Page 153 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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News Friday, April 21 ,1995, Page 5 Angry Salad battles its way up, enjoys touring at the same time By KICHARIl IIIOMAS Beyond describing the Queen frontman Freddie Mer- to well-known bands like U2, that translates well in their shows Sta!fWriter events and the fact that they cury, shouted the words" An- The Replacements, and the is their sense of humor. Before Angry Salad, the opening enjoyed opening for Live, An- gry Salad." With band name Cure. However, the band says the show, Wheland joked about for Soul Coughing at Gill Gym gry Salad declined to comment and lineup settled months later, that they have their own sound, their "ugliness" by saying, "We at Western Maryland this past further on the topic and Angry Salad was formed. even though they find those are celibate band, but not by Saturday, has had many experi- avoided band-bashing, an ex- Later, the band won a con- comparisons a complement, choice." The tall, long-haired, ences opening for other bands, ample of Angry Salad's easy- test thrown by the Providence since the members of Angry blond singer and guitarist contin- especially well known acts such going, nice, and non-malicious alternative radio station Salad admire those bands. ued his humorous streak at cer- as Live. attitude. Of course, the band WBRQ. Angry Salad opened Wheland describes Angry tain points in the band's show "There's a community feel- Live could not be reached for for such acts as the Spin Doc- Salad's sound by saying, "It's later that night, such as imperson- ing," says Angry Salad's guitar- comment. tors and Counting Crows, and melodic rock n' rolL" ating U2 singer Bono singing ist and singer, Bob Wheland, in Way before opening slots, were signed to Breaking The point of them sounding "Luka" or imitating the Sesame response to how the band has Angry Salad were a band Record in 1993. Their first CD, their own was made clear at Street character, Grover, having gotten along with the headlin- formed in 1991 at Brown Uni- "The Guinea Pig E.P." was re- their performance at Gill Gymna- ing acts it has supported. versity in Providence, Rhode leased that fall, and spent five sium at Western Maryland Col- Wheland and the rest of the whefand, along with two Island with Wheland on guitars 'weeks in the College Music lege on Saturday, April I, a little band expressed their enthusi- other members of the band, re- and vocals, Hale Pulsifer play- JournaltopiclSv, according to bit after 8:00 p.m. Many of their asm for playing at Western marks at how their tour with ing drums, Chris information in the band's press songs had melody to them but Maryland. In fact, they all en- Live last November was a Peterlettermangenson on. gui- kit, after a nine-eponymous they also had a heavy groove joy touring. McAquin.o, the "wonderful experience," even tars, and John Thomas on bass. cassette about a year or so ear- sound that would make them not guitarist with short. dark hair, though Angry Salad was kicked Wheland describes their ori- lier, before being signed. too out of place opening for hard said, "We tour as much as we off the tour. According Angry gins as a "typical college band By early 1994, rock bands like Van Halen and can which gets us' to as many Salad, Live wanted a non-rock genesis.'.' The band came up Peterletternangenson and Tho- Aerosmith. They mix originals people and as many places as opening act, so Angry Salad with the name "Angry Salad" mas had both already left the such as "The Milkshake Song" possible." was replaced by an acoustic when Wheland was vacationing band and Rob McAquino (gui- with some rather unconventional Wheland agrees by saying, guitar and cello playing act, a in Florida, and he was talking tars) and James Finne (bass) covers like Suzzanne Vega's "Our objective at this point is fact the members of Angry about band names with another filled the empty slots. "Luka" and the Jackson 5's "1 to get our music out to as many Salad found out this past De- person. Then a drunk English- Throughout the bands' few Want You Back." people as we can." cember. man, who turned out to be years, they have been compared Another aspect of the band !Room draw process faces changes VrnegarTom Opens Friday for room selection. on these floors is necessary to keep Torn}-lead to a frenzy of witch- DV lVllCIIF.LLE nA~ITLTON Bv KIM ASCII News Editor If a person is living in a double up with the new numbers. Pubfjc/njorm"lionOffice craft accusations, official interven- If you are going through the next year, then that person needs The selection process for the Western Maryland College's tion by authorities and eventually recess of room selection for next to have a roommate. 'Seniors will Garden' Aparr rnents ' has' also Performance Laboratory will pro- several deaths by hanging. . ear, you may notice a few not have the privilegeof living changed. T he apartments are now duce Obie Award-winning writer Churchill insightfully demon- hanges. alone in double next year because based primarily on seniority. For Caryl Churchill's Vinegar Tom, a strates the connection between fear This year, adjustments have example, if four seniors with a lotto play about witchcraft, April 21-23 of female sexuality and witch hys- een made in the procedure so that II[Housing will not be number of 20 applied, three seniors and 27-29 at 8 p.m. in the teria through the songs that inter- pace will be more effectively used. a problem} if we and one junior with a lotto number understege at Alumni Hall. ject the action of the play. The first major change is that of 15 applied, and three seniors and Although Vinegar Tom is set WMC's Performance Lab is a he housing deposit is up from $100 utilize our space ajunior with a lotto number of 12 in the 16th or 17th century in rural regular feature of the theatre arts 0$200. If a deposit has not been properly." applied, then the group with four England. it has a contemporary feel department's production season rade by a student: then a lotto --Jude Yearwood, seniors will have priority even as it tells the story of two farm and is a process of study, rehearsal umber will not be Issued through their lotto number is lower. women who are branded as witches and performance designed for stu- Also, every student who Asst. Director of Also, a residence task force is by a man whom they have spurned dents with advanced acting expe- urned in the housing deposit late Residence Life looking for alternatives for other sexually. Seemingly commonplace rience, both in classes and onstage. rnot at all is subject to penaliza- groups on campus. Some of these occurrences during that time-the General admission costs $5 ion, according to coordinator of "we need to utilize space" expained options include placing groups in death of a cow, a stillborn child, the and $3 for the Western Maryland he room selection, Jude Yearwood Yearwood the Pennsylvania Avenue houses or abandonment of a lover and the College community. For more in- his means Greeks who did not pay Anotherchange for next year's on first Floor McDaniel. This task appearance of a stray cat (Vinegar formation, call (410) 857-2599 n time may have forfeited the right housing has been on the Greek force also will address how Rouzer WMC hosts conference on o live on their 1100r. Other students floors. The Residence Life Depart- and Whiteford are to be set up. he did not pay on time will re- ment gave the organizations the op- Yearwood said that most of the .eive a lower lotto number. portunity to fill the rooms them- changes came from students who low income housing Another change is that stu- selves with' members and indepen- complained about the unfairness of enrs will be picking their own dents. If this could not be done, the old system. "We 're open to sug- decent and affordable housing. The ottot number by hand; it will no then residence life intervened to gestions," he added PI,lI/it' f"jomwli"" Ojfic~ organization works to ensure that College Western Maryland onger be computer generated ensure all spaces were used. Housing the projected number will host a day-long conference on the nation's policy makers are fully Room squatting has been According to Yearwood, of students for next year will not be educated about low income hous- liminated this year; all students Greek membership has decreased a problem "if we utilize our space "A Maryland Strategy for Housing ing needs and how federal policy iust go through the same process in the 90's, and reallocating spaces properly," Yearwood emphasized. Justice" Saturday, April 22 from can offer efferive solurions. 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m Co-sponsored by Western SGA announces election winners given by Robert J. Adams, execu- be Maryland College Interfaith Hous- A keynote will address ing Development The Corporation, The SGA approved the election of new offic- Class of 1997: tive director of the National Low Low Income Housing Information ers for the 1995-1996 school year. The executive Pres. Kevin Lundell Income Housing Information Ser- Service and the college, the con- will be presented vice. Workshops ference will attempt to raise aware- officers are: President Brandy Mulhern; Vice- Senators Amy Dreibelbis, Shane Ireland, that address the economin and po- President Randy Ryner, TreasurerTim Collins, and Ryan John litical aspects of the housing prob- ness, as well as mobilize people toward action. Secretary Holly Roback. for orga- Class of 1998: lem, as well as strategies in support Registration costs $25, how- nizing a strong coalition of scholar- Class of 1996: Pres. Heather Huffer of "housing justice." ever a limited number for those who ships are available Senators Meredith Bowen, Andy Kalisperis, Pres. Virgil Cain The housing Justice cannot afford the fee .. For more Sara Beth Reyburn Senators Aaron Kahn, Jen Nash, CONGRATULATIONS! Campaign's mission is to create a information, or to reserve a space, Michele Roatche broad-based constituency for safe, call (410) 751-8625.
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