Page 106 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 106
By .lAY HILBERT said bead coach John Lowe. "I'm makingsomebasicfrcstunanerrors credible technique, but., he some- There are a lot of proponents Sp"",Etij,,,, glad we lostbecauseuey snapped met we can tone up:' times isn't physical enough. Paul of the pin saying that we have Freshman Steve Smiddy and outofit in their second match with "ltaven'ttounduatmuchoran doesn't wresue as hard as wewould gotten away from our roots. Paul Scott are two wrestlers with Albright." adjustment necessary," said like and gets content with some of The purpose of wrestling is to different styles. Smiddy is the ag- Junior Joe Flemrrung, 190- Smiddyofthc transition from high his positions. We want him to stan take someone from his feet to gressor, while Scott wrestles a con- pounder, also won aU three of his school 10college. Smiddy'S brawl- going for the kill," said Lowe. his back and finish him off," servativematch. Despite mcir con- matches; one by pin, one by major ing, rake-charge style comes from Unlike Smiddy, Scott has seen explained Lowe. trast in styles, they still come up decision, and the other by forfeit to his days at Northeast High School, someadjustment., especially within Western Maryland entered with the same results. raise hiscarccrrecordatWM to 37- Pasadena, Md., where the action hts wresumg sryte, "It's a big du- au three matches without Ten days ago at Swarthmore, 17. was heated. ference here, Fm throwing now; I wrestlers at the 118 and 126 bolh men went a perfect 3-0 with Smiddy, at 134 pounds, de- "In high school, our room was never threw in high school," said lb. classes, and Dwight Smith, oncfallontheaftemoonasWest- fealed Swarthmore's Chaz realintensc. That's all we did was Scott.. "At St. Joe's, we went over who finished second last year em Maryland opened its dual meet Templin in a J 8-5 major decision, a lot of brawling, and sometimes, throws, bnthey wereneverempha- at Centennials, is out until wrestling season, going 2-1 with pinned Albright's Mike Grays, and we endcd upin fights, which wasn't sized:' January with a shoulder in- wins over Albright (25-24) and also won by forfeit. good, but it kept us intense and Lowe has put immediate emphasis jury. Rutgers-Camden (39-18). The "Steve is a hard competitor who made us hard,"ooded Smiddy. Oflpinfalls and it's nOlj~t because In oneofthe better matches of lone loss came at the hands of the is one of our most physical wres- Scou, wrestling at 142100., col- he is missing men at 118 and 126 the day, Rick Estes wrestled de- bast Gamet., 27-19. uers, and that something I'm trying leered two wins by decision as his [00. fending CC champ at 167 lbs., "The first match with togettherestoftheteamtogetuscd pinfall came against Rutgers- "There is a new emphasis on Eric Williams of Swarthmore. Swarthmore, we really started to,"saysLowe."He'srelentlesson Camden's Eric Zizler. pinning in college. They have tight the whole match, but lost 2- slowly and Ithinkweexpected with top, he gets a lot of pins, but his "Paul Scott is the exactly the eliminated the technical fall in O. Williams was the 1993-94 CC hard work to get instant success," technique needs to improve, He's opposite (of Smiddy). He has in- hopes of emphasizing the pin. Outstanding Wrestler. Western Maryland men's cagers ~~~~~~S St. Mary's RY .fAY HILBIiRT Seabawks, 71-66. in anon-confer- Western Maryland now when SI. Mary's took control by Spon,EdiM' cnce affair. The win snapped a moves to 4-3 overall on the way of a Marshall turnover with WestemMarylandonly led 67- WMC two-game skid against the season (2-2 Centennial). two minutes remaining. Then, 66 with :30 seconds [eft in their Seahawks. Considering that this icam Michelotti drove down but dribbled home garreagainst St. Mary's Col- "Any shot at the end of the lost three key players before the ball off his foot. lege last Thursday night. game, I want," said Young. 'The the season began, Zoulias is The Scahawk detensecxccoted Senior co-captain Pat Young green light., I guess, is always there. very happy 10 be in !his pre- an aggressive man-to-man defense dribble the ball over !he time-line. Ididn't take too many shots in the dicament. as WMC couldn't get off a shot, All in attendance at GillGym knew second half, but the confidence is "We're feeling pretty resulting in a shot clock violation what was going to happen next. there." good about ourselves," said and a turnover. Young (11 points) took the baII "1 wouldn't have wanted any- Zoulias. "Considering that With tess then 45 seconds showing to the right and shot the three. body else but him to get that chance we lost Andy (Dzienegeleski- on the clock, Michelotti then drove Swish! because Itelt u was gotng tn snce whoisoutfortheseasonwith ... left baseline, but his shot was Young's uey with :24 seconds the second he was going to take it," tom ligaments in his thumb, l blocked by the side of the left gave Western Maryland the said Green Terror head coach Nick Brian Benson (a 6-6 200- L:.,=::=,d;;;;;;;;;;;= ;;;;'~~;..J~ backboard as Jeff Daniels grabbed Cushion'" il needed to defeal the Zoulia<;. ·onals JX!under who had to wilhdraw ~~=~:;;;~~~:the reoound. which setup Young's frA°broo,mSCandhoothat')'weanare<:::tc COX makes natl .,..,.,1.11.. g much-neededmsuran.
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