Page 109 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 109
This issue is dedicated in loving memory of Doug Combs. We miss you. Volume XIII, Number 1 Western Maryland College JTI successful, but housing proves major problem By MICHELLE HAMILTON Dean Disheroon, fac- News Editor ulty coordinator of J.T.I., ex- J.T.!., Of Jan Term In- plained that the students "were stitute, has once again been a fully immersed in a living- success at Western Maryland learning situation." This past this year despite problems with three weeks was Michelle housing. J.T.I. allowscommu- Walton's first time away from oily college students to experi- home. Living on campus gave ence on campus life and classes her "more experiences" than atWMC. commuting alone and a chance Sixteen students from to "mix with the other stu- Catonsville, Dundalk, and dents," she said. Nick Gough Essex Community College from Catonsville explained were chosen to be a part of J.T.I. how he "purposely came for the Students were chosen based on full experience." G.P.A. and an application pro- Some students, how- cess through their home col- ever, realized some of the dif- lege. The group was led by ficulries about living on cam- WMC student coordinator pus. Jerry Simms from Christine Pratt. She introduced Dundalk said that by living in them to the campus, and ar- a dormitory there would be "no ranged meetings with J .T.1. stu- way I would be able to study." dents on topics like housing and Karen Krahling from financial aid. Catonsville found it surprising J.T.I. student Shaun there was not soap in the bath- Carey said Christine "did things rooms in Whiteford, and when on the spur of the moment with §It\';'J.T.I.'' p. 4 the group and was fun." The Phoenix gets a facelift! Phoenix party for By DAVE WEIGELT improvement is the mast is the ccntent. Forthepastsev- new recruits, credit Advertising Manager head. Last semester Prof. eral years, the paper has been Starling this semes- Sue Bloom assigned one of plagued with a shoestring staff. ter, many changes will be her graphic design classes This semester a plan will take available taking place for us, your the mission of creating a affect in an effort to attract new Western Maryland College new mast head for the Phoe- students that will add to the di- newspaper. nix versity of the paper's coverage. By LISA I.HiLL this newspaper, or for that matter, For the past several A~ well, a new phone Edifor·in-Chief every paper, than the articles that weeks, plans have been un- Changes in the system has been installed which Welcome back every- everyone reads, That is just the der way to improve the look and wit! allow anyone to call in to one! JustaseveI)'oneatWMCi~ finished product The work in- overall look and content of the paper with any "hot" story preparingforSpring'95,soarewe volved in getting each issue out to the Phoenix. content of ideas. here at the Phoenix. Along with the public requires dedicated One of the biggest the Phoenix We invite both crtti- our new "face lift," we are mak- people with talents inall these di- changes for the Phoenix is promise a cism and praise over this next ing many changes and improve- verse areas. the addition of a new semester as the evolution be- ments on the inside, too. Many students who PowerMac computer sys- great spring gins. We also welcome talent Our first and most im- have been working on the Phoe- tem. The new setup re- semester! of all sorts. portant project is the recruitment nix are notjust doing it for free. A places old pasteup methods If you think you of new staff members. Averysuc- journalism minor requires a spe- with electronic files which would be interested in work- cessfulrecruitmentpartywasheld cial study with the newspaper fo are sent right to the printer Of the entries, some ing with one of the strongest on Monday, February 6th for stu- three credits. And other students on a large format disk. of them were selected by the and most influential media or- dents interested in all aspects of have earned anywhere between In addition, all pic- paper's staff and you, the ganizations on campus, we the newspaper. one and three credits in other ar- tures and graphics will now reader, will decide on the invite you to our weekly However, we still need eas by working on the Phoenix be placed by the layout staff best design over the next Phoenix staff meetings held manymorestaffmembers to make staff. So if you need a few exm with improved quality few issues. The mast head every Monday at 6 p.m. in the the business of the newspaper run credits, the Phoenix is agreatplace thanks to a new flatbed being used for this issue is a Phoenix office, located in the smoothly. Not only are we look- to eam them. scanner. The new scanner slight adaptation of one cre- third section of the DMC ing for writers and reporters, but Socome out and join us will reduce printing costs ated by senior graphic de- basement. elsotbose interestedmcompurers, any Monday 6 p.m. in the Phoe- and eventually allow for the sign major Junko Honda. The Phoenix office graphic arts, business, advertising, nix'officeforastaifmeeting. Meet use of color. More important phone number is 751-8600 or and a Jot more. the members of the current sraf Another aesthetic than the look of the Phoenix x8600. There is a lot more to and see what we are all about. Everyone is welcome!
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