Page 156 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On the Hill Friday, April 21, 1995 Page 8 New German you how to speak a language, or how to think an behave in a different culture." Recently,treForeign Language Oeparrrrent Dr. Bsa recently gave a presentation on at WMC welcomed a new professor, Dr. use of music to teach foreign languages. He imple- Mohammed Esa, a professor of Gennan who is ments these ideas using song lyrics and videos in already very involved with activities on campus. the classroom. Other different approaches to He serves as the sponsor of the German club, teaching include journal writing and using art- What advice do you began a German radio show Em! semester, and work and games. Esausesmoreinteractivestrat- organized a Jan Tenn trip to Germany. egies to encournge students to work together and have for Dr. Esa brings to WMC a rich heritage of gain a fuller understanding of the German lan- Hoover Library? many cultural experiences. He is a Palestinian guage and culture. Dr. Esabelievcs that students Comparntively, who was raised in Israel. In Israel, Or. Bsa was influenced by many ofthernulticulunal teachers in other cultures demonstrate an aggressiveness at his Palestinian scbool. He grew to admire and and curiosity that is lacking in the American sys- 1. "The librarians should keep CGQ up, juggle the books around a little respect teachers that challenged themselves and tem. He hopes that different methods of te.aching bit, and occasionally swallow the their students. will bring WMC students to a different level. water they drink from the water foun- Dr. Esa furthered his education in Gennany Esa also believes that different teaching at Heildelberg University, where he earned his methods will allow students to get over their tain."-Three Toed-Sloth '96 2. "Oon't keep the heat on so high, it masters and PhD. Although Esa originally in- fear of other cultures. Esa says that people are makes me fall as1eep."-Kim Nichols tended to pursue medicine, through chance he afraid foreign cultures will "change them." He '96 continued to study German. hopes to break down these barriers and create 3. "Build a larger commons area be- Dr. Esa is fluent in four languages, German, a better learning environment. cause food and drinks are not allowed English, Hebrew, and Arabic. He enjoys smdy- At WMC, Bsa has been exploring innova- Dr. Esa was attracted to the focus on stu- to "re- in the library."-Amy Heffner '98 ing other cultures. Esa believes that "languages tive methods of teaching. Attempting to get stu- dents and leamingat WMC, as opposed to imple- He is anxious dents more actively involved in their education, search universities." 4. "Get another copy machine.v=- build bridges between you and other people. Esa seeks to go beyond textbooks anJ lectures. ment other ideas and further his involvement languages] [Through you can understand how Karen Voit '96 5. "I think that the library should im- Ie think and feet." Hebelieves, ''Books are borin . The don'tteach atWMC. prove their technology to allow the Books, from p.I students to have access to the library somewhat like a patent does. This licensing di- entway. For AlvemiaCollege, there is no percent at all times."-Kurt Michelsen '97 wherethemooey gees. OnceatMissouri Books, rectly effects the price of merchandise, depend- cover cost foroverhead expenditures. The largest 6, "I think that the workers do a fabu- the books areeither repaired or made more pre- ing on that school's polices, some prices are higher difference is that the money only goes to the pub- lousjob, especially Carrie Gatton."- sentable for resale. According to ZJe Patton, then others. lisher and postage, and there is a 25% markup on Julie Brown '98 the Bookstore Manager, "I would rnther buy the At WMC, the bookstore runs various pr0- merchandise. The school is not licensed and the 7. "Get more terminals for the books back from the students anyway." motions to keep the prices even lower. Some of bookstore is run by Alvemia College. Internet."-Brent Houle '96 Merchandise is another matter. 1bere is a those promotions include: Back 10 School, Christ- Albright college is also significantly differ- 8. "I think that the library should markup of that merchandise, which depends mas sale, Spring Ring, and recently Earth Day. ent in that their bookstore is also run by the school. have a dance in the front lobby."- greatly on whether the school's name is licensed The sale of merchandise is also factored into the They have 20% markup on the books and 40% Jen Sacks '98 ornot. WMC is not alicensedname, where as a minimum guarantee set by the school for Barnes SimilarlytoWMC, 9. "Get more funding and get better school like the University of Maryland is. The and Noble to follow. the school's name is not licensed. books."-Angie Jones '95 licensing simply protects the schools name, Many college bookstores are run in a difIer- Franklin and Marshall's bookstore, like 1O. "Figure out a solution to the prob- WMC, is run by an outside corporation. How- lem of the binding of the magazines, .Kinsey shines in Residence Life ever, it is not Bamesand Nobel, but rather Follett, the issue that 1 need is always miss- the largest Bookstore corporation in America. ing."-Carolyn Arney '97 had something called a block weekend, that Will 1beir system is completely different to that of any 11. "Get another computer for Sta.!fWriler where you would go on duty on Friday at 3 p.m of the schools compared. The percent of where Infotrac."-Karen Williams '98 Around campus the students' opinions of the and end your shift on Sunday at noon," she ex the money goes is not standard. The list and net estdence Life Staff is pretty low. 1be genernl plained. 12. "Employ more intelligent em- prices of the markups create their own percent- ployees who know more than I do."- onsensus is that they are out to bust people and Another difference at Shepherd was that stu ages which range from 10%-40%. F&Malsohas Scott Currey '96 ertheir career, dents visiting students of the opposite sex had t a newnogo for the school which is licensed, but [3. "Hire more librarians, whenever However, there is one shining example of sign in, leave their student identification card,an the name is not. I ask a librarian for help they don't truism and gooclwilL Charlene Kinsey, the as- buzz the student being visited via an intercom sys There used to be a bookstore committee here seem to have the time."-Chris istant director of Residence Life, is held in high tern. She pointed out that the residence assistan Chase '97 'gard by the students that she helps in times of was in charge of making sure students follow 14. "I think that the library should re- eed. Junior Matthew Page describes her as, "an this procedure. However, Kinsey also pointed ou organize the children's book sec- xrremclyfair person," adding, "Hyco have any that there were eight residence assistants per build tion."-Elaine Spieg/e '96 uestions orconcems she is definitely the person ing at Shepherd. compared to only four here. 15. "Offer Beer Bagels to the stu- ogoto." Kinsey, who grew up in the small town 0 dents."-Graham Talbot '96 This theme of fairness, caring, and respect- Grafton, WY., seems to have found a niche fo bility was mentioned byevery student polled. It herself at WMC and surrounding Westminste ms that other Residence Life personnel are area. At college she majored in speech commu "It is important for the students to know that we try to offer the best ought of, by students, as persons that are abus- nication and minored in English. This is ably why she interacts so well with students materials and try to be responsive to ng the power they are given by the school. So- "Out of all the Residence Life staff that ior Timothy Rubino said, "She tries to help you the students' and the facultys' needs. t, not just bust you." Kinsey agreed, what she Even though we have a small staff, we still try to provide a high level of njoys most is "helping students out" and "talk- Kinsey said she enjoys her job most of service." Use the suggestion box on og tc sndents." on campus inJuly 1990. Pre- time, and the thing that she likes least about it is Kinseyanived the on line Public Access Catalog to iously, she was involved in Residence Life at disciplining students. Another thing she dislike! voice your concerns.-Jane Sharpe, hepherd College, in Shepherdstown, WV. She is "Students who will not take responsibility fo Librarian tartcd as a residence assistant, which she said en- their actions." She also said that students who mpassed much more than the same jobJ1ere. "drunk and angry about something," are no fun t The library offers an excetlent environment for study and a variety "They have a cake walk here," she claims. deal with either. Apply Now SUmmar of resources for research. Keep up he said that at Shepherd things were far differ- Kinsey was rather unclear about what's i poelt.ona with th. the good work. JDS nt. When on duty there she had to lock the resi- store for her future. However, she said her ConfGnnco CUleo. nee hall doors at midnight and unlock them at 6 job would be being a guru, live on top of a molUl m., buthere Campus Safety does that job. Also tain,andmake$1 million, tax free. Thisgoalma Stop by 192 Pa_ Ave. Advice for the Shepherd, when a residence a~sistant was on seem a little unrealistic, but she does know tha for an tlf'pllcetlon. and uty they were on for24bours, from 3 p.rn. lUltil she does not want ajob involving numbers. In..,.r, 10 any quaatkJn Phoenix? x8600 p.m. the following day. "I want to be something that make people' you mil, have or call 212, En Weekends were even more grueling. "We lives a little better," she concluded.
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