Page 169 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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News Friday, May 5, 1995, Page 5 Glar renovations, from page 1 Chern prof named WMC's best teacher well. According to Mary Roloff, Directorof By KIM ASCiI University Medical College. With in the food court there will Food Service "Students have had a lot PlIiJlicln[onlia/ionOjfice Dr. Rouzer's research interests are be different stations where much of the of input which has stemmed from the Dr. Carol A. Rouzer, associate pr0- in the areas of protein purification and food will be cooked right in front of the concern of the number of meal plans fessor of chemistry, was named the characteristics, and the biochemistry students. Therewillbeagrillandbroiler offered, to the issue that the meal plan 1995 Distinguished Teacher at West- and pharmacology of cancer chemo- for hamburgers, steaks and chicken never changes and finally the concern em Maryland College during the an- therapeutic agents. She teaches courses cutiettes, pasta stations, salad bar, desert of having different food options." nual Senior Investiture and Honors in general chemistry and biochemistry station, soup and bread station, and Bosley added ''VIe are not offering any- Convocation held April 30 at the lib- and directs independent student re- pizza station. The pizza station will thing different,just the presentation will eral arts college in Westminster. This is search. In 1995-96 she will take sab- have aconveyor oven that will cook the be a lot better. It is going to be much the first time Dr. Rouzer has won the batical leave and spend the year at pizza right in front of the students. more efficient and much more attrac- award since joining the faculty in 1989. Vanderbilt University's Department of ere will still be a deli bar and a wok tive. Also there will be a good deal more She is highly regarded by her students Biochemistry and Center for Molecu- bar as well. However, with these sta- of interaction with the cooks and the for her ability to explain complex con- lar Toxicology with Dr. Lawrence J. tions, there will still, ''be a problem at students, and that is what weneed,more cepts and their applications and to chal- Mamett. Thereshewillresearchendog- rush times, it's going to be a little in- personalized service." lenge her students both in and out of enous DNA alkylation, and its poten- convenient, rut at off hours it's going The funding for this project is the classroom tial role in caminogensesis. to be wonderful." The reason it will be coming from Sodexho, a food service A native of Hagerstown, Md., Dr. In 1991 she received a $35,0)) "inconvenient" is because students will contractor that is financing the project Rouzer graduated with highest honors Cottrell College Science Award for a Prior to joining the WMC faculty have to sit through more lines to get and then the school will bepayingthem from Western Maryland College in two-year research progmmon a poten- Dr. Rouzer did post-doctoral work with what they want. back At present time the fuji cost can- 1976, and earned both her Ph.D. and tial series of anti-cancer compounds.It Bengt Samuelson, Nobel laureate and There has been agooddeal of stu- not be determined at this time because M.D. in a dual-degree program at was the largest stipend of over 100 president of Karolinska Instituter in dent input viatheAll College Council. of unforeseen costs. Rockefeller University and Cornell awards made by Cottrell that year to Stockholm, Sweden. A few years later fund faculty research which involves she worked as a research biologist for Room Draw, from page 1 undergraduates. The following year a Merck Frosst in Canada where she stud- $30,000 National ied the structure Science Foundation to de- of an enzyme age rut to avoid hassle later. dents seeking singles. has just been chosen by the person in grant was awarded to Dr. Rouzer for velop new drugs to counter the ill ef- Previously, students who had a Scott Kane hopes to improve the front of them the purchase of laboratory equipment fects of asthma. double as a single may have been asked system even further next year. He Amy Sheriff thought this year's for collaborative faculty-student re- Dr. Rouzer is a member of the to move after they had chosen their thought that the selection started slow room draw was more organized than search. Council for Undergraduate Research room in order to accommodate new and took too long. He hopes to con- previously, rut she didn't appreciate the This new research and studies con- and the Mid-Atlantic Association of transfer students. Residence life pre- densethe time from four hours tothree. late start. She also thought it was good ducted with the Frederick Cancer Re- Liberal Arts Chemistry Teachers. fers to place two transfer students to- Also, he thought that the chalkboard that Greeks have to fill up their floors search and Development Center have Dr. Rouzer and her husband Paul gether. The new system leaves a few should be replaced by an overhead pr0- rut questioned why they had a whole led to numerous papers published in Tracey reside in Littlestown, Fa. rooms open in case they are later needed jeerer so that the rooms can be crossed floor if they did not have enough mem- distinguished scientific journals and Additional information: WMC for transfer students, and if they are off once they are selected instead of stu- bers to fill it. All, in all, she thought the presentations at over 20 scientific con- Office of Public Information, 41 01857- not filled, they will be offered to stu- dentsfindingthattheroom theywanted room draw was okay. ferences. 2292. TRAINING CORPS SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE ON'HE.R WAY '0 'HE TOP. If you didn't sign up fer By the time you have ROTC as a freshman or graduated from college, sophomore, you can still you11 have the creden- catch up to your clcee- tiaJs of an Army officer. mates by attending Army You'll also have the selt- ROTC Camp Challenge, confidence and disci- a paid aix-week plineittalc:estosuc- summer course in ceed incollegoand leadership trcdn- beyond. ing. ABMYROTC TBES~STCOU!GE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. For additional information contact Major Navarro 2nd Floor Gill Gym or telephone extension 720.
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