Page 158 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 158
On The Hill Friday,ApriI21,1995,Page10 Rich's Review: Angry Salad, Soul Coughing rock WMC Concert Review there. Starting things off were Angry Salad, a singing "Luka." Both songs evoked some hu- bands, such as U2 and the Cure, but they ex- Bands Soul Coughing! Angry Salad band from Boston, Massachusetts, who were mor due the band's cover choices, but the ren- pand upon those aspects into their own distinct Place: Gill Gymnasium (PELC) at Western introduced to the audience by their publicist, ditions were pulled off with enough power and style as opposed to becoming a carbon-copy Maryland College Adam Lewis. Before the show, Angry Salad the band's own identity to suggest that this was of other bands. In fact, Angry had enough Time: 8:00 p.m were interviewed both this reviewer for the nOI a weak pop cover band whose main staple power chords to share a bill with Van Halen Sponsored by: CAPBoard Phoenix, and then on the air at WMCR by is the latest Ace of Base single. and Aerosmith while distinct from those two Review by: Richard Thomas deejays Kevin Lundell and Michael Welter. The band's originals also stood OUI,such hard rock outfits. The seven song set showed Aftertheir first song, they proceeded into as "Milkshake Song" and "Dance" (with its a lot of promise and generated a fairly positive This past Saturday, Gill Gym (PELC) was a rendition of Suzzanne Vega's "Luka" which steady drum beast courtesy of Hale Pulsifer). response from the audience. converted from a regular gym with a basket- sounded nothing like the original version, and Many of the songs had a pop twist along with a Around a half-an-hour after Angry Salad's ball court to a concert auditorium when Soul the same thing was true of their cover of "I harder edge. The band's tempo was a steady set, the lights grew dim again, and the leader Coughing And Angry Salad performed. Want You Back" by the Jackson 5. During boogie, but with power-chords thrown in to singer of Soul Coughing urged the audience The show began a little after 8:00 p.m., "Luka," guitarist and lead singer Bob Wheland suggest that they are more than just an average (who were sitting at the bleachers) to come and a good number of people were already did an impersonation of U2 vocalist Bono modem rock act. There are traces of many towards the stage. A funky up-tempo pace ~ ,oeg""things, as member Sebastian Steinberg playing his upright bass while drum- Gabay (from Israel) provided the Mark De G!iantoni and ~OC'li"/gu;t";,,M. Doughty rounded things band began its unique and impres- SUMMER SCBOOL FOR PEOPLE ON TBEIR WAY TO TBE TOP. If you didn't sign up for ROTC as a By the time you have graduated from freshman or sophomore. you can still college. you'll have the credentials of catch up to your classmates by at- " an Army officer. You'll also have tending Army ROTC Camp Chcl- l I ~ the seU-conUdence and disc1pliD.g lenge, a paid six-week summer it takes to succeed in college and course in leadership training. beyond. ABMYROTt THE SMARTEST COWGE COURSE YOU CAN TAKE. For additional information contact Major Navarro 2nd Floor Gill Gym or telephone extension 720.
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