Page 150 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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commentaz Friday, April 21, 1995, Page 2 • Editor's note: Won't stand for bureaucratic BS. The Phoenix Although most members of the Phoe- risk losing credibility. However, every other ministrators, want to get rid of Greek Life at nix staff share the same sentiments, I have area I have encountered has allowed a few WMC altogether and will do anything they Editor-In-Chief decided to forego the regular staff editorial extra days after due dates .. .for a price. can to accomplish that end. Lisa T. Hill '97 and write my own. I know many people Professors may deduct some points from By making the housing process as diffi- will assume the opinions expressed are mine papers, the Carroll County Times (which pub- cult as possible for Greeks, it appears Resi- Advertising Manager alone anyway since I am a Greek. lishes the Phoenix) may get the newspaper dence Life is hoping that enough students David Weigelt '95 However, I am not only stating my own back to us a few days late, and credit card will get so frustrated that they opt to live off opinions, but also those of many students, companies may charge a late fee, but they all campus. This would be just what they need Business Manager Greeks and independents alike. accept the items. If you tum in a mortgage to pack more students into WMC without Pamela Barry '96 I feel the student body has been vic- payment a day latc, they charge you extra; building new dorms and at the same time timized by the WMC system. Specifically, they don't take away your WHOLE HOUSE. break down the Greek system. News Editor I believe Residence Life has suddenly de- This is what Residence Life is doing. Go ahead, tell me I am being childish Michelle Hamilton '98 cided that they are above the concerns of They state that they have to stick to their guns, and irrational by making these accusations. the student body and do not need to listen but this is just ridiculous. But first, stop and think: Am I right? Maybe On The Hill Editor to us. Now, Ihave been reporting for the Phoe- I am one of the few who actually decided Jonathon Shacat '98 After the Greek protest in March, Resi- nix for two years, and Ihave quickly learned enough is enough; this is what so many know dence Life said they would let Greeks fill about all the bureaucratic B.S. that goes on, but are too scared to recognize. Photography Staff their halls themselves. But they seem to at this school. Things that no one will admit But do NOT tell me I am childish when Aden Mages '97 have found a way around that promise by and a person could get in trouble for acknowl- one or more members of Residence Life Tameka Collins '98 being extremely strict with their "new" edging they even exist. refuse to answer the calls of parents con- Pace Frisuelos Kromer housing policy. I am saying, THEY DO EXIST. cerned with the housing problems and even I understand that a department has to I have heard several students say that it outright LIE to them about the situation when Sports Co-Editors set certain guidelines and stick to them or seems Residence Life, and in fact, many ad- they do catch one in the office. Josh Foster '96 Most people realize that stonewalling • Editor's piece John Manard '96 Greek housing by putting members back into room draw is not going to stop Greek mem- Distribution Manager Has Ernie Ogle dialed a wrong number? bers from getting back on their floors. What Amy Weigelt '96 students who do not know these Greek or- Until now, I have not heard anyone be like with the changes to the phone system ganizations well would voluntarily choose a General Staff complain a great deal about the phone sys- next year. It's bad enough that someone can room on one of those halls? And if they do Aaron Alhburn '97, Pace Frisuelos tem at WMC. However, it has occurred to be harassed over the telephone now, but with know them, they have probably already been Kromer, Elizabeth Valuet '98 me that a problem may arise with next year's the new system making it so much easier to asked to live there. Laurie F. Cicero '98, Jill Marron '97 changes to the telephone system. find where that person lives, he or she could Since this is already understood, why is Chrissy Pardew '97, Ross Houebon The telecommunications department be victimized right in his or her room. Residence Life doing this? Are they simply '97, Sarah Sheckells '97, Stewart plans to install a phone in every room next I strongly urge Ernie Ogle and his staf using this technique to try pushing Greeks Bittel '95, William Bower '95, Sara year. Since every room will have a phone, to review the proposed phone system for next out of their housing? Beth Reyburn '98, James Riggins '98, the phone numbers will be in consecutive year and make the appropriate changes. Per- I hope anyone who disagrees with these Richard Thomas '95, Doug Yarrall '98, order increasing with each room. For ex- haps the phones could be put into every room opinions will respond to them through the Sarah Snell '98 ample, if your phone number is 8000, then in random order rather than in consecutive Phoenix. All letters received will be printed, your neighbor's will be 8001. order. Or even go back to the old system 0 [promise. Layout Staff For example, if person A wants to find standing in lines. Yes, this is somewhat of a [ simply felt it is high time for these Pace Frisuelos Kromer, Lisa Hill'9?, out where person B lives, he or she could hassle, but if the system wasn't broken in the things 10 be brought into the light. It is John Manard '96 start with the room number and phone num- first place, why try to fix it? Whatever the against out rights as people and students to ber of someone in the same building and changes, I think something should be done. be kept in the dark with no chance to be Faculty Adviser count rooms from there. heard Terry Dalton Considering the number of hate crimes and other problems occurring on this earn- Jonathon Shacat Lisa T. Hill pus already, just imagine what things will On the Hill Editor Editor-in-Chief The Phoenix is published bi- weekly. The opinions expressed do not .Letter to the Editor necessarily represent those of The Phoe- nix staff, the faculty, or the adrninistra- "Boxing match" ensues over clothing, food collection torsofWMC. The paper welcomes free-lance As you have probably noticed, a cloth- ity of the project and the placement of the sive thought. The surprisingly aggressive submissions on Macintosh disks in most ing and food collection box for the home- box. Following the meeting an altercation situation that developed over the collection word processor formats. The editor re- less shelter has been displayed since the be- between Susan and Mitch Alexander ensued. box signifies the resentment of student in- serves the right to edit for clarity, length, ginning of March. The collection campaign Susan relocated the collection box in clusion in the administrative process. In a and libel and to publish as space permits. has been quite successful and the Sisters of front of the information desk where it school that advertises "Think Dangerously", All submissions (excluding self-ad- Justice would like to take this opportunity would be in better view. Mr. Alexander it is ironic that when students do develop dressed diskettes) become the property to thank the college community for their sup- then moved the box closer to the seats be- not only the art of independent thought, but of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. port. One aspect that contributes to the over- hind a tree. Susan and Mr. Alexander con- the desire to act on that thought, they are Please include a name and all success of the drive has been the qual- tinued to move the box back and forth until a presented with hostility. This aggressive phone number for verification. Names ity of clothing donated: these clothes will tug of war contest over the placement began. tactic has been experienced by the Progres- will be withheld only by the discretion not only provide the basic necessity inher- Surprised by his actions, Susan asked why sive Students as well as the Sisters of Jus- of the Editor-in-Chief. ent with clothing, but will provide the op- he was acting so drastically. Mr. Alexander tice in the form of ideological labeling (i.e. The Phoenix does not discrimi- portunity for some to attend job interviews. replied that it was "his" building and con- communists), resistance concerning inquires nate based on age, race, religion, gen- to the curriculum reform, lack of inclusion But as of late, resistance to this humani- tinued to loudly complain about the pre- der, sexual orientation, national origin, tarian project has been levied upon those sentation of the box, claiming it was "messy". in events where all organizations are invited condition of handicap, or marital status. involved. Concerned that the situation was getting out (prospective student orientations), and an On April II, 1995, Susan Alvin met of hand, Susan marched back into Dean overall tainted cooperation concerning room Mail to: with Dean Sayre to discuss the longevity Sayre's office requesting he mediate the situ- reservations. The Phoenix of the drive; suspicions about Campus ation. Susan pointed out the vehement sup- What does this mean? In an environ- WMC, 2 College Hill Safety targeting activists; and the possi- port for the project and Dean Sayre instructed ment where the students are controlled as Westminster, MD 21157 bility of an open forum discussion with Mitch to put the box where Susan had origi- far as where they live, eat (and what they Campus Safety officers, students, and fac- nally placed it. eat), where they go and when they go so- (410)751-8600 ulty (which was already in the develop- Although the collection box was placed cially and academically; and an attempt is (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 ment stage). Dean Sayre decided that an- in Susan's favor, the situation demonstrates made at self control and inclusion on the part other meeting would be scheduled with the continual resistance and opposition to stu- of the controlled, a conflict is inevitable. FAX: (410) 857-2729 Mitch AI~xanderto decide upon the longev- dent activism and independent and progres- Steven Monks and Susan Alvin
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