Page 173 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 173
On the Hill A closer look at: Aaron Rosen By JONATHON SHACAT Usuallytakingonalloftheresp:m- 011 IheHill Editor sibility for a job of this nature, Dean While most students at West Disharoon decided to delegate the re- em Maryland are solely interested sponsibilities of the job because she in gaining intelligence from an in- knew Rosen could handle it stitute of higher education, Aaron Dean Disharoon described Rosen Rosen, senior sociology major, has as her "think tank" and said that she attended four years of college to be- would ''bounce ideas" at tuJt when come a well rounded person. brainstorming for ideas. Rosen has been very involved Priortohis internship, Roserrspent in many clubs and activities at most ofhis time actively involved with WMC. Some of the positions he his fraternity. He pledged to the frater- has held include: president of nity in the fall 'of his sophomore year Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, presi- and was the photographer in the spring dent of the Jewish Student Union. ofhissophomoreyear. Inthefallofhis class of '95 representative for the ~======:;::;~ junior year he was involved in the Inter Board of Trustees, orientation Rosenhas livedup to bis father's Greek Council. During the spring of his junior year and the fall of his senior lead~~~~::::hiChRosen wish that he "get involved"at WM. year be was president of his fraternity has been involved over the past four always been in his fraternity, but his The current semester he was in charge years include: the student-faculty rela- internship has been his top priority this of the formal dance. tions committee, the CAPBoard films semester. In his internship he worked Dr. Charles E. Neal. political sci- committee, the orientation planning wilh BarbaraJ. Disharoon,deanoffirst ence professor and advisor for the committee, an internship, and the ten- year students, to interview and hire stu- Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, thinks the nis team. dent orientation leaders. fraternity has benefited from Rosens' When Rosen was a senior in high The internship will prepare Rosen involvement He said that sinceRosen school his father said to him '1 don't for the outside world. He said his job became president of the fraternity there care how much it costs or how long it gavehimagraspofwhatthe real world has been a reduction of the use of alec- takes as long as you get through col- is like. He added: "It was a real job hoi in the terms of parties. Neal added lege." He can also remember his father and I gave it real time." that Rosen has coordinated several 10- saying "college is not only about study- Rosen was working so hard on his cal and national activities. ing, it is about growing up." Rosen intemship that Dean Disharoon told Rosen was the president of me added: ''Healwayssaid 'get involved'." himtogototheregistrortoincreasethe JSU for 3 years. As president, he was Probably the main reason for his con- credit he was receiving from 3 to 4 to involved in events such as the annual I tinuedactivenessatWMCisduelOhis make up for his efforts. She said "I Passover Seder and a trip to the Uni- ' fathers' influence. won 'I use students and I was not about versity of Maryland, College Park for Rosen said that his priorities have to use him." See Rosen, p.IO With four months deferred payments, you'll have 119days before you have to start working. GRADS GET $400 CASH BACK AND PRE-APPROVED CREDIT UP TO $18,000 ON ANY NEW FORD. Thel4OOashb«kisiJ'l",ddidotltoa"yOIn."offeror)'OUc.lnlak~.w¥ltJgeof~~pu!~rlNl"lClA9 I.mmmi AndWlth~PI~cred
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