Page 157 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On the Hill Friday, April 21, 1995 Page 9 Study abroad provides rainbow of experience for WMC students abroad programs at WMC, affiliated istrar; for an early Junior Check to de- she must be open to accepting a differ- leDoux is going to Ireland, social work HY JONATHON SUACAT O,,71,eHiIlEdi/or and nonaffiliated: termine whether or not the course re- entculture. Hesaidthatwhenstudents major Mary Catherine Schap is going Very few Western Maryland stu- The affiliated programs are quirements to graduate have been ful- leave they like "blue" or "green" and to Austria, and sociology major Pamela dentsknowaboutthestudyabroadpro- American and foreign university study filled orwill be fulfilled by graduation. when theyretum they like "aminbow" Barry is going to Mexico. gram that the coUege offers, showing abroad programs with which WMC Dr. Mohamed Esa German Pr0- This current semester there are If a student has a desire to study either a lock of interest or lack ofknowl- has become associated. These allow fessor and Temporary Study Abroad four students who are studying abroad. abroad then he or she should be able to edge. the student to study abroad only in cer- Coordinator, said that theideaofsn.tdy- AU four students are women and they doso. Dr.Esasaidwcdon'tpur stones According to Chris Crotsley, ac- tain countries. In an affiliated program, ing abroad is ooeonty "going there and are all on an affiliated program. They in the way of the people" who want counts receivable manager at both the grades and the credits from taking classes" but it is "leaming what are Candice Craig who is in Grenada, to go abroad on an nonaffiliated pro- Gettysburg College, about 180 to 200 the courses taken while abroad trans- is going on in the world." He added Spain, Cheryl Smith who is in Thai- gr.un. of its 2,200 students go on a study fer to WMC. Grades are transferable that most students who go abroad be- land, and Charlotte Gaylin and Eliza- This article is the introduction abroad program each semester, while due to the fact that the courses are con- come more "inteUectual"when theyre- beth Benecke who are in London, En- to a new series of articles to be run in WMCsendsonlyaboutfiveofits 1,200 sideredto be similar to thoseofWMC. tum. gland. the Phoenix. Articles about students students. Federal, State, and other outside mOQ- Dr. Esa explained that a student Next semester there are three stu- who have participated in the study She said the reason for this great ics can be used with affiliated progrnms does nor have to adopt a new culture dents who will definitely be studying abroad program will appear in each difference is because Gettysburg allows but WMC financial aid cannot be used while studying abroad, but rather he or abroad' English major Nicole M up-coming issue students to use the financial aid given on a study abroad These allow a A Ooser Look at: Kathy Montgomery to them by the college, such as grants, Nonaffiliated programs are not tocovertheexpenses, while WMCwill associated with WMC. not. Also, study abroad is a require- student to go anywhere in the world to to go, Montgomery tried to involve.her ''not overly friendly" explained Kathy ment for some language majors at the study. Only the credits for the classes Hy J0NA11ION S'L\CAT political science major with the coun- Montgomery. Austrian pcoplcjust like On IheHi/I Editor college. in nonaffiliated programs are trans- While most of the students at 'try in which she would study. She any other people from a foreign coun- However, Gettysburg will not ex- ferred. Students who attend a nonaf- Western Maryland took the same old thought to herself "where is politics try have qualities that may seem nega- tend this privilege to international stu- filiated program must request a leave classes last year, Kathleen Montgom- most relevant in Europe?" and the first tive to Americans but are acceptable in dents, for "they are already on a study of absence from the Dean of Academic ery, a senior political science and Ger- place that came to mind was Germany. their country. abroad program," said Crotsley. Affairs. Federal, State, and WMC fi- man major, spent a semester abroad in Germany was a good place because of While on her study abroad, Kathy The student may choose to study nancial aid cannot be used for nonaf- its political status and because Gennan Montgomery realized that she takes abroad for one semester, for a full year, filiated programs. Salzburg, Austria was in Eu- was her minor at the time. When she lot for granted in this country. One thing Kathy Montgomery or for 4-6 weeks during the summer. lfastudent is interested in study- rope for a total of about five months. was in Austria, thecountryvoted tojoin that-she missed the most was nachos. The student may do so during the ingabroad, thereareseveral things that During the first month she lived with a the European Union. This was a big She said that they are 'just a regular sophomore, junior, or senior year but he or she must do. First the student family in Munich, Germany and for political move at the time and she found thing" in the U.S., but ''when you have it is recommended to go during the jun- must schedule an appointment to see the other four months she stayed in a ittobe very interesting. not had them for ihreernonths.they are lor year. the Study Abroad Coordinator. Pro- dormitory with anAustrian student in As a result of her study abroad, sogood." In order for a student to go abroad fessorMartine Motard-Noaris the co- Salzburg,Austria. Montgomery changed from a German Between 90% and 95% of all he or she must have a minimum GPA ordinator but Dr. Mohamed Bsa tern- While studying abroad she took minor to a German major. The main people who study abroad return as bet- of a 2.5, some programs require a 3.0. porarilyhas theposition. Next the stu- a total of six classes. In Munich she reason for this change was because of terstudents according to Dr. Mohamed The student must-take at least 15cred- dent must fill outa study abroad ques- took a German Conversation course all the credits she received for taking Esa, GennanProfessorandTemporary its while studying abroad. tionnaire. review literature on some for the purpose of language training. the courses in German. She had plans Study AbroodCoordinator. Dr. Esasaid The average study abroad will programs, and begin the selection pro- In Salzburg shetook five more classes of majoring in German but she did not that when Kathy Montgomery returned cost between $6,OOOand$ IO,eXn For cess. After some choices have been in including: What's Becomingofthe think that she would be able to. from her study abroad, she ''took life example, the WMC Cross Cultural made, the student discusses them with European Culture?, World WarII and Living in another country requires more seriously" and "started to reflect Studies program offers a study abroad his or her faculty advisor and with the an adjustment to a different culture. about college life." Central Europe, Conflict and Coopern- to Seville, Spain, for$6,200 with a$500 Study Abroad Coordinator in order to tion in Contemporary Europe (POliti- Montgomery described the Austrian Afterherschooling in Europe was administrative fee for one semester. make a final selection. Then the stu- cal science), German Conversation, people as being "very different" said complete she did some traveling. First Thes!UdentdoesnothavetopayWMC dent meets with someonein the finan- and German Class. that "their manners are different than she went to Nice in the French Riviera tuition while studying abroad. cial Aid Office, to review the status of In making her decision of where ours." They are "rude," "blunt," and and then to Limerick, Ireland. There are tw
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