Page 112 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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News Thursday, February 9,1995, Page 4 African-American History Month features civil rights movement activist, gospel jubilee, and other events By HEATHER HAlLY ary 26. ing WMC's African-American His- ext. 265. Individuals who wish to Pubtic lnformation Office Wrilu Ms. Richardson lectures na- tory Month are sponsored by the request special services such as Judy Richardson, a civil tionally about the "Movement," its Black Student Union, the Student sign-interpretation are asked to call rights movement activist. spoke at lessons and their relevance to today, Affairs Division, and the College Lynda Casserly, WMC interpreter Western Maryland College on and about the making of "Eyes On Activities Programming Board. coordinator, at 857-2518, or 857- Wednesday, February I as a high- The Prize," a series of films on the Additional information: 410/857- 2506, Voice/TTY, at least one week light of the college's celebration of history of the American Civil Rights 2265, or, from Baltimore, 876-2055, prior to the event African-American History Month. years. She has appeared on This year's theme, "Images of OUf "Nightline" and various other tele- Black History Month: Upcoming Events People: Realities of OUT Existence," vision shows in opposition to the was adopted by the WMC Black image of the African-American -Speaker: Dr. Jesse McDade on, "Black Student Union. Ms. Richardson's community and the "Movement" lecture entitled "Will the Circle Be portrayed in the film "Mississippi Athenas; 1785-1985" scheduled/or Tuesday, Febru- Unbroken: Lessons from the Civil Burning." ary 21 at 7:00 p.m. in McDaniel Lounge Rights Movement" was one of two As in past years, Western presented Maryland College has a number of -Drama Festival performed by WMC stu- Other features of the month act ivit ie s planned for African- dents who show their talents through poetry, dance include. an appearance- by scholar- American History Month '95. All and music on Sunday, February 26 at 7:00 p.m. in activist, 'Dr. Jesse McDade, on Feb- events are free and open to the pub- ruary 21, and a Drama Festival pre- lic. Baker Memorial Chapel .............................. . sented by WMC students on Febru- The various events celebrat- · "Television production Lack of space causes _ · course offered to public problems during Jan Montgomery Community Television, Inc., which ..Te_rm, : operates cable channels #21 and #49 in Montgomery . "J,T.I." from p.I ...! : County, will be offering courses in Television Field Pro- loud, "I went to other rooms," she "They're dealing with it well," she : duction this spring and is accepting applicants now. said. added. "They know it's not my Many students found their fault." classes to be challenging and inter- Karen Krahling was in the ..• .' Successful completionof the course provides par- esting. Jerry Simms said, "Com- same situation as Tara and had no : ticipants with free use of state-of-the-art equipment and parative economic systems was a problems with housing. "I got along They : facilities and the ability to produce television programs very hard course, but I learned a with my roommates. she explained. made me feel lot." welcome," :that are shown on the Open Channel, #49 (cable ready Chronicles of Narnia was Jerry Simms arrived into an : #23) on the Montgomery County cable system, The Open Brenda Smith's third choice of empty room, but it was obvious that classes, but she found she loved the the WMC residents did not know he : Channel is the public access channel dedicated for and course. "Dr. Ober is good," she ex- was going to be there. Valuables : programmed by the people and organizations of Mont- plained, "I would recommend [the such as CD's were still there, a situ- class]." ation which puts J.T.I. students in : gomery County. Language, Literacy, and an uncomfortable situation. "They · Power is "more laid but it demands my should be in their rooms] so they told back [than [we residents have at Dundalk], would classes All Montgomery County residents interested in reg- more work," said Michelle Walton. could put [their items] away," he : istering for the ten week course starting in May should "Tests seem to be weighted more," said. : call the Training Department at 424-5305. Enrollment she added. Nick Gough found his room The major problem J.T.I. "filthy and not vacuumed." He explained : fills quickly. Equivalency exams are offered for those students were faced with was their that ifhe "knew someone was in his room .............•..~•................•...•.. housing placed situation. Many students stu- like that, he would be uncomfortable. It : with prior television experience. personal property" of WMC in rooms violates peoples' were dents that were on vacation, and Dean Disheroon assured that those students had not been notified there "definitely won', be a repeat" of this Rape Myth #32 that their room was going to be used next year. during Jan Term. Other students Despite these housing problems, MYTH: Being forced to have sex doesn't cause lasting damage. If the were placed in rooms thai were oc- Dean Disheroon said this was "one of the victim has had sex before, it isn't that serious. cupied by only one or two WMC stu- best years ever. Iwould like to keep them dents. The beginning of Jan Term all here." The group was very compat- FACT: In addition to the STDs and internal injuries a victim may suffer, rape was the first time WMC students ible, and they made very good friends, she often generates great emotional pain. Rape is a personal attack, often were notified they would be sharing added. perpetrated by someone known to the victim. For some, being assaulted by a their room with a J.T.I. student. Michelle Walton, like many of date, friend, or classmate is worse than rape by a stranger. Tara Cliff ton from the other students, was left with a very Catonsville was in a triple with two positive experience. "Everything was For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. other roommates. She said they worth it," she said. "I loved every day of Our services and all inquiries are confidential. found out she would be staying with jt, and I regret it's only three and a half them when she came into the room. weeks." Hotline: 857-7322 Office: 857-0900
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