Page 167 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 167
I was being a real hard ass or some- tone-car times-,a bit unyielding, rarely thing to that effect I walked into Dean do Isay ''no''tostudents. In this instance Sayre's office, while she was beginning I have not said no, just move it to an- wanted to continue it until Spring se- was where it would go! I reminded her next sentence. It was at this point other area. Iregularly give up my free mester 1996. I told her that I would Susan that we had an agreement that and only at this point that Ihad raised time to ensure that student activities "compromise" and support the drive the box would go in front of the win- my voice to Susan. This was evident occur on campus. Even though I am through May 1995, with afew adjust- dow. because Susan had asked me why Iwas not searching for a martyr label for my ments. They were to: I picked up the box and started yelling (now that she had cooled down efforts, I feel that my past support and third party writing the previous letter- (a) release the standing, black, letter walking it back to the agreed upon lo- from her Information desk: moment) contributions to the College commu- my feeling to-the-editor, I hoped Steven would board so other groups could hang their cation. Susan grabbed the box and tried and Ihad said that she was not "com- nity positively represent and their re-l have asked me my memory of the situ- signs; and (b) move the box to the win- tosnatchitfrommyrighthand.Ipulled promising" in this situation. I had ex- about the WMC students ation before accepting Susan's recollec- dow area, across from the Information back on the box. She grabbed it with plained, in front of Dean Sayre and quests to do things on campus. Ilearned tion as all-inclusive or gospel. Iusually desk. Susan said that she did not un- both hands and tried tojerk itoutot my Susan that we had agreed to the exact early that you cannot have everything give a person the benefit of the doubt derstand why Iwould want the box in hand Susan asked me Joodly why I was location of the box being across from your way, because of limitations that bn I guess that this does not apply in the area across from the Information being so drastic by sticking to that de- the Information desk. I went on to say you may or may not want to acknowl- my case. desk as opposed to the comer of the cision. I mentooed that it makes things that the groups before her had used this edge. A four year old is told that you I In late February, Susan ap- Information desk. She left the area look a bit too junky when she lets the very same spot-with no problem. cannot have candy for breakfast, not so proached me and stated there was an seeming annoyed with the revision rut donations pile-up. Dean Sayre said that he and Mitchell much because it's an unconventional Susan said, "Who cares! It's for a interest in having a clothing drive box tolerant of it-at the moment good cause." Isaid that Iwas not argu- would discuss this issue at our weekly orinappropriate meal bet because it sets located at the Information Desk for When Susan asked me about the meeting. Imarched QUtof Dean Sayre's up bad eating habits. The parent com- Women's History Month. I asked Su- use of the space through Spring 1996, ing the worthiness of the project, Iwas office to get asmail table from the Pub. promises on this issue by giving the san if the group had planned to sponsor I said that we could discuss the drive talking about the location and appear- The box and the !able are cur- child candy as a treat. At the time the this canned food & clothing drive just fornextyearatalaterdate. Evenlhough ance of the area. Susan asked me rently located in the area that I had child views the parent as being non- forthemonthofMarch.Atthispointin I could not support a continuous box "whar gives you the right to make this suggested to Susan which she supportive when in fact the parent is time, Susan had said nothing about en- throughout the year at the Information decision?" I responded. "It's my build- had agreed upon the week earljer unofficially compromising with the tertaining the possibility of extending it desk, I would support a box at the In- ing, so Itake itsappearance personally, IfinditinterestingthatSusanwent per- child. I feel that I made a mistake in a little bit longer. A box appeared at the formation deskeveryothermonth. Iex- since the College pays me to take care from an adamant and demanding beingupfrontwith my intentionrocom- Information Desk and the drive began. pIained my rationale was based on other of it!" son toa helpless and faultless individual promise. Only GOO and ourminurs can if we are are fair persons or March arrived and the collection groups also sponsoring a food and Therein Susan strongly stated that in a matter of 90 seconds. I hope that determine and the donations carne in clothing drive. TheCommuterStudent one of the problems that she was hav- she has theater as her minor as she is not Based on a reality check from most sporatically.The first time that I asked Associati.on,theSocialWorkClub,and ing with the location was that people wasting a very untapped talent and students. I do not have a "do it my way" Susan about her pick-ups was a few a few of the Sounds of Silence club could not see the box. I firmly stated underutilized potential based on her attitude as Steven and Susan have tried days before Spring Break. I mentioned members had sponsored drives during that I would put the OOX up on a table. performance in front of Dean Sayre. to depict. to her that I would prefer that she not the previous months. The box was Susan stated that she would have On Tuesday, April 18, I ap- Since the writing of this letter the leave the donations through Spring moved overto the agreed upon area and Christiana Leahy call me. Isaid, 'This proached Susan and I offered my as- donations have slowed down and Su- Break. Susan seemed to appreciate my the poster board sign was inserted into action would be fine with me" and 1 sistance to take the donations down to san has been a bit better at removing to say we have Needless concern and she had slated that she the box. SusanandI parted at this point began to walk: toward the office, with the shelter. Susan said that this would the donations. 10 say to each other as the very little as she had help from not be necessary would transport them as soon as she On Tuesday Aprilll, Susan went the box. Susan began to state something could Susan explained she was at the into Dean Sayer'soffice and the twoof else that I cannot remember because I another young lady. Ireiterated that if young lady who is helping her has taken mercy of another person to help her them discussed the location of the 00. had turned and walked away from her she needed help, I would help hertrans- up the battle. port the donations. Again, Susan it ~ transport the donations and she would nation box. Susan marched out of the by this time. the removal of the donations which Sincerely, do what she could do! Student Affairs suite and slammed the I placed the box in the office and Women'sHistoryMonthwasover box on the floor, at the CAO comer of sat down to cool down. when Ihad re- concerns me not the fact that the Mitchell Alexander and we moved into the first week of the Information desk away from its alized thatshe didnotexitthe building. drive is happening! Director, College ActivitieslDecker April. The box was still at the Infonna- original location near the window. Su- Iwent back to the Students Affairs suite In closing, while my appearance College Center tion desk and T asked Susan (as she san.gruffly.declared that Dean Sayre and I heard her telling Dean Sayre that may be a bit intimidating and my We've Made It Easier For The Class Of '95 To Drive The Class Of '95, THE ALL NEW TOYOTA TERCEL AND THE TOYOTA COLLEGE GRAD PROGRAM . ...Now With Special Financing As Low As 2.9% APR.t Th8l8's no belle. WJJ'fto enter tho work lorce 1l1anbehind the wheel of tile al·.-, 8""'Y$ depenclable Toyota Tercel. And Irs easy wilh Toyota's special college graduale prtl!Jlllll...just chacee Toyola's special f~ or gat Toyota's premier mle', wiill no down pal'l1l6nt, no paymenIs lor 90 days-, and a year 01free .oadside assislarx:e. JusI see you. par1lc1pa,lngToyota dealer lor all1he d41aiIs. WE'RE MAKING IT EASIER FOR COLLEGE GRADS. ~TOYOTA l LflQM.atY,:II • .,., We
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