Page 105 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 105
Maryland did not let the press fonn of an injury. By JAY HlLBERT "We·ve got ten players, but I 5"",,,&/;,0' get to them by keeping the lead at ten or higher for most of the wouldn't say that we are A balanced scoring attack al- ways beats a one-sided scoring second half. healthy. We're beat up, physi- cally and emotionally drained," attack. Dickinson, though, started to said Martin. "The key still'Is Last Tuesday night, four make their move. Baskets by Green Terror' s scored in double Guzek, Cindy Porta, Amy that weare 3-0 in the conference figures, led by Sandi Dejager's Rakowski, and Guzek again, and that's what we have been 20 points, as Western Maryland trimmed the lead to seven as setting our sights for; to im- was able to survive a 33-point, less than five minutes showing prove within the conference." IS-rebound performance by on the clock. Western Maryland was shut Dickinson's Annie Guzek to "It's a simple, basic press. out the first 90 seconds of the knock off the defending Centen- The key was Guzek is very ag- game, but within three minutes nial Conference champion Red gressive and our guards, our ini- would jump out to a 10- 5 lead Devils, 71-64. tial inbounds pass was to a on a steady diet of two Spangler Western Maryland remains shorter person and we were Lay-ups and baskets from unbeaten in the Centennial at 3- holding it too long; we needed Murphey, Snyder, and DeJager. 0, and their 5-1 overall mark is to move the ball a lillie quicker With the WM at 20-15, a their best start since the 1989-90 down court," explained Martin. short DeJager jumper would Dejager noticed the press send the Green Terror on a 10-1 ~c::s~xsoe:~~u~~~oO~~:f::~ t2..- - - -,D-''''J~.g~,~,(:'W~;t:"h -b.-II':)I"'od""''''h-' -w.::::y=r:::o,=O: early, and felt that the team run that ended with Murphey S an d playoffs. The win also ended a WMC with 20 points in the 71-64 upset over they 'could made the necessary adjust- and Dejager jumper, extending four-game skid against their defending CC champ Dickinson. still contain ments. "To change it, we just the lead to 28-16. Both teams Carlisle opponents. The Green Terror were Guzek. started breaking people toward would trade basket down to the "We knew this was going to fouled on their next two trips "She (Guzek) is their fran- the middle. We made the ad- end of the first half, but the be a pivotal game," said Green down the floor. With four foul ctuse player; but again, we dida justment at halftime and I Green Terror held a 36-26 ad- Terror head coach Becky Mar- shots at the ready, Derager and good job containing in the sec- thought in the second half, we vantage. tin. "In all honesty, the coach- Haley sank both of their free and half with Heidi having to sit did a little better." ing staff was not trying to make throws outlaying the lead 10 70- the bench. Nobody is going to The lead for Western Mary- Notes: this (game) larger than life. To- 62 with 1:20 still showing. shut Guzek down, the key is to land was reduced to 65-60 with -For the fourth time in their six night was going to be a barom- A Rakowski lay-up shrunk contain her as much as pos- four minutes remaining when games, Western Maryland eter of how much we have im- the lead to five, but Shelley sible," said Martin. Guzek pulled back for an 18- pulled down 50 or more re- proved from last year to this Smith made the front-end of a Western Maryland held a footer. bounds. year:' one-and-one to push WM's gap lead as big as 15 with 15:27 to After last Thursday's game -Entering the game, Dickinson were 1- Despite shooting 3-12 from t070-64. Smith missed the next play in the game courtesy of a with York, the Green Terror Ia- and Western Maryland the floor, Katie Haley ended up free throw, but Haley muscled 10-5 spurt in the first four min- dies will now get amontn's rest, 2 in FG percentage (D-46.9%, utes with two buckets apiece which with this team of ten, is WM-46.4%) and the Red Dev- with 13 points as Erin Murphey under, and wisely tapped the ils shot a CC-high 76.5% from and Denise Spangler had twelve baIL out to Smith. from. Murphey and Dejager. It well warranted as most of the the line. apiece. with Spangler pulling Haley was eventually fouled, looked for a moment, though, team are currently nursing some down 14 rebounds. and also went one-far-two on that westem'r;===~=========~==========o;l Western Maryland's biggest her trip to the line, but it did not Maryland was achilles' heel this year has been matter as the Green Terror had ready to pull their foul shooting, which is no trouble running out the re- away. currently at 56%. It was obvi- maining 40 seconds. But, Guzek Chinese Restaurant ous that western.Maryland was; Dickinson didn't play larger and the Red Szechuan * Cantonese * Ameri- going have to win the game at than life, shoottng.S't.S '[0 from Devils would the charity stripe with Guzek the ficld-31 % in the first 20 not, thanks to can having fouled out with 3:10 left minutes (11-35),50% from the their full-court 848'0919 in the game. After Guzek's de- line (10-20 vs. WMC), and press which 876-3166 parture, Dejager missed the committing 29 turnovers. started at the 16 front end of a one-and-one, re- Coming into me season minute mark 59 W. Main se Westminster suiting in a Roe Falcone bucket picked IIth in one preseason and remained on the Red Devil's next posses- publication, and selected to win for the rest of sion to narrow the WM Lead to the CC once again, Dickinson thc game. 65-62. had to rely on Guzek, the Lone Western Student Lunch Box Specials Drugs Carryout Only 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Sweet and Sour Pork -Pax and Copy Service Sweet and Sour Chicken .2A Hr. Him Service Chicken Chow Mein ·1.LJllt.:h!.:f)llCUC Pork Chow Mein MON -FlU )(·11) AM,(, I)M· SAT. I) AM-111M Chicken La Mein 10% student .. ';AI'KINti IN REAR Comes With Egg Roll & Fried Rice discount WEACCEVI MOSrlHO ('ARTY I1
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