Page 115 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 115
On The Hill Thursday, February 9, 1995, Page 7 Glacier Park to Winterfest Week Schedule hire 900 college Thursday, February 9 students for Comedian: Marc "Skippy" Price from Family Ties Time: 8:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall summer jobs Price: $3.00 at the door or in advance package (Marc Price and OJ Party $3.00) GLACIER PARK, MT-Col- been a tradition for college stu- Sponsored By: SGA lege students from across the dents from across the country country are being sought for to work at the park while en- summer jobs at one of the joying a number of outdoor ac- Saturday, February 11 nation's most spectacular tivities such as hiking, riding, OJ Party parks. and fishing in one of the Time: 9:30 p.m. in the Forum Glacier National nation's last examples of pris- Park, located in the northwest tinewildemess. Price: $1.00 at the door or in advance package (Marc corner of Montana, is best According to Dale Price and OJ Party $3.00) Beer and Refreshments Served known for its rugged mountain Scott, president of Glacier wilderness and its historic Park, Inc., the opportunity to Sponsored By: CAPBoard Mainstage Committe lodges. Glacier Park, Inc. is work at Glacier affords stu- looking for students to fill dents educational opportunities New MAXnotes to compete more than 900 summer jobs in in more ways than one. all segments of the hotel and "You can get much hospitality areas. , needed job-related experience with Cliff Notes Jobs include a large in a variety of areas, which can variety of hotel positions such help with a career later on," as hotel front desk, room atten- says Scott. "But you can also Piscataway, NJ--Move over nitely help students when pre- series that includes modern dants, cooks, wait persons and get life experience education Cliff Notes and make room for paring for homework, class- thought and analysis. To assure bus drivers. Many students by working in spectacular Max! room discussions, book re- present-day interpretations and also participate in the guest en- natural surroundings and Students now have a ports, and exams. criticisms, MAXnotes were tertainment, which includes through developing a camara- wider choice when seeking "MAXnotes offer a written by teachers who cur- American Cabaret Theatre, an- derie with co-workers who help with English literature as- lively look at literary master- rently teach the subject. other Glacier Park tradition. come from around the world." signments. MAXnotes is a pieces to enhance understand- MAXnotes also con- Employees are needed this Scott says many of new series of "student- ing and enjoyment of the tain illustrations of key pas- year from mid-May to early the students also use the em- friendly" literature guides, cov- works," says Research and sages. These illustrations help Oct'~ber. Th~highest 'demand' ployment 'at Glacier as an op- ering 32 of the most widely Education Association (REA). to convey the mood and spirit is for employees who can work portunity to save money for taught titles in high school and MAXnotes is the lat- of the work's settings. Other through late September and school. college--with more titles on the est series from REA, a pub- unique features are: (I) concise early.October. Internships are For details on jobs way. lisher who has built a formi- summaries and analyses of ev- available for hotel/restaurant, and salaries call Glacier Park, What is the chief dif- dable reputation among stu- ery scene and chapter; (2) sug;- gested topics for papers and re- culinary arts, travel/tourism, lnc., at (602) 207-2620, or Ference between MAXnotes dents and educators with its ports'wiUi' sa'rnple oUt1in'eJ;~na accounting majors, and movie write Glacier Park, Inc., Dial and other literature guides? Problem Solver books, High and theatre. Tower, Phoenix, AZ 85077- According to the publisher, School Tutors, Essentials se- (3~ study questions with an: The seven hotels.and 0924. . MAXnotes reflect the most up- ries and Test Preparation swers following each chapter or lodges and the famous red vin- Glacier Park, Inc. is a to-date interpretations of the books. tage tour coaches operate subsidiary of The Dial Corp, literature works covered. They According to REA, For more information throughout the 1.4 million which is a diversified corpora- are presented on a contempo- many literature guides were on MAXnotes, ask your book- acres of Glacier National Park. .tion with interests in consumer' rary, easy-to-follow, easy-to- written years ago and tend to store or" contact Carl Fuchs at Since the early 1900s, it has products. and ser~ices. grasp style which will defi- be dated." It' is time fo'r a fresh': R-E;A.·at (90S)l8'l9-888Oc HOUSE OF LlQUORS "Every thing in Spirits, '3()~ 'lea Z>~ ~:~:~;;~is~~~~~::,I~~ PLUS Courtesy & Service" Saturday, Feb,r.u~ryII (Rt. '140 and Engler Rd.) . . 848-1314 . in the Forum Lotto & Lotto Headquarters FINE WINE & SPIRITS * THE PER- FECT GIFT FOR ALL OCCASIONS 9:30 pm to 1:30 am SALE! Keystone Light & Ice ..... ..... $8.99/case, $4.99/12pk pretzls, chips, soda Milwaukee's Best (Reg & Lt) ...... ...$7.99/c_ase National Bohemian ..... ...... $6.99/case cans Heineken & Amstel Light .... ...$9.99/12 pk bottles bring your 10 r'--"'--,--' 'r---~---' $1 at the door or free with package Killian's Red .... ....... $15.?91case, $8.99/12 pk bottles • Natural Light. • Coors Light • :or Busch Light: • • or Bud • • ticket from "Skippy" show • I $8.99 Case Cans • I • I '$12.49 Case Cans • I sponsored by CAPBoard L _ .:!,!!t ~u~n.._ .J L __w,!!!t~u~~ _.J
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