Page 149 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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winner of Phip Congrats! to Lissa Price Sigma Sigma sponsored , $100 raffle 4-course load no longer a mystery Towsongrad singsthe praises ,. BvL1SA l.AllL dents need to graduate with from here?" Theclassschedulehasbeenmodi- 0 f W omen s HIstory Month &lilor·;Il·Chiej said Shaffer. "Every college needs to fied in case tho professor opts to hav what is one of the biggest mys- [reevaluate its curriculum] from time ~~~~i~::~:X~~~~~:':::~'1-----,=====;;;;-- teries at WMC right now? totime." No, not the food in Glar, nor what BLARrequirementshavealsoun- been incorporated into the schedule new problems Residence Life can cook dergone some big changes. According from which the professors can choose. up for the student body It is the new to Shaffer, they decided to "kill two But Shaffer said the professors who do four course load system to begin in fall birds with one stonevin certain cases, use these sessions will not necessarily 1995. having some courses cover two areas. use them every week. WMC's· Registrar, Barbara She said most departments and The new schedule is in the beck Shaffer, said that the entire curriculum professors were agreeable to the of the Fall 1995 course selection book IncelebrationofWornen's History system is being changed and updated change, although it has been a 101 of provided by the Registrar. Classes that Month, Goldberg played songs from to "provide more in-depth learning of work for everyone involved. 'The utilize the extra time will have the ses- hit stars and groups such as Tracey subjects." changes [in the various curriculums] are sionlisted. Chapmen and 10,000 Maniacs,as well ''We are interested in quality, not good ones, [but] getting everyone situ- Shaffer wants to make registration Jazz and blues quantity," said Shaffer. atedwiHtaketime,"Shaffersaid. as easy as possible for everyone. By as her own music. some ofher songs, opened for 10,000 Maniacs sounds highlighted The basic idea is to have students Although each course is supposed working with the departments and while others were reminiscent of folk in the past. concentrate more on four courses in- to be "more academically rigorous" Dean Coley right from the beginning, music. He-free spirit and comical com- ing music, Goldbergalso produces her stead of giving minimal attention tofive than before to compensate for the extra she relieves as many students as pos- ments added to the success of the ownwork... Sheownsarecordingcom- or six. According to Shaffer, several credit hour, Shaffer said it is up to the sible will get the classes they want, pany, Corbett Records, She stopped neighboring schools have adopted this individual professors how the courses Shaffer readily admitted that ''the performing for a period of time to learn system and met with success. will be conducted, transition period will be tough." and sm- how (0 use the sound equipment. It is Noton!y will the new system ben- "Not everyone will meet four dents will need to constantly commu- less expensive and she can at her own efit students, but it has also forced all hours a week," she explained. ''Some nieate with their major and minor de- pacethisway. "iboughrittoleamhow departments to reevaluate theircourses. professors may assign outside work partmems. toembellish [my music] myown way," "[Whenlookingatthemajors,] the instead." Other professors may opt not "Students may go to take a course Goldbcrgsaid. big question was, what in 1995 do stu- to change the amount of work at all See Schedule, p.6 Goldberg'S newest album is Se- Bookstore not out to 'make a buck' crecy, which is available on CD and cassette.interestingly,theneckiaceshe Prices are controlled by publisher, according to college wore during the concert appeared on thecoverofthisnewalbum.ltindudes Bosley, DirecteorofFacilities Manage- semester, and if they are, they have to black coral, a key, acharrn, and acoin. By STEWART br'rEI. & BILL BOWER SlaffWriters ment andAuxiliary Services the school specify which edition they will be us- Goldberg found the coral i Perhaps one of the biggest con- decided to let Bames and Noble run and ing. If it is a new one, that will affect scuba diving, received the key from cerns for students is the high cost of rent out the space because, "we didn't the sell back price. blacksmith who gave them out to dif- books and the low sell back price of have the expertise." This includes the Bosley said that it "depends on the ferent girls he knew, and got the charm those books. Many students believe that employees who are employed by market demand and the resale value of in Key West it is the school that takes in all the left Bames and Noble. each individual book. Everyoneis con- lit doesn't mean anvthing." over money between the expensive sale In addition, Barnes and Noble also sidered individually. That's what the of books, and the small sell back price. pays the school a "minimum guaran- whole thing is hinged on, the profes- However, at WMC this is not true. tee," which lets themmakeagrosssale, sors return of the book adoptions for ,---",,-,==--,--=~=C-;-=-'--;=C70----------, the following LOOK AND COMPARE!! semester;" WHERE ITGOES: WM~BUSUEA_ whil~sa~er~ Missouri Books, estab- lishing pricing for rebought books. As stu- dentsatWMC, we all notice that once you those long lines, there is a computer in us the bad news. Well, it is that com- wade through the back of the window thai gives all of puterthat is linked to Missouri Books, and it gives you the The fact of the matter is that most Publisher & Author Taxes: 9.7 cents wholesale price of each of the money (66%) goes to the pub- Income: 7.6 cents book. lisherandonly 100totheauthor. Then The reason why the breakdown spreads somewhat we cannot sell books evenly 10 the author, the school, andany backatinorecompetitive overhead cost. (See Chart) However,il prices is because of ship- is the system through which books are Perhapsthelargestfactorthatgoes ping. Those books that bought and sold that is of most interest. into books that are bought back is if the are bought back have to BamesandNoble Bookstores Inc. course is offered again. At the end of ili1ii.fiII~~:8;;'0;;":;" be shipped to Missouri rents out the store space from WMC in every semester, the professors have to Income: Books, and then shipped what up until three years ago was run let the bookstore know if they are of- College Store Freight =ts back again. That is by the schoo\. According to Barry L. fering that particular course in the next ....:.:=--==:::_ _ L_-,E"",,,,!C':"~~,,-. '.cL7C.!:"~"'~" __,g'l"0~~I~:~,~£!0~'!~c.!'~0.5"'''~"!!.ItsSeeBooks, p.8
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