Page 174 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On The Hill Friday, May 5, 1995, Page 10 Rich's Review: "My Personal Top Ten" without meandering, and fun without being as the Smiths do. Songs like '1 Will Dare" evoke KlCHARD nloMAs m0- Staff Writer ronic. REM. melodies while creating their own style, Since I am graduating, this will be my last 8. NeilYoungandCrazyHorse-RaggedGlory. and tracks like "we're Coming Out," cany on the column for the Phoenix. I decided to skip the For some albums, I have taken the word of an- spirit of punk: that bands like Green Day would usual a1bumorshow review to do something else. other reviewer for a while until Idecide to get the pick up eight. to ten years later. Singer/guitarist Instead, Igive you my personal top ten albums of album and become impressed with it my own Paul Westerberg is perhaps one of the better all time. way. Such was the case of Ragged Glory, Neil songwriters to come around in the pas! fifteen years, FIrSt off, while there are many great compi- Young's foray into the tearing-things-up ideal of and this album is proofofthat. lations ranging from box sets to greatest hits to his feedback-driven garage rock. Backed up by 4. TheSex Pistols- Never Mind The Bullocks, live albums (like the 1990 Led Zeppelin Remas- Crazy Horse, he stuck to some of the hippie ide- Here's The Sex Pistols. Okay, so Sid Vicious only ters and the Beatles 1867-1970) which could rank als but supplied enough aural power to not sound played a little bass on the album, and Johnny among the classic albums, Ifeel it is unfair to com- like a folk singer. Ragged Glory, released in 199), Rotten's vocals can be more annoying than cool pare a "best hits" album to a regular release. definitely proves Eddie Vedder's comment that and rebellious. Amid the slum of commercial rock Secondly, I do give Led Zeppelin and The Young's music is still very important. came this enormous middle finger extended to clas- Beetles credit as being vel)' significant bands. 7. Black Sabbath- Paranoid. Almost all that sic rock and probably disco, a sonic hand action However, I have only listened to one entire studio heavy metal has become came from this record, that brought much needed rebellion and disgust- album from each. With compact disks around such as the simple earth crushing riffs, frenetic your-parents attitude back into rock and roll, all $15 each, it's difficult to ownjust about anything guitar solos that almost break the sound banier, a the more reason why it's secured a space here. from anybody, although one may try. bass that rumbles like a giant waking up, drums 3. Metallica-MastersOfPuppets. On this record, And without further ado, here are My Top with a relentless badgering rhythm, haunting v0- MetalJicais!hebestexamplethatsomeofthegreat- Ton. cals that could exceed eerie, and grim lyrics about est rock music was released after 1980. The in- 10. The Who- who's Next. 'This Who effort is war, insanity, and drug abuse. struments almost break: whatever is past the light one of the few albums which is deemed a master- 6. Soundgarden- Superunknown. Among the barrier, but it is perhaps the work of one the best piece by classic rock fans while actually deserv- many acts who have become popular in the IX)s surviving thrash bands. Metallica shows a lot of ing the hype and relentless airplay it has received. after struggling through near obscurity in the late range on this album, like the slow-paced middle On songs like 'Baba 0' Reilly" and "won't Get 80s, Soundgarden is probably one of the best section of the blistering title track about heroin and fuoledAgain," guitarist Pete Townshend andcom- bands. especially after they honed their metal the bass solo in the instrumental "Orion." Sure, pany articulated theirdisillusionmenl with 60s and prowess and expanded it beyond Led Zeppelin almost any of their five albums could make this adolescent rebellion through impressive musician- and Black Sabbath comparisons. Chris Cornell's list, but on this album every song complements ship, like Keith Moon's wild-man drumming. and Kim Thayil 's guitars. Matt Cameron's drums, the others, making it one of the best and most im- who's Next goes through a series of emotions and Ben Shepherd's bass all melded into a tight, portant heavy metal albums ever. like anger, frustration, and dreariness, focusing into crisp unit that could devastate like a sledgeham- 2. ACJDC- Back In Black. This album is a hard nine songs of near perfection. mer on songs like ''My Wave" and the title track, rock/heavy milestone if there every was one. It is 9. VanHalen-J984. Van Halen's debut was ex- while loosing up a bit on less damaging tunes over forty minutes of pure rock and roll, with elec- peak: here, from the opening riff to ''Rocks Off' cellent, but in this case, Van Halen used all origi- like "Fell On Black Days" and "Head Down" tric guitar driven anthems like ''Back In Black" and the fading out to "Soul Survivor,"with bluesy nal songs. Theuseofsynthesizerforthetitletrack without sacrificing the band's musical muscle. and ''Rock N' Roll Ain't Noise Pollution." Of Chuck Berry-like riffs and gospel-like choruses and "Jump" was a welcome but thankfully not Cornell achieves his own singing voice, a brood- course, the lyrics could be better, but this is hard blazing in between. Everything about this album dominant addition. Eddie Van Halen's guitar ing that can turn into a high-pitched scream of rock, not Bob Dylan. With ilia! in mind, ACJOC is firs! rate and top notch, from the musicianship shredding was still at the forefront along with pain. The songwriting is excellent throughout. proved on this one that you do not have to change to the sin and son itin David Lee Roth's extroverted frontman style that 5. The Replacements- Let It Be. Many people the whole history of rock to deliver a remarkable Commencement was refined enough at that point to not compro- point to the Smiths as one the underground pio- album but make some great music instead. mise Eddie and the rhythm section of Michael neers oftoday's modem "alternative" rock; how- 1. The RollingStones-Exile On Main St. This is fromp.9 Anthony and Alex Van Halen. This may have ever, that is only part of the picture because The probably one of the best rock albums every re- essor of political science, of Baltimore. been just a hard rock album, but it was consistent Replacements probably deserve as much credit leased, if not the best. TIle Stones were at their Several retiring WMC faculty members also Aaron Rosen, from page 9 ill receive emeritus status. a dance. Rosen said that due to a Jack of interest involved then it would not be Aaron." He said would take his shirt of his back for me." Tyrrell The winners of several special awards also be recognized by Jewish students, there are not many Jewish Rosen becomes involved and that becomes the discussed one memorable experience when Rosen elude the Argonaut, during the ceremony. Honors to the senior with presented events that occur on campus. "centerofhis life." In a way Rosen is victimized covered the $500 cost to take a statistics class dur- e highest grade point average, the Ridington Phi Rosen is the class of '95 representative for by his involvement. It is like a double edged ing JanTenn because they wou1d not take Ameri- theBoardofTrustees. Heattendsscheduledmeet- sword, one side of the blade is that Rosen is too can Express. eta Kappa WritingAward,and the Distinguished Award. Degrees wil be pre- gh School Teaching ings on fridays and saturdays to represents the stu- involved and the other side is that people know Junior Chad Albertson said that Rosen is "a ted by Western Maryland College President dent body and its concerns. Rosen has been a he will do a good job, said Neal. great friend who is always there when I need to obert H. Chambers to approximately 500 un- very reliable person and missed only one meeting When Rosen was a freslunan he was an bcsi- talk to someone." He added: "He always has time rgraduates and graduate students. during the time that he has had the position, ac- ness administration major. Susan M. Milstein. to hang out." Albertson remembered when he and Additional information: WMC Office of cording to Dr. Philip R. Sayre, vice president and economics/business professor, was Rosen's first Rosen went on a trip to the Bahamas and Rosen blic Information, 410/857-2290or. from Balti- dean of student affairs. accounting professor. Rosen said Ms. Milstein turned bright red from sunburn and had to stay in ore, 876-2055, ext. 290. Attending the Board of Trustees meetings "made me realize there was work to be done at his room for three days. has enabled Rosen to see the school as a business. college." Senior Came Schuster said that Rosen ''will He has also realized what the trustees have to deal As a fish takes to water, he didn't take to do anything for you on the drop of a hat." She with at the college. This knowledge allows him accounting, said Professor Milstein. Rosen added that: ''He will do for other people before he hie area in dealing with higher education is- to work with the system to make suggestions for ''found his niche in another department," she said. will do for himself his mends are his top priori- ues since we have alumni have ventured to many changes at WMC. Milstein was "sad to see him go" because she ties." Schuster remembered when her car was sto- erent places. In turn, there is constant learning Rosen said his participation in activities and thought she would not see him as much but len and Rosen took her to pick it up when it was g while at work clubs has "given me more of a direction in life." low and behold she did because he became found. "Once you stop learning at a job, you move "It has gotten me involved and helped me grow so active and became friends with her daugh- After he graduates from college, Rosen plans n to find something new and challenging, a re- up," added Rosen. ter Debbie. to start a consulting finn or business with which g kind of challenging;' said Asch. Rosen probably would not have been as ac- Rosen was influenced to change his ma- he plans to sell the WMC orientation program and The question is will Asch be here for the tive on campus if he had never met Mike Razze, jor by his second accounting professor, D. adapt it to other colleges. His work with the in- uration of things at WMC? ''With this college, class of '93. Razze got him involved in the Board Sue Singer, economicslbusiness professor. ternship has made him very knowledgeable with ne can be a real advocate. So, Iplan to be here of Trustees. She reconunended another major because "he the program and he plans to try to sell it. He said or awhile because I've got a 10l to learn and mas- and selling ser- Even though Rosen has been vel)' active was not focused in accounting." Professor Singer it is ''becoming an entrepreneur er," said Asch. during his four years at WMC, Professor Neal recognized that he would not put in the time todo vices." In the spare time that she does have, Asch is thinks that he is too involved. He said that Rosen the work Dean Disharoon said that Rosen will leave king her master's in liberal arts, beginning with should be more selective in his activities and that All of Rosen's friends who were interviewed WMC with an excellent program under his arm. Zepp's Religion as Autobiography class. She he should set new priorities. Neal said that if Rosen agree that he manages his time well and always ''If anybody is going to get me to leave Western the class as a great experience. '1 find it re- was more focused then it would make a differ- has time to be a mend. Maryland, Aaron will do it..jfhis business goes to arding to get back into school again and to be ence. SeniorWliliam'JYrrell said Rosen is themost six figures, I will go to work for him," said Dean n the degree track," said Asch. However, Professor Neal said "if he was not loyal friend he has ever had. He added: "He Disharoon.
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