Page 113 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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--- On The Hill Thursday, February 9, 1995, Page 5 Hoovers establish endowed scholarship WMC Concert Band fund; total givingexceeds $2 million seeks area musicians Public Information Office bers of our community and eludes: member of the Univer- Westminster, MD-Honorary their overwhelming support of sity of Maryland Board of Re- Public in/ormation Office Trustee Samuel H. Hoover and this institution is testimony to gents; charter member and first Westminster, MD - The West- musicians in brass, wood- his wife Elsie have donated their love of learning and com- president of the Baltimore ern Maryland College's concen winds and percussion en- stock valued at some $567,000 mitment to private higher edu- County Dental Association; band is opening its membership sembles, will host its spring to Western Maryland College to cation." past president of the Maryland to area musicians. All high- concert on April 30. The create a new scholarship fund. Dr. Hoover has been State Dental Association, and school students, teachers, and band is directed by Linda The Hoovers' gift will establish a WMC trustee since 1972, and also the Maryland Board of community amateur musicians Kirkpatrick, adjunct instruc- and director ofl the largest endowed scholarship received an honorary Doctor of Dental Examiners; and recipi- are invited to join this group tor in music fund contributed by a living Science degree from the col- ent of a presidential citation for who rehearses each Wednesday the WMC Summer Sandi Camp. donor in the college's 128-year lege in 1979. A retired dentist distinguished service to medi- from 7:30 p.m.-lO:OO p.rn be- For more informa history. This most recent gift who maintained a practice in cine from President Harry S. ginning January 25. The 35 tion and to schedule an audi brings the Hoovers' total dona- Dundalk on Dunleer Road, Dr. Truman. Mrs. Hoover has vol- piece concert band which is tion: Linda Kirkpatrick, Di- tions to $2.2 million, making Hoover lives with his wife in unteered with both the Method- made up of students and local rector, 857-2550. them the most generous living Hunt Valley. In 1988, the ist Church and the American donors in the history of the pri- couple donated $1.2 million to Red Cross. vate liberal arts college. the college to help fund the $1 0 Recipients of the Disney looks nation- "The Hoovers are million Hoover Library expan- Samuel and Elsie Hoover Schol- Western Maryland's most ex- sion and renovation which was arship Fund will be decided by a ceptional benefactors," said dedicated in October, 1991. It newly appointed college com- wide for collegiate College President Robert H. has received several architec- mittee of trustees including Chambers. "Their friendship, tureawards. Wilbur Preston Jr., Dolores generosity, and service to the Active as a volunteer Snyder and Eric Peacher and co- musicians and singers college is unmatched. Both in many Maryland organiza- ordinated by Patricia Williams, Sam and Elsie are lovely mem- tions, Dr. Hoover's service in- director of financial aid. Disney is searching -vor the All American Col- Jamaican-native Bob Thompson across the country musicians and lege Jazz Performers sought in- for talented Singers. and enthusiastic - singers 10 join the'Disney En..':- 'cluae jazzsingers, all saxo- will 'jazz-up' life at WMC tertainment during Work the 1995 sum- phones, horn, tuba, percussion Experience trombone, trumpet, Program french mer season at the Walt Disney (set, mallets, marching), piano, HY HEATHER HAlLY Jazz" on National Public Radio, mances World Resort and Disneyland. electric bass and guitar. Public Information Office Writer and BET'S "On Jazz," hosted by with such talents as Keter Betts, Performers selected for Auditions will be Jazz pianist Bob Th-> -Ramaey-Lewis. ~ n PI,.-..-' John Blake, Roger Humphries; the nine-week program will re- ~ held in Boston (Feb. 11). New ompson will be appearing at In addition to writing and Winston Walls. He ceivesalary,housing,dailycareer York City (Feb. 12). Dallas Western for his own performances and recently co-produced and hosted workshops with top performing (Feb. 16), Austin, Texas (Feb. Maryland College for one show recordings, Thompson a Christmas special that was dis- artists and college credit. 17) and the Los Angeles area only on Thursday, February 16 participates in a variety of tributed nationally by Students will perform (Feb. 18-19). Live auditions at 8:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. projects: arrangements for the American Public Radio. His gifts in one of the following shows: are preferred, but video tapes This event is free and open to the West Virginia Symphony as a teacher and mentor have in- -the All American College will also be accepted. Video public. Orchestra; collaborations with spired hundreds of other Show Band (Disneyland or tapes must be submitted by A native of Jamaica, filmmakers, poets, and dance musicians. Walt Disney World); Feb. 12, 1995. New York, Thompson now lives companies, including the Rod For additional informa- -cthe All American College For additional infor- in Charleston, West Virginia Rogers Dance Company; spe- tion: WMC College Activities Jazz Band (Walt Disney World mation, call (407) 345-5701 or where he began playing the pi- cial compositions for the West Office,410/857-2267. at Epeot '95); (714) 490-7327. ano as a student at West Virginia Virginia International Film State. His albums have Festival; and music for impro- consistently achieved top ten sra- visational theater productions. Two new associate directors of major gifts tus in Radio &·Records and on Currently, Thompson Billboard's Contemporary teaches jazz piano and improvi- enhance WMC's developmental staff Jazz Chart. sation at the University of Thompson's musical Charleston in addition to writ- mentors are numerous including ing and directing the music for By KIM ASCH In 1991, she was Pittsburgh and Baltimore- the Newport at Saratoga Jazz a six-hour film history of West Public Information Office Writer named Employee of the Year for Washington Areas. Festival,jazz clubs such as Blues Virginia. He is the host of Western Maryland her work in building grassroots She has also served as Alley andThe Blue Note, Marian "Voices," a radio series of con- College welcomes Sharon Bean volunteer organizations as Com- a study skills tutor and support McPartland's "Piano versations and live perfor- and Gail Cohen Shaivitz to its munity Manager of Eastern staff for the Sylvan Learning Development Division. Both Fairfield County. Center and has gained leader- Student Research & Creativity will help the college in its fund- Bean holds a ship and volunteer experience Grants for Spring, 95 raising efforts as associate di- bachelor's in English, honors in through her work with The As- of Major Gifts. rectors with a minor Community concentration, Jewish sociated: Thedeadlineforapplica- peeses of a course. The project Sharon Bean has a di- business from Villanova Univer- Federation of Baltimore. ions for student research andere- mayor may not be connected with verse background in nonprofit sity. She lives in Germantown. Sh aivitz , envity grants for Spring, 1995 is aparticularcourse. lnseeditmay work and a special interest in Gail Cohen Shaivitz Pikesville resident, holds a Februaiy28,1995. be a special studies outgrowth. A education. She most recently has extensive experience in bachelor's in philosophy and To apply fur an award, a grant may cover !he cost of mate- held the position of assistant many facets of the educational political science from srudent must have a WMC grade rials for such projects, travel ex- director of annual and special field She most recently held po- Goucher and is also a regis- as p,int averageof3.2 and obtain the penses to libraries, or special col- gifts at Rensselaer Polytechnic sitions at Goucher College Science tered nurse. Both women join the in Troy, N. Y. and has Institute assistant to the Political ~t involvement of close span- lections. ' also served as membership and Department Chair and Social development staff during an ~p of a faculty member. The These are merely ex- wards are competitive. amples; Dean Coley would like to marketing director of the Capi- Sciences tutor and worked with exciting time at the college, The grants are intended see what kinds of creative propos- tal District YMCA in Albany, Professor Maryann Feldman as as it undertakes a project to to encourage special projects that als students may devise. Grants N.Y., as well as development project manager of a Small renovate its historic buildings Heart Fmplement students' major ace- range from $25 to $500. Applica- manager of the American Fairfield Business Administration Con- and begins science plans to construct center Association in tract, The Nature of Small Finn a new in the ~c emphases; they are not in- tions are available in Dean Coley's County, Conn. Innovation in the Philadelphia, next few years. nded to cover the normel ex- office.
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