Page 154 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 154
News Friday, April 21, 1995 Page 6 Campus Safety Blotter Annual competition announced Student for Fulbright and other foreign stud) (Late entry) On 2/27)95 at 12:39a.m. Cam- from student of attempted suicide. pus Safety cited two students in ANW for ex- transported by CS EMT to CCGH. Plant reports grants for the Class of 1996 cesstve noise. On 3111 a18:05 a.m. Physical On 2126 at 12:40 a.m. Campus Safety cited vandalism to windows and frie extinguisher in two students for conduct violations associated Garden Apts. The purpose of these 1996-1997 grants is to in with a fight at a clubroom party in Blanche. On 3/11 at4:15 p.m. Student reports presence in crease mutual understanding between the people 0 On 2128 at 2;00 p.m. Physical Plant reported of non student prohibited from campus an auto had rolled into a ballard at the Stadium ANW. Campus Safety and westminster Po- lice respond and individual is arrested for tres- the United States and other countries through th On 2/28 at 5:00 p.m. Employee reported theft pass in violation of warning issued previously exchange of persons, knowledge and skills. of $20.00 worth of clothing from PELC. On 3112 at 2:08 a.m. Student reported vandal- On 2(28 at 6:50 p.m. Campus Safety EMT ism to the window in his room in ANW. Applicants must be U.S, citizens at the time of ap treated a STUdent at DoCS for a minor lacera- On 3113 at 2: 13 a.m. Campus Safety responded tion. to a student with an unknown reaction. Col- plication and hold a bachelor's degree by the begin On 3/1 at9:08a.rn. Employee reported theft lege physician was consulted Safety EMT re- ning date of the grant. of lab equipment valued at $560.00 from On 3/13 at 5:04 p.m. Campus Lewis. sponded to a student passed out. Student re- All applicants are required to have sufficient pro On3t2 at 12:12p.m. Campus Safety tows a fused transport to CCGH and agreed to see student with unauthorized employee parking Health Service in the morning. ficiency in the language of the host country to carrj decal in Lewis lot On 3/16 at 11:45 p.m. Student reported a past On 3/4 at I :22 a.m. Campus Safety observes sexual assault by another student in Blanche out their proposed study or research. For many coun a window broken in Blanche. On 3117 at 12:29 a.m. Student cited for alco- On 3/4 at I:31 a.m. Campus Safety and Resi- hol voulation in Blanche. tries, of course, this is English. dence Life cite students for burning material On 3/17 at 12:38 p.m. Student reported theft Full grants provide round-trip international travel in a room in Blanche. of stereo equipment from clubroom in Blanche On 3/4 at 3:15 a.m. Student reports an un- On 3/17 at 3: 15 p.m. Student reported vandal- maintenance for the tenure of the award and tuitioi known person attempting to enter her auto ism to her auto in Whiteford lot while she was parking it in DMC lot. On 3120 at 8:50 a.m. Student reports an attempt waivers, if applicable, Travel grants provide round On 3/4 at 3:20 p.m. Physical plant reports to enter her auto by force in Rouzer lot theft of hall phone from Rouzer. On 3123 at 2:37 p.m. Campus Safety EMT re- trip international travel to the country where the stu On 3/4 at 3:26 p.m. CS discovers damage to sponds when employee falls into trench at con- hall phone in DMC. struction site adjancent to Levine. Westmin- dent will pursue study or research. All grants in On 3/5 at 12:52 a.m. CS cites student for ha- ster Fire Dept. ambulance transports employee rassment and failing (0 comply in Garden Apt. toCCGH elude health and accident insurance. lot. On 3126 at 7:57 a.m. Student reports forcible Interested students must see Dr. Del Palmer be On 3/5 at 2: 15 a.m. CS cites student for phone entry to her room in Blanche. Nothing was nususe. taken. fore they leave for the summer. If interested, cal On 3/5 at 2:35 a.m. CS observes vandalism 10 On 3129 at I:33 a.m. Residence Life reports room door in Blanche. vandalism to bulletin board in Rouzer. ext. 428 and leave a message. He will send furthe On 3/5 at 9:35 a.m. Student reports phone On 3129 at 10:05 a.m. Campus Safety EMT re- harassment in Rouzer. sponds to student who's passed out in McDaniel. information and then arrange to see you. You rna On 3/5 at 2:28 p.m. Students report theft of Student transported to Smith House. wallet contents from unlocked and unattended On 3/29 at 9:25 a.m. Campus Safety responds to also leave written message for Dr. Palmer with the room in Whiteford a report of suspicious activity in Garden Aprs. English Department. On 3/5 at 3:20 p.m. CS EMT responds to On 3129 at 3:50 p.m. Student reports her auto student with flu like symtoms in Rouzer. struck in Whiteford lot. On 3/5 at 11:44 p.m. Student reports being On 3130 at I [:06 p.m. Campus Safety responds battered by another student in Whiteford to a student with flu like symptoms in McDaniel lliIJ'ifill! On 3/8 at 4:07 a.m. Maryland State Police On 3/31 at 6:55 p.m. Campus Safety cites student is'mB ""IllJID (i;lJ!Ulr,:!.!>l transported four fraternity pledges to CS who for public urination UlJJ'n"m@IDlir(ij!tioll had been picked up.approximately eight miles On 3f31 at 11 :49 p.m. Campus Safety cites stu- OVERSTUFFED from campus walking back. dent for alcohol violation On 3/8 at 4:23 p.m. Student reports phone On 3/31 at I[:51 p.m. Campus.Safety observes ~\l!Jlli~ d.\mJID ~d.\mJIDWlJ@!Xtl1!l~ harassment in Whiteford nonstudent using illegal drugs. westminster Po- On 3/9 at 7:20 a.m. Student reports theft of lice respond and individual is cited. Tresspass stereo components from room in ANW". waming is issued. On 31l 0 at 10:45 p.m. Student reports phone On 413 at II :31 p.m. Campus Safety observes harassment in PA houses. damage to stadium gate. On 3/11 at I :08 a.m. CS identifies suspects in On 414 at 10:20 a.m. Contractor reports window false fire alarm in Whiteford. in backhoe damaged in Blanche lot. Westminster On3/11 at 12:04 Cs respoods to report Police Dept. advised. OVERSTUFFED 1):~ SUBS OVIiR$TUFF5.D SANDWICHES ............. "-".);5 TURKIiY CLUB ._._....$5.50 Schedule, from p. 1 DELI TURKEV _••__ CORNIiD IEF...... . $4.25 CHIEESESnAIC ........•....... $6.'0 PASTRAMI .- $.4 •.1.5 they need, and it not be there, or combined [with cess." COLP CUT ..............•.• ROAST TUR.UiV •.•........ S4.$O anotber one]." said Shaffer. "But we're not going Shaffer,a 1976WMCgraduatc,&aidshehas to say, 'Oh, too bad, you can't complete your worked at the University of Maryland, and this H .... M &0 CHEESE _..... _••••$•. 7$ DIU TURKEY ..•.....••.•.•.•.. U.SO mejor;" kind of communication "just doesn't happen" at She said they will do everything possible to a big school. EA THERE, T AICE IT WITH YOU OR make sure students get the courses they need. Shaffer is very excited about the new sys- WE'LL BRING IT TO YOU! "Feel free tocall me with any questions you have," tem and wants students to realize how truly ShafI'erwantsstudentstoknow. "Tfwedon'tknow beneficial it will be. "Please bear with us," she DI.....t. EXT. 7):' the answer, we'll find out and get back to you. said. Then, joking, she added, "I figured, we PIiUVERY A V ........ 81.E .IiTWEEN This is a smallcampus ...[anyone] can pick up the have no classrooms this year, so why not 6:J:O PM. ~ 1I0~O PM SUNDAY - FRIDAY phone and call someone to straighten out the pro- change the courses?"
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