Page 110 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 110
Comm 2 • Letter to the Editor The Phoenix Concerned student makes a 'simple request' Editor~ln-Chief Lisa Hill '97 Dear Phoenix, brings one word to mind: childish. ers then maybe we can all under- It's childish to rip up the benches of stand what is wrong. Once that is Advertising Manager I have just gotten finished the Gazebo, to call someone at 3 understood then maybe we all can David Weigelt '95 reading the December 12 issue of a.m. and hang up, and it's childish start to make this community bet- The Phoenix and have had enough. 10 insult a group or individual for ter and then we can take that un- Business Manager This is my third year here and all who and what they are. derstanding to those we will en- Pamela Barry '96 this chaos has gotten out of hand. This world is so messed up counter in the future. When that People defacing public properly, in- but we are one generation who has happens then we will all start to News Editor sulting others, crank calls, racist a chance to change at least our part make a better world for our future Michelle Hamilton '98 slurs ... all of this has gotten to the of the world. We all want something generations. point where I am thinking of taking better for our children and we all The environment is an im- On The Hill Editor a semester off to get away from all want a better world for ourselves. portant issue but the way I see it is Jenny Daino '95 the chaos on campus. The only thing that stands in the way that if we don't start to make our Why? Why start this year? of this change is ourselves. When community better it won't make On The Hill Assistant Editor Why even insult people? Why de- racism or vandalism occurs it takes any difference if the environment Jonathon Shacat '98 stroy public property? What joy do us two steps back when we should gets better, because our hate and people get? This whole situation be going ahead. needless destruction will keep us Photography Editor doesn't seem 10 have any point ex- I would like to ask the from making this a beautiful world. Aden Mages '97 cept to hurl. Not just to hurt indi- WMC community to do one thing, So please WMC, understand what viduals, but to hurt the WMC com- and it's a simple request. We are all is happening and try help the heal- Sports Editor munity. Being in a community intelligent people and I ask that we ing process. Practice a well needed Jay Hilbert '95 means support not division. Using all start to respect others and their act of kindness everyday. It's a racist slurs not only hurts those it is property. Please, we all have had simple request and easy to follow. directed at but also those who have our own share of insults and pain. Please. General Staff friends in the group and respect the We are the ones who can and should Aaron Alhburn '97, Paco group, )Yhy insult, people? What make a difference in this world. If A concerned WMC student Frisueios Kromer, Jill Marron '98, satisfaction does one get from it? everyone just took the time to help Chrissy Pardew '98, James All that has happened others or understand what hurts oth- Riggins 'ss Layout Staff Pamela Barry '96, Lisa Hill '97, ~ ,.4 €ct fJ/ /l_dt,tiee ••,._.--. James Riggins '98 Faculty Advisor 4~s~ Terry Dalton What advice do you have for students who may The Phoenix is published bi- be taking Jan Term next year? weekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of The 1. "The Three-Toed-Sloth says Take 7. "Check about housing.v-c-Nick 13. "If you do, live off campus. Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the ad- Mah Jungg and buy a lot of liquor Gough (JTI) They should not charge you $250 for ministrators ofWMC. and pifia colada mix."-Dan board."-Wendy Schatz '97 The paper welcomes free- lance submissions on Macintosh disks Coleman '96 8. "Take advantage of the social as- 14. "Bring something to amuse in most word processor formats. The 2. '" think the idea is ,at. the height pect. Jan Term offers an opportunity you."-Ryan Pietrewicz '96 and editor reserves the right to edit for clar- of coolness because you get to do a for socialization relationships a chance the to fa'rm clos~r' with ity, length, and libel and to publish as lot of hip stuff that the regular se- 15. "Tell the dining hall staff that space permits. All submissions (ex- mester doesn't offer."-Micah small number of students on cam- '97 cluding self-addressed diskettes) be- pus."-Keith Remo you are commuting and '97 eat out a IOL"-Amie Glasgow come the property of The Phoenix and Humbert '96 9. "Sign up for a course with your cannot be returned. 3. "Start by thinking why you are tak- Please include a name and friends. Bring your friends and otherthan a ~e- it being ing Jan'Ierm, phone number for verification. Names quirement. Fo(most people it won't plenty to do."-Susanna Kuespert The JanTerm enables '97' '.' will be withheld only by the discre- have anything to do with "their major. students to do an intensive tion of the Editor-in-Chief. Since you only have one course and study in a subject that inter- The Phoenix does not dis- most of the courses are interesting, you 10. "Take an easy course."-Jerry ests them. Due to the small criminate based on age, race, religion, Simms (JTI) should try to have fun with it. Relax population of students on gender, sexual orientation, national and enjoy yourself."-ScoH Law '85 11. "Six weeks of winter break is too campus and the large origin, condition of handicap, or mari- long. Your parents will get sick of tal status. amount of spare time, good 4. "If you would like to get away you and you will get sick of your relationships are sometimes from home, take Jan'Ierm. Try to parents. Because of this, take a Mail to: find a class that does not have ex- IanTerm and drink a lot of beer."- formed. Even though it is a The Phoenix ams."-Dan Tran '97 Matt Roff '97 requirement, it is a great ex- WMC, 2 College Hill Westminster, MD 21157 perience in both the educa- 5. "Make a list of all the bO"~ks y'ou "2. "If y~u are doin'g ;~:independent tional and the social aspects would like to read and read them.v=- study for your JanTerm requirement, (410) 751-8600 Jenn Sacks '98 be sure to arrange to meet with the and I urge people to take (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 professor who is sponsoring your advantage of this opportu- 6. "Take advantage of it and do it all four project at least once or twice to nity.-J.D.S. years. The IanTenn enabled me to build a make sure you are on the right track laser which is something that I could not do and to ask for suggestions."- during the semester."-Dan Wooten '97 Audrey Osborne '97
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