Page 155 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 155
News Friday, April 21 ,1995 Page 7 WMC celebrates lOO-yrold chapel ~ollege band is on the "This smallest public build- well as in numerous profes- Public Information Ojfice ing on the J60-acre campus has sional journals. is on a first-come, rise; concert April 30th Members of the Western had more influence on more Seating Maryland College community students than any other build- first-served basis. A video si- tain," in the musical work com- will unite in their devotion to ing," says Dr. Ira G. Zepp, It, mulcast of the program will be .. HY ~IM ASCII one of the campus's most professor of religious studies broadcast in Alumni Hall. This Pub!Jcl" urt1Wlio" O,!ice posed in 1942. Accompanying memorable buildings on Sun- whose book detailing the event is free and open to the Aaron Copland's "Lincoln narration will be by faculty ortrait" will be one of several member James Lightner, a long- day, May 7 when Baker Chapel Chapel's history will be re- public and a reception will fol- eatured compositions in this is rededicated in celebration of leased on May 7 following the low at 4 p.m. in McDaniel time member of the College its IOOth year on the Westmin- rededication ceremony. Lounge. Advance copies of "A ~~~~=;~p~r:;;~:~c~~fl:~: Choir. ster campus. The service will The Reverend Dr. William Grateful Memory, History of Other featured works will beginat2p.m.inBakerChapel E. Smith '45, D.O. '65, will Baker Chapel. " by Dr. Ira G. oncert Band on Sunday, April include "First Suite in E-flat" Essential elements from the deliver the rededication sermon Zepp, Jr. will be sold. This 144- O. The concert, free and open by Gustav Holst; "Canticle for three separate dedication events entitled "Deep is the Hunger." page softbound book published o the public, will begin at 7 Three Solo Flutes and Wind held in 1895 will be included in Smith is a United Methodist by the Office of Public Informa- .m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. Ensemble" by Elliot Del Borgo; the spring program to retain the pastor and has served con grega- tion also includes written re- onducted by Linda "Of Sailors and Whales: Five has Band from irkpatrick, the spirit of the original. tions in Massachusetts. Ohio membrances by several college rown to over 50 members with Scenes McBeth; Melville" by W. and "Radersky Francis The white limestone chapel and Maryland. Widely re- alumni was designed by Maryland's spected as a teacher, he has "Little" BakerChapel'sres- ocal community musicians March" by lohann Strauss. The Hill." most notable architect in the taught at Duke, Boston and toration needs are being up- oining students on "the was se- Strauss piece will be conducted piece The Copland Zepp late 18th century, Jackson C. American universities and lifted in its 100th year by a ected to commemorate the 130- by WMC student Michelle in the who French plays horn Gott, and it has been the cen- Wesley Theological Seminary group of volunteers seeking terpiece of the College's saga in Washington. D.C. where he $189,000 for repairs including ear anniversary of Lincoln's band since its conception. Founded was vice president for four a new roof. Fundraising efforts ssassination. songs, It weaves two WMC Additional informaton: Department of Music, eriod "Camptown in 1867 by men who were pil- years. are being co-chaired by Ralph . lars of Methodist Protestantism, He retired as a professor of C. John, WMC president emeri- aces" and "Springfield Moun- 410/857-2599. Western Maryland College ex- Christian Ministry at the Divin- tus, and Robert Parker, D.O. isted three decades without the ity School, Duke University in '53, president emeritus of WM to echo with sounds of spring benefit of its own chapel. It was 1994 and continues service as Wesley College. For informa- a dream realized by then WMC a member of the board of visi- tion on making a gift to the By KIM AscII with Palestrina's timeless motet President Thomas Hamilton tors. He has written extensively Baker Chapel Fund please call Public {,,/{)rmm;,m Office "Sicut Cervus" and concluding Lewis when the gift of $5,000 for denominational publications 410/857-2250. "The Hill" will spring to life with the hypnotic and powerful was made by William G. Baker, including The Circuit Rider, Information on the Baker with choral sounds when Western choral excerpts from Carl Orff's Sr. of Buckeystown to build the Upper Room Disciplines and Chapel Rededication: call 857- Maryland's College Choir per- "Carmina Buruna" (with double chape\. . international Lesson Annual as 2292. forms April 23 at 3 p.m. in Baker piano and percussion ensemble). Memorial Chapel and the Madri- The "Evening of Madrigals" ASAP furthers AIDS awareness gal Singers presents its annual pro- will infuse "Little" Baker with the complete gram April 25 at 7 p.m. at "Little" spirit of the Renaissance, Baker Chapel. Both events are free with costumes. In addition to the and open to the public. By EUZAIIETH VALUU standard fare of international mad- SllIffWriler The "Choral Traditions" pro- rigals, the ensemble will feature On April 9th, residents of gram will take listeners on a tour several lute songs with Garth McDaniel witnessed the first through time exploring ways in Baxter's accompaniment. presentation of the Peer Educa- which mankind's emotions are ex- For more information on these tion Program of ASAP (AIDS' pressed through song, beginning concerts, call (410) 857-2599 Support, Awareness, & Preven- tion), the new AIDS awareness Peterson, from p. 3 o rg a niz a t io n on campus Through a whirlwind of skits, quizzes, and games, ASAP n the 160-acre campus. He persons, with an indoor elevator members sought to uphold their lso designed Alumni Hall, and outdoor ramps. New wiring mission" .. to educate the WMC Baker Chapel. the President's and mechanical systems and a Home, and an addition to new roof complete with skylight student body about the dangers of AIDS ... " Levine Hall. Gott is known for is also part of the project. After a dramatic mono- his creation- of many of In March Mrs. Blum pre- logue from "HIV", ASAP mem- Baltimore's notable civic build- sented 57 art works on a long- bers lightened the mood quiz- enjoy themselves at the first presentation of the Peer Education Program. ing and structures at The term loan to the College The zing the audience with HIV and Pennyslvania Sate University. works were collected over the AIDS basics to check their "come off beautifully." working to create a heightened Architects for the current long career of ludge Albert H. "condom sense." The program Advertised through campus awareness of the AIDS epi- project are Centerbrook of Essex, Blum who bought them quickly moved to a skit about media, the program attracted demic and its effects on our Conn. and the building conrrac- fromplaces throughout the the myths and misconceptions around forty participants. generation. ASAP has raised or is Roy Kirby & Sons, Inc. of world. including a notable group surrounding the AIDS epi- ASAP members are hoping for funds for AIDS research, pre- Baltimore. Peterson Hall's main of intricately carved ivory pieces from Afric and Asia. demic. Further activities in- similar turn-outs at the sented skits and information at now features a computer graph- Sculptor H.I. Gates will also classrooms, ics area, art history cluded a relay race to list rea- Whiteford and Rouser presen- Wellness Day, and secured free sons and ways to use a condom, tations scheduled for later this and anonymous AIDS testing on faculty offices and slide- display his work -c-sculpted life- a skit mocking the "nightmare" month. campus in Smith House. Next repaaration areas, while the sized assemblages of samurai a photogra- of getting tested, and a question Through these presenta- fall, several ASAP members lower floor includes and design and armour-at During this inaugural exhi- hy laboratory the last 20 years bition. and answer session facilitated tions, ASAP seeks to get out as will be living together in an rawing studio. Much antici- Gates has collected Japanese by ASAP member trained in much information as possible. Affinity Suite in DMC. Cur- ated is the unveiling of the top armour and recreated these AIDS education. An ASAP member, Rachael rently, they are appl'~ing for Participants found the per- Rice, said, "We're not here as grants and setting up further floor which has been restored to samurai costumes into sculpted that formance "interesting" and "in- counselors or to tell anyone AIDS training for members in the sophisticated art gallery its En- works which evoke a spiritual it was in the I960s-with persona. formative". ASAP advisor, what to do. We just want to preparation for next year. information Additional Bonnie Bosley, thought the pro- give students all the informa- If anyone is interested in lish white oak paneling, stucco be obtained by contacting may the cornices. gram was "a wonderful suc- tion to make to best decisions joining ASAP or getting more ilasters and exterior will The be Western Maryland College Of- uilding's cess." She commented that the for themselves." information about testing, leaned, and the structure will be fice of Public Information, 4101 members had worked very hard Since their foundation in please contact Bonnie Bosley at 857-2292. for the presentation and it had the fall of 1994, ASAP has been extension 700. fully accessible to handicaped
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