetings time for classes, studying, sports, his spoken at a few of the meet- that were getting too large for good music, and maybe a little relax- ings and helps the group in its ser- discussion, and questions were be- ation. But some of students have vice to the campus. coming impersonal. Bates feels made time for something extra that Sheriff said the mission of the that the change has achieved its will affect their whole college ex- Fellowship is "to provide support goal and that his group likes the penence. and fellowship for Christians on new study. Three years ago the Christian campus" and also 10 "share Christ Sheriff says although anyone Fellowship broke off of with others." The structure of the is welcome to attend the Bible stud- Iruervarsiry, a large Christian or- group also is twofold, she said. ies, there is an outreach program ganization for college students. Weekly Bible studies focus on that is "lighter" and focused more Junior Amy Sheriff, one of the stu- an in-depth look at the Bible, as on making everyone feel comfort- dent leaders, says this was done in well as discussion, singing and able. This larger group meets for Sheriff, Karen Jenne, Kim Riley, Julie Brown. (Front, L to R) 'Iavis an attempt to have more personal- prayer. There are three Bible stud- an hour, every other week. The Thcker, Carrie Gatton, DinaAwad, Kim McNally, Pat Barry, Josh Wilson. ized structure and attentive leaders. ies every week, each with about meeting consists of singing, a fun meet. We want to be available to their lives. The organization changed its name seven people attending. Senior activity and a speaker, who may everyone and try to meet Newman said this experience to the Christian Fellowship and is Robert Bates is one of the Bible be from on or off campus. This everyone's needs," said Sheriff. "brought the problem that is out now led by students, with a faculty study leaders and says "it is a good meeting usually attracts 25 to 30 There are no membership rules for there into focus. We focused on adviser for support and help when time for discussion. People ask students. the group. Sheriff said students are needs and our calling to meet those needed. questions that make me think about "We tried to set it up so that encouraged to come on a regular needs." Sophomore Michael Alexander Ober, a physical things in a way I hadn't thought there is variety in the times we basis, "to establish a sense of be- Hipsley also participated in the Depression affects college students longing and continuity," but the famine Christian is to go into the of and said, "The mission group knows that time conflicts and every school work schedules will always world and preach the gospel, not By MICIlEtU HAMilTON these behaviors it is important to common, stress from school, and be a problem. Sheriff said her phi- so much by words, but by actions, News Editor know what you should or should parental stress. Most suicide at- losophy, which the Fellowship that's what we did here." Hipsley While everyone may get the not do about it. Often, the college tempts are made when a person has shares, is "if you have the desire to said that knowing some children blues every once and awhile, there finds out about depressed or sui- been drinking alcohol. This is be- be there, we want you there." that would have died will be alive are times when feeling "down" can cidal people through friends help- cause a person's judgement be- The Christian Fellowship also a little longer, or healthier, because be extremely serious. When some ing their friends. The more com- comes impaired and he looses his provides transportation to a local of these efforts, is encouraging, yet one is depressed or suicidal, it is munication people have each other inhibitions. church and Sunday School pro- there is a sense of helplessness and more than just feeling down. It is the better, Glore added. You may Once a person seeks help, a gram every week. On average 15 disappointment from knowing that important to be able to recognize know when someone is feeling variety of treatments can be used. people attend these services. They this action will have only tempo- signs of depression and kno~ what badly because they will want to tell Some people only need counseling also try to provide fun activities on rary effects. to do about them. you. while others may need chemical weekends, such as bowling, pic- Esther Iglich, a biology profes- According to "What everyone One of the most important treatment, because they have a nics, and movies. These events are sor at WMC, teaches Environmen- should know about depression," a things is to try to get the person chemical imbalance in their bod- well-attended and many people tal Biology and includes a study of brochure distributed through Smith who needs help to counseling, says ies. According to Glore, the most from outside the regular group join world population and the problems House, there are four factors that Glore. Sometimes, students want effective treatment for people who the fun, Sheriff says. caused by hunger and disease. She may contribute to depression. They 10 try to "solve things themselves," have chemical imbalances is medi- Reverend Mark Lancaster, feels that programs like the Thirty are: personality type, environmen- she explained, but some people's cation combined with counseling. WMC's coordinator of religious Hour Famine can be helpful, but tal influences, biochemical func- problems can only be solved According to "Beating back life, was unavailable for comment she also fears that it will make tions, and genetic patterns. Also, through professional help. the blues: dealing with depression," on the group and its activities. people feel as if the problem is there are three categories of depres- If a person is stubborn or re- a brochure from the American Col- Recently the Fellowship ex- solved, when it is not. She says it sion. Mild depression is the most fuses help, there are methods to get lege Health Association, there are tended its services beyond Western is not enough to just do one project common and usually doesn't re- a friend help. Some of them in- certain ways to help a person who Maryland's campus. Students par- and feel good about yourself, be- quire treatment. Moderate depres- clude calling parents or an R.A. is suicidal. It is important to ex- ticipated in a Thirty Hour Famine cause the aid given is so temporary. sion or feelings of hopelessness Sometimes getting more than one plain that you care, find out if they to raise money for a Christian or- "People who are not suffering makes everyday activities harder person involved can be helpful. have a plan for committing sui- ganization called World Vision, a with this every day can be sympa- and suicide may seem like a "solu- When friends confront the person cide and how far they have gone group dedicated to stopping world thetic, but not empathetic, in the tion" to these individuals. It might they're worried about and ask them with their plan, get them profes- hunger and teaching the world true sense" of the pain of the people be necessary for a person to seek to get help, non-blaming "J" state- sional help immediately (hotline about Jesus Christ. who live in hunger and disease, professional help. Severe depres- ments should be used. These include orlocal crisis center), and make The participants fasted for 30 Iglich said. She feels that in order sion or separation from reality is phrases like "I'm worried about the person promise he will not hours and raised money by asking to better understand, people would the most serious type of depression. you ..." or "We want you 10get help." harm himself while you are find- people to sponsor them. The have to go without food for a much Causes could be deep inner imbal- "Sometimes you can't do any- ing help. Do NOT assume the money was sent to World Vision, longer time, perhaps a week. ances or manic-depressive illness. thing," says Glore. She explained situation will go away without which will use it to meet the food, Although this activity may Physical symptoms become obvi- how sometimes a person needs to get help, leave a suicidal person health-care and educational needs have made participants more aware ous and professional treatment is to their lowest point before they alone, be sworn to secrecy, act of the 30,000 children that are dy- of the problem, Iglich hopes that it necessary. make the decision to change their shocked or surprised, challenge ing in Third World countries today. will not end with the end of the fast- According to Susan Glore, a life. "In terms of friends helping their threat or verbally shock them, World Vision workers try to edu- ing, and that these people will be counselor on campus, a person who friends, you cannot be responsible or argue or debate moral issues. cate people so they will be able to encouraged to write letters to poli- makes any statement that implies for anyone else's life," she added. Glore emphasized that it is form a stable, productive society ticians and try to change. legislation that he might want to die should A person can do all he can to help, extremely important to make a sui- once their food and health-care so that needy countries can get be taken seriously. Often, when a according to Glore, but "you only cidal or depressed friend realize needs are met. money and support from our coun- person is feeling suicidal or de- can take care of yourself." When you care and that "it's better to Twelve students from Western try. Despite her feelings on the pressed, changes in everyday be- dealing with a depressed or sui- overreact than not to act at all." Maryland participated in this fast. temporariness of the activity, Iglich havior occur. A person may sud- cidal person, it is important to tell Susan Glore and Health Ser- Two of them, Stan Mansky and questions, "How do you let these denly sleep all the time, not sleep someone else, preferably of author- vices can help with the physical Mark Newman, agreed thai al- people suffer, no mailer how small at all, eat more or not at all, cry a ity. This ~s because "you don't and mental aspects of suicide and though they were a little hungry, 30 a difference you make?" lot, seem to be sad, not seem to want the responsibility of knowing depression. Glore urges students hours is not enough to understand In addition to the fasting there have fun, and he may isolate him- [how a person feels] and not tell- to use the facilities freely during the suffering of the people that was a service project on Saturday, self from other people. All of these ing someone" Glore said. the college years, because it may never have relief. Both mentioned March I, during the fasting. Five changes in behavior could indicate The most common causes of be the only time services like these that they knew there would be food WMC students went to a soup a problem in the way a person is feelings of depression or suicide are available at no cost (tuition cov- waiting for them at the end of 30 kitchen in Baltimore called Our feeling, says Glore. that counseling services deals with ers these services whether they are hours, but many people deal with See Christian FeDowship, p.ll If a friend demonstrates any of are relationships, which is the most used or nor). starvation and death every day of
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