Page 172 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 172
On the Hill Friday, May 5, 1995, Page 8 Just a Bit Freshman pledging linked to lower GPAs By EUZABETH VAWET pledges dropped. Of the 18 that dropped, lieves that if there is a decline in GPA's it is of Advice •.. Beneath the eligible parties, the chants Sayre evaluated students from the same class due to harder classes, not pledging. She said, StaffWriler by .5 or more. 12 OPA's decreased Dean is time consuming, but there are "pledging and songs in the cafeteria, and the entire ini- who didn't pledge and began the spring se- specific times set aside for studying". Simi- by Jonathon Shacat tiation process of pledging lies a serious de- rnester with a 2.5 GPA or higher. He found larly, another freshmen pledge said his bate .. Now in the second year of experimen- decreases in the GPA's of such students far grades had improved since pledging, "It tation with freshmen rush, both administra- less significant than those who pledged. The helped me because it made me budget my What advice do you tors and students ofWMC weigh the effects average GPA decrease of pledging students time", and debate fresh- students Not freshmen have for Smith House of the trial period and rushing should whether be allowed was .39, whereas the average decrease was pledging. all Mike Cummings, support a freshman Art! men pledging pledge. who didn't .16 of those (Health Services)? to continue. of took these results by the decline, Dean Sayre Art History major, believes "When on academ- you first Concerned In the fall of 1993, representatives to the IGC and the presi- get here you need to concentrate the Inter Greek Council proposed widening dents of the Greek organizations. He asked . ics''. Others believe that freshmen should I. "Give my Three Toed-Sloth vaccination eligibility rules of rushing to include second that the pledging process be modified to pre- get to know more about the college and the shots for free."-Dan Coleman '96 semester freshmen. Based on the recom- vent further adverse academic consequences. Greek system before pledging. Dina Awad, 2. "They need to find a different cure-all mendation of the All College Council, the pledge than amoxycillin."-Nare Winegar '97 administration of WMC assented to a three Although the results of this year's this semes- a freshman Biology major, commented that, 3. "J don't think that the cure for the com- year trial period, in which second semester class will not be available until grades "Once freshmen know more about can the so- de- ter ends, and fraternities, then they rorities reviewing after midterm mon cold is salt and condoms."- Renee freshmen with a GPA of 2.5 or higher could Dean Disharoon said the situation "appears cide to pledge. But they need to give them- Duri/l '98 participate in the rushing process. The ex- to be worsening". selves a chance to get adjusted and to adapt 4. "If you have a minor problem then they periment began in the last year and contin- Dean Sayre commented that "if {there to college". have adequate service but if you have a ued this spring. is] a continued decline in grades, there will Gail Conway, a junior in the Alpha Nu serious problem then they are not equipped Whether freshmen rush will be allowed be strong sentiment among the faculty and Omega sorority, believes that pledging early to handle your needs. It is easier to go to to continue is yet unpredictable. However, administration that this is an experiment that provides a lot of benefits for freshmen. an outside doctor."-Christa '95 the administration is very concerned about failed". However, Sayre went on to explain Conway believes that for those in the Greek 5. "Get more condoms."-Graham Talbot the academic affects on freshmen involved that since WMC is in the midst of the ex- system, it is "one of the most memorable '96 in pledging. At the request of the Retention periment, there is no way to determine what and important experiences in college". She 6. "Get more staff and one more doctor."- Committee, Dean Sayre conducted a study Steve Manger '98 based on last year's freshmen pledges to will happen in the future. thinks that freshmen rush not only allows 7. "Keep up the good work and don't kill gauge if academic concerns were justified. Students remain in debate over the is- students to spend more time in their Greek anybody."-Duke '97 Of the 22 freshmen pledges last spring, sue. A freshmen pledge this spring said rush- organization, it also "helps students gel more ear- campus in other organizations 8. "If a student wants an AIDS test then 4 had GPA's that remained the same or went ing has "positive and negative sides like any- in involved She said being in a Greek organiza- "see the difference lier''. but she didn't thing", make sure it is confidential (ie. don't let up, while the GPA's of the 18 remaining what year you are." Academically, she be- tion helps students to "get 10 know other students who work for Smith House find out)."-Steve West '96 Asch establishes self at WMC, has good year 9. "When you make an appointment they it SClVe students ===---------=------=------; should not repeal your name aloud for ev- SARAHSIIECKELlS eryone in the office to hear."-Kim Walter SlajJWriler '98 . Oneottheawards hanging on thewall in her The Hil! also 10. "The school has to get more special- office reads ''Excellence in journalism for busi- parents and uusr- ized doctors not the family doctors and buy ness writing reporting for weekly newspapers with more high technological equipment. I circulation of 10,000 Owings Mills Tirnes, July 30,1994:' don't want to feel like I am going to a morgue."-Hilmi Konde '96 Thisbeganhercareer,butwhatisKimAsch readership re- II. "I think that they go out of their way doing now? ceives The Hill in to help you and that they are concerned Asch, the riew assistant director of public about everyone. Ihave a real positive view information at WMC, began her search for a ca- about them, I think that they are real reer in mass communication and journalism in friendly people and Idon't hesitate to call high school. Remembering her school days,Asch on them."-Lauren Wisniewski '98 started out on the Westminster High School's completed the 12. "I was really pleased with the services newspaper, The Owl, where order and timeliness November and they provide and how quickly they respond were not the most important things toworryabouL February issues That came later. 10 student problems."-David Eilers '97 After high school graduation in 1986, Asch and is currently interesting stories about alumni. In the February issue, she wrote 13. "The few times that I have been there working on the about a Maryland woman who raises buffalo. they have been pretty helpful."-David went on to college. Thinking she was going to May issue. profile she tion Office as "informed goodwill" with alumni get out of the area, she decided Asch recalls a "most interesting' on Towson State Mirra '96 University which was relatively close to home. has done for the February issue which included and friends of the college. 14. "Smith House ought to get a medical is to send out The policy before publication book so they know the correct drug to pre- Here, she once again worked on the school news- an interview with Bill Roj, an alumni who works the copy to check for accuracy from the source paper, The Towerlight. at Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue, the second larg- She said that the biggest scribe."-Adam Kline '96 lesson sheever learned working on a college news- est law finn in the world. He is the secretary for before it goes to press. Even though this idea is 15. ''Take care of my children."-Ma Dish, Associate Dean of the First Year Program paper was to "always meet a deadline." the a1most-complete Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame somewhat of a taboo in this field, Asch believes in 1990 with a degree in musewn. After graduating that you can develop more of a trust with the source "The people who work there are won- will include One focus for the May edition derful. Their main objective is to help the mass commtmicationconcentrated in journalism, Dr. Samuel Case's and Dr. Samuel Alspach's par- in order to show you are really looking for truth in the story. student. When you work with the staff at it was off to Patuxent Publishing Company which ticipation in the Iditasport, a race that took them How does the college benefit from Asch's the Smith House you see how much time put out 13community newspapers. 80 miles across the Alaskan tundra thinking? Positive feedback comes with good and effort they put into their job to pro- Following her internship she did in college communication skills and public relations. "We viding care for the student. When you for the company, Asch worked on five papers in- Along with the director of public informa- focus on the college and what graduates are do- leave at the end of the working day, you cluding the Owings Mills Tunes. In four-and-a- tion Joyce Muller, and the rest of her office, Asch ing," said Asch. ''My goal is to keep people con- see that they have given all of their energy half years, she moved from editorial assistant to is also responsible for graduate and undergradu- nected to the college." to helping the student."-Jennifer Doetsch reporter to assistant editor. ate catalogs, fund-raising publications, press re- When did she come to us at WMC? This leases, and behind the scenes work for special Not included in her actual job description, '97, Student Worker at Smith House Asch is part of the Greater Westminster Develop- The Smith House offers numerous past September, Asch took the position she thinks events like the dedication of the Fine Arts build- ment Corporation, specifically the Marketing and services to the WMC community and I has one of the longest titles available on campus: ing,PetersonHall. Asch enjoys her work, and she Publicity Committee, which helps in the revital- and man- Noticeably, assistant director of public information think that they do a great job. i.D.S. aging editor for The Hill. has made great progress since those high school ization of Westminster. Asch says her role is to Starting wim news releases for The Phoe- days. '1work in acongenial atmosphere and it is improve the relationship between the town and Advice for the nix, Asch 's job includes a wide variety of projects neat to be at a college again doing what I want to WMC. and issues that she covers. First and foremost do which includes my journalistic writing:' said Although WMC is a small campus when Phoenix? x8600 comes The Hill, a magazine published quart~y Asch. compared to others, Asch is not tied to any goo- thatcoversahugereadershiparea Notonlydoes Asch sees her work in the Public Informa- See Asch, p. 10
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