Page 151 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 151
WMC choirs serenade several high schools, members enjoy By SAK,\II BETII REY8URN Western Maryland. It seems to be She thought it was a lot of fun be- gospel choir because "the music and the choir members got to know SllljJlVrilCf an effective device thanks to coor- cause she was able to sing with her means the most to me and I love each ather better on the bus ride," Once again Dr. Margaret dination with the admissions of- younger sisters, Krissy and Kellie singing with my sister." All indications are that the choir Boudreaux, chair of the WMC mu- fice. and their adopted sister, LeAnne "I thought the tour went really tour will continue in future years sic department, led the College However, Dr. Boudreaux says (Godwin), who sang in (he Gospel well," said choir President Amy and offer an enjoyable time to the Choir, Gospel Choir, and Madrigals that it is hard to measure exactly choir. Glasgow. "It was a good chance for college singers and the high school on a tour of high schools in Carlisle, how effective the tour is on the Nichols said she favors the the choir to meet potential students audiences. Biglerville, and Northern York younger high school students. County in Pennsylvania Each time the tour stopped at For six years the choir has a different high school the Gospel toured local high schools, giving Choir would sing under the direc- NTRODUC NG the students a taste of the music tion of Western Maryland gradu- program at Western Maryland, as ate Eric Byrd. Then the Madrigals Calvin Klein Denim well as giving the choir achance to would sing, followed by the Col- perform. The singers enjoy the lege Choir. experience of performing several Dr. Boudreaux then described times a day and in different recital the music program at Western halls. Maryland and distributed bro- According to Dr. Boudreaux, chures about the college. The au- the tour is well-received by the diences seemed to enjoy the per- high school students. The tour formance, as did the singers them- usually visits schools where they selves. are eagerly awaited. Sometimes the Freshman Christian Wilwohl, audience consists of just the stu- who sang in the College Choir, dents in the high school's music commented, "I had a good time and programs, while at other times the it reminded me of performing in whole school watches the perfor- high school." He also said he was mance. glad he could continue singing in The tour offers high school stu- college. That is an aspect the Dr. dents a chance to acquaint them- Boudreaux stressed to students selves with Western Maryland and considering non-music majors. sometimes helps to sway some stu- Kim Nichols, a junior music dents' choices who are considering major, sang in all three groups. Fine arts building to be dedicated Friday this fine building. The architects By Kim Asch P"blirln/ormm;oI10jJice this time around are Centerbrook Formal dedication of the newly of Essex, Connecticut. Theevent's expanded and remodeled Fine Arts keynote speaker is Gary Vikan, di- Building on the campus of West- rector of the Walters Art Gallery. ern Maryland College will take The yearlong progect in- place on Friday,April21 beginning volved a complete remodeling of at 4 p.m. in Alumni Hall theatre. the three-story building. The college will honor Clementine Keynote speaker Gary Vikan L. Peterson, college trustee emerita was named director of the Walters and Baltimore philanthropist who Art Gallery last April after serving donated $1 million toward this as the assistant director for Cura- project in 1993, with the naming of torial Affairs and Curator of this building Clementine and MEdieval Art since 1985. An in- Duane L. Peterson Hall ternationally known scholar and The event's keynote speake is has curared many of the most sig- Gary Vikan, director of the Walters niticant-and most popular--exhi- Art Gallery with remarks to be de- bitions at the Walters, America's livered by Western Maryland Col- best small museum and a model for lege President Robert H. Chambers. art museums worldwide. A ribbon cutting and a reception in Following the formal cer- Peterson Hall will be held follow- emony all guests are invited to the ing the brief formal ceremony. inaugural exhibit in Gallery One Peterson Hall was originally featuring dramatic sculptures in- constructed in 1909 as Western spired by samurai armor by artist Maryland's first free-standing li- H.I. Gates and pre-Columbian and brary. It was designed by Jackson tribal arts from the private collec- C. Con, known at the turn of the tion of Eva Blum and her late hus- century as the "Dean of Baltimore band Albert. Student art majors Architects," and it is on e of a group will serve as hosts for this unveil- of lovely old WMC buildings listed ing and will provide tours of the on the National Historic Register. new classrooms, including a For at least three decades, the graphic arts computer lab sytructure has served as the home restoredThe college will also of our Deparment of Art and Art honor Clementine L: Peterson History. Mrs. Peterson's remark- The three-story Indiana lime- able generosity is well known to stone and gray hydraulic pressed THE BON+TON viturally everyone in Baltimore and brick building of Roman Doric de- Maryland, and it is her interest in sign is Con's most ornate creanon the arts has allowed us. to renovate See Peterson, p. 7 YOUR FASHION S TOR E
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