Page 107 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 107
Vernon Mummert (Class of 1975) ac- place in the Fellowship with its second Gettysburg to win the Centennial Heavy- By JAY HILBERT Sp<>ru&i;r", complished a loton and off the playing field. straight conference title, even though weight crown. On November 12, five Green Terror At \¥MC, Mummert was a two-time AlI- Gettysburg heldclaim to the '94Centennial GolferBrianBarry made.hisfreshmansea- greats were induced into the Western Mary- Middle Atlantic Conference soccer player crown as well, and, for the first time in his- son count with a nine-stroke victory at the45- land College S(XJI'tSHallof Fame. and Western Maryland offensive MVP. tory, the WMC women's track team got hole Centennial tourney in Berlin, Maryland The admittance of Denise Frech, Richard Mummert wasalsopenned second in theAll- their first-ever conference title, again, shar- The win earned Barry the CC Player of the Klitzberg, Cliff Lathrop, David Martin, and MAC team in '73, and Maryland All-State ingwith Gettysburg. Year. Vernon Mummert now bring the member- and Mason-Dixon in 1971. He was #1 in For the second straight year, track and Three GTE Academic All_l ship in theHall to 104; itsseventeenth yearof singles and doubles for the '72 season in field-s Julie Cox and swimmer Karen American's were also honored, bring- existence. men's tennis. Mummert was also named to Alexander were AU-Americaselections, as ing the number of WM Academic AII- Frech, Class of 1983, was a four-time the MAC seoond team in 1975 for lacrosse. were uack's Kent Ligmboum-secood time American's to 13 since its beginning WMC Most ValuableSwimmer from 198Q.- In 1978,Mummert moved to Drew Uni- inthreeyears-andjavclm thrower Carl Von over 40 years ago. 83, achieving All-America status 15 times, versity where be coached four ECAC Divi- Tobel. Sue Head graduated last May with a and an eight-time MAC champion, in the sion III champions in men's soccer, two degree in physical education and a per- breasrsuoke.In 1983,Frech was a part of lhe MAC North Division men's tennis crowns, Lightboum and Von Tobel's outdoor fect 4.0 cumulative grade-point aver- MAC South Championship softball team. and two NJAIAW Division III Champion- track teammates were honored as Centen- age, warranting first-team honors. Born David Martinand RichardKlitzberg ships as women's basketball coach.Clifford nial Conference Individual Champions. Head, a Centennial Conference second- were part of the first WM men's basketball Lathrop (Class of 1937) led Westem Mary- Ligtuboern, in addition to the 400-meter team guard, was a two-tune Middle At- team to make an appearance in the Middle land footballin scoring for the 1935season. hurdles, was a member oftbe Indoor 400- lantic Conference Honor Roll member. Atlanlic Toumament back in 1962. In '36, Lathropwasa first-earn AllMaryland meter dash and 4X200 meter relay teams, Paul McCord was one of two sec- Martin, Class of 1962, captained that running back as a member of the Maryland and outdoor 400-meter dash. Lightboum end-reamers honored. McCord, a his- team. Martin wasa four-yearlettermen, lead- State Championship team under the great wasnamedCC Male PerfonneroftheMeel tory major and a education minor, was ing the team in scoring hisfirstthree yearsas head coachDick Harlow. It was reportedthat Rob Johnson, CC Indoor Male Performer, a 1992 and '93 member of the Centen- he and Klitzberg solidifiedthe backcourt. A Lathrop died in Arizona in the mid-1980's. won the 55-meterdash, 200-meterdash, and nial Conference Academic Honor Roll. two-time All-MAC performer, Martin ranks In addition to the new members of the with Lightbourn, Ronnie Miller and Kevin As a first-team Centennial punter in fifth in the WMC career points department Hall-of-Fame, a pair of Centennial Confer- Wong inthelndoor4X200 relay. Outdoors. 1993,McCord averaged 38.2 yards a kick, 13 with 1,301. Marlin also was skilled on the ence Co-Champions, were among the new Johnson teru.ned with BillTyrrell-11Q.-meter of which trapped opponents inside their own tennis courts as a three-timeleuerwinncr. members in me Fellowship of Champions. hurdleschamp-, Donte Abron,and Wong in 2Q.-yarriLine. His backcourt mate, Klitzberg (Class of The Fellowshipof Champions tsan honor for the400relay. AIWelch was theCcntennial The other second-team member, len 1963),isthirdincareerp.:linlS(I,351). He led all of the past team and individual champi- winner in the outdoor longjump. Stewart, is the only one of the threeto stillbe in the team in asstss during his four years, and ons, and All-Americans, both athletic and Ted Speers was Western Maryland's school. Stewart.anartmajor.eemedfust-team was also the nigh-man in scoring his senior acederruc-athleuc. first wrestling champion in nine years. CC at thedesignated hinerspot.scning school season. The 1994WMC softball team earned its Speers defeated Brandon Ream of records for hits (42), and total bases with 69. Men's swimming beats GreenTerrorice hockey: The D'son for first time; women: start of somethfug_ Big? first time since 80-81 shown in last year's intramural floor By Ross HOLI.l\BON hockey league made me believe an ice C""rr;bur;n!Wr;I<' BY JAY Hn..UElU "He's (Welter) right on track now (0 The black biscuit soars down the hockey team could be a reality," said come through, and hopefully be one of the laying surface from stick to stick-and Disharoon. Saturday, December 3, 1994. top three at conference championships," layer to player. The man behind the After talking to a few of the floor Mark this day down as oneofthe great says Easterday. Imask fidgets as he anticipates the attack hockey participants, Disharoon began a WMC swinuning moments. Senior captain Paul Matkovic easily y the oncoming enemy. Sophomore campaign to find players who wanted to Forthe first time in trehlstoryormen's won his stronghold events, the rooo Free by Steve Hallowell beats the goaltender and hit the ice. Through fliers around the swimming at Western Maryland College. 22 seconds (10:47.07), and the 500 Free cores Western Maryland's first goal in school and word of mouth, nine men the Green Terror defeated Centennial Con- with a time of 5:11.45. In both events, his, their second attempt at an inaugu- and two women joined Ihe team. ferencc focDickinson inarout, 59-36. The sophomore Kevin Lundell finished second al ice hockey season. The first player to join was Jason win was the first in 23 tries against their (1000 Free-II :09.08, 500 Free-S:24.91). There was a club team here years ago Chessman, a goalie from Pennsylvania. Carlisle competitors. Welter and Markovic teamed with Peter hat didn't pan out due to lack of organi- Gctting this cornerstone in place made The women also caught the winning Fuller, who won in the 100 Fly, and Alex anon; but now, thanks to the vision of things a little easier in putting together bug vs. the Red Devils as they won for the Kalisperis to win the opening event for the ~riC Disharoon and the desire of a hand- the official roster. Protecting Chessman ftrSttime since the 1980-81 season-their men, the 400 Medley Relay in 3:57.75. ful of players, Ihe Green Terror can now are defenseman Dan Field, Kevin fourth in 17tries against Diekinson- with a Theswinuneroftheaftemoon for the la- !ide on the slick surfaces of ice hockey Bernhardt, Hallowell, and Ross 55-40 win. For the second time in three dies has to go to senior Kelly Benvin. inks, hoping to set a solid foundation Hollebon. years, the ladies start thege.·lsonat4-1 (2-1 Benvin took first in the 1000 Free in for the future. Forwards Mike Sanford, Mike Centennial). 12:24.26, and in the 500 Free with a 5:58.59 Playing Mason Dixon League power- D'Antonio, Disharoon, Cecy Sanchez, With that victory, the men improve time. houses like Johns Hopkins, UMBC, and Ceili Betsch, and captain Eric the 2-2 on the sea<;on(I-I Centennial), Karen Alexander, for the fourth time in pettysburg, the Green Terror have their Schienholtz carry the offensive load. their best record after four games since the five meets, placed fi.rstthree times. The work cut out for them on the ice. Only six of the players have more than going 3-! in the '90-91 campaign. first as part of the 400 Medley Relay unit Disharoon got clearance to use the four years experience, and the rest of the 'The kids were rcally excited; but, with Alison Denlinger, Martha !vey, and school's name (even though they a:re team had never played before this sea- we didn't really put that much empha- Jen Sacks. Next, Alexander took the 200 nly recognized as a club), and received son. sis on it. It was another team to do Individual Medley (2:19.27). Finally, $325 from the Student Governmem As- With a few players that can hardly well against," said head coach Kim Alexander took top honors in the 200 Back Easterday. fun when you do "l(s sociation to help cover the costs of the skate, the veterans trying to make up for something like that; we were really (2:14.21). Buffy Burke easily took her top events, team. The amount helps, but dues for rookie inexperience. the 100 and 200 Free, with times of 57.00 he team are still $450 for the 12-game Schienholtz, a senior, said he ex- more impressed with the fact that we schedule that stretches from October to pected growing pains from the get-go. swam wei!''' and 2:00.12, respectively. ebruary. "We are in an expansion process that is Once again, sophomore Mikc Welter According to Burke, the ladies will nOI Through the flTst 112 of the season, going to start out a lillie shaky. Every- had another strong outing, winning the hit the sallle skid as they did two years the Green Terror are 1-5-the lone victory one is making strides as we begin to gel 200 Free in 1:56.77, and the 200 Back ago, after winning four out of their first with a 2: 10.34. In the previous meet oming at the expense of Washington asa unit," be said. against Elizabethtown, Welter broke five. "I don't think that will happen this ollege. With fans following the team as far as Matt Cook-s 1992 Western Maryland year. Wc-ve been seeing results from Disahroon, a graduate student at Hershey Park Arena, i( may not matter twMC, helps run the imramura[s pro- that they have no coach or home arena. record in the 200 Back. Welter's those teams we swim after break. Just 2:07.17 trimmed the old record by .02 rrun, which prompted him to try to Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither looking at those results, Ithink we will do fonn an ice hockey team. "The interest are good teams. seconds. better from last year to this year."
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