Page 114 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On The Hill Thursday, February 9, 1995, Page 6 Taxassistan~p~ encourages students to help others whilelearning By KIM AseH ues on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat- training in late January for prepar- rants who volunteer thelr lime to Public Information Office Wriur urdays through April 13. The service ing forms 1040 EZ, I040A, 1040· supervise the program. Tax time presents another is free. and' Maryland's tax form. The stu- Last year about 30 students educational opportunity at Western According to Susan Milstein, dents will receive college credit for served 100 clients, more than half Maryland College, where students associate professor lor economics and their efforts. • of whom were from the local com- participate in a tax preparation pro- business administration at Western Thanks to a $500 student munity. In its third year, the program gram that benefits those who can't Maryland, VITA-offers taxpayers a grant from the college, donations of will be open Tuesdays and Thurs- afford professional assistance. chance to learn more about how taxes software from Kiplinger Corpora- days from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Feb. The Volunteer Income Tax work while also training students- tion, computers from Paladin Micro- 14,16,21,23 and 28; March 2, 7, Assistance (VITA) Program, admin- many of whom will go on to careers computer Systems and a computer 9, 14, 16,28 and 30; April 4, 6, 11 istered by the Internal Revenue Ser- in finance as accountants, investors, table from Staples, students will and 13. Saturday hours are from 11 vice, trains volunteers to help pre- brokers, etc.-to provide reliable tax also prepare some tax returns by a.m. to 2 p.m. Feb. 18 and 25; March pare tax returns for low-to-moder- assistance. Students could even cash using computer programs. 4 and 11 and April! and 8. ate-income taxpayers. The program in on their experience in the future by All completed forms will be For more information call will be open to the public on Tues- starting their own tax service, she says. checked for accuracy by another stu- Michelle Hertsch at 549-7382, day, Feb. 14 in Decker College Western Maryland's VITA dent, as well as Milstein or one of Karen Beamer at 857-8005 or 857- Center's Gold Room Band contin- volunteerswi!l receive four days of three other Certified Public Accoun- 2290. Schedule of Events for Applications sought for postdoctoral, senior research associateships Brack History Month The National Research Coon- years may request shorter periods. An- cil announces the 1995 Resident, Co- nual stipends for recent Ph.D.'s for the operative, and Postdoctoral Research 1995 program year range from $30,000 Sunday, February 12th Associate ship Programs to be con- to $45,000 depending upon the spon- Bus trip to African-American Art Museum in Wash- ducted on behalf of federal agencies or soring laboratory, and will be approxi- institutions research mately higher for senior Associates. 120 partici- whose ingtorrD.e., ,',.. nc ;" "'" pating research laboratories are located Financial support is provided Ii Noon: Depart Rouzer throughout the United States. The pro- for allowable relocation expenses and grams provide opportunities for Ph.D. for limited professional travel during scientists and engineers of unusual duration ofthe award. The tidst labora- Tuesday, February 21 st promise and ability to perform research tory provides the Associate with pro- laboratory. Speaker: Dr. Jessie McDade interests of the sponsoring 1954 ....., ,the grammatic assistance including facili- , Initialed In On "Black Athenas: 1785-1985" Associateship Programs have contrib- '-~;~t:u::ct;:a~e~7~~~bs~:~fIoarZnt~U~~~ 7 p.m. l\lcDaniel Lounge uted to the career development of over duct of the approved research program. 7,000 scientists ranging from recent Applications submitted di- Ph.D. recipients to distinguished senior rectly 10 the National Research/Coun- Saturday, February 25th scientists. cil are accepted on a continuous basis 400 new full- Approximately Movie: Ink.well time Associateships will be awarded on throughout the year. Those postmarked no later that April 15 in June, and by 7 p.m. & 9:30'p.m. acompelitive basis in 1995 for research August 15 in October. Initial awards in: chemistry; earth and atmospheric will be announced in July and Novem- sciences; engineering, applied sciences ber followed by awards to alternate can- Sunday, February 26th and computer science; life, medical, and didates later. Drama Festival behavioral sciences; mathematics; Information on specific research oppor- WMC students show their talents through poetry, dance, space and planetary sciences; and phys- tunities and participating federal labo- los. Most of the programs are open to ratories, as wellas application materi- and music both U.S. and non-U.S. nationals, and als, may be obtained fromthe: 7 p.m, Big Baker Chapel to both recent Ph.D. degree recipients and senior investigators. National Research Council Awards are made for one or Associateship Programs (TJ 2094/Dl) Tuesday, February 28th two years, renewable for a maximum 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. D.e. 20418 Soul Food Dinner of three held years; senior applicants who Washington, (202) 334-2759 have at least five FAX: the doctorate Decker Center, Forum Join the all new Most events are free and open to the public, except for the movie. Spon- sored by the Black Student Union, Col- Phoenix! lege Activities Programming Board, and the Student Affairs Division. weekly meetings: Green Tips FACT TIP Mondays, 6 pm Every 12 hours, Americans ere- When shopping, use your own fab- ate enough garbage to fill the ric shopping bag.which can be used Louisiana Superdome, over and over. Orreuseyouroldbags.
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