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see a different side of you teacher ... as a Rick Dilhnan, although supportive of person," she said adding, "I think that it friendships with students, believes that "there Can you imagine going out to get pizza makes me have more respect for the profes- is no way to erase the power differential be- with Dr. DeGroot? Or hbw about going to sor as a person and it makes me want to go to tween faculty and students; they inevitably Dean Disharoon's place forhomemadepasta, class more." causeconmcts." Headdcd, "Ittakcsacertatn or Rick Dillman's home to drink sherry and Associate Dean of the First Year Program amountof courage toset out to systematically talk? Barbara Disharoon Ihinks along the same develop out-of -class relationships with stu- Forming friendships outside the class- lines. "I feel that student-teacher [friend- dents because there's always a fear that you room does occur between students and fac- ships] directly influences retention. Sruoems mlgluacctocntanycrossthanine. [Butjifyou ulty with positive effects and few reserva- sec them [professors] as real people." completely avoid those conflicts you become tions, according to some faculty. Disharoon's grandfather was head of the the sort of professor that only interacts with "Some people's sense of humor or gen- physics department and became treasurer at students professionally in class." eral style click with yours and you end up WMC. This kind of behavior is nothing new , However, some faculty may only want to having a cup of coffee or a beer down at toner. Sheremembcrshergrandmolhcrhav- have a professional relationship with their Champs;' said Dr. S3JX)I1l of the communi- ing students over for dinner and baking cook- students. Another male professor who pre- cation department, who has taken students to ies afterward. Today, Disharoon often has ferred anonymity believes that it has to do lectures and on field trips. her edvisees to her home for dinner but she with training. "l think that once you [a pro- Rick Dillman, also in ihe communications admits that, "I'm not in control of grading J fessor]get to the peak of your career, you are department, feels that as a professor he wants them. 1 think students recognize what 1can more likely to maintain a distance," he said. to know students outside the class. "I set out and cannot do." He thinks that younger faculty may be more to develop out-of-class relationships, .. he A male professor, who preferred to re- likely to havean informal relationship wi!h a said. "I think part of what we advertise as a main anonymous, said that while most stu- student. college is that you'll have the opportunity to dents understand where they stand in this For Dr. Sapora, some of his best friends get to know some of your professors." He type of relationship, some can either con- are friendships he formed during his first added that sometimes it is his student's idea sciously or sutccescousty take advantage of years of leaching. He said that he has never to get together to discuss a topic of interest thesauaion. "If you become friendly with a had a negative experience with a student. He outside the class. student you don't [always] know what the believes: 'There's one big rule: be profes- .Dr. Jane DeGroot agrees. "They [stu- expectations are. Students can very easily sional. Don 'I abdicate your responsibility as dents] seem to really like it [activities outside manipulate without knowing it," he said. "I a teacher and a mentor just for the sake of the class] and really want it," she said. try 10 remind them I'm a professor nrst am a some sort of extracurricular relationship with DeGroot is involved in the Freshman Semi- friend second" a student" nar Pilot Program that is designed specifically A junior, who also preferred to remain Dr. Sherrt Hughes in the psychology de- to promote closer relations between faculty nameless, rccalIed a situation where she ex, partment said, "There is always the possibil- and students. Iteven provides the members a peered to be cut a break on a grade because ity that that kind of relationship could be mis- small budget odooctside-ihe-classroom ac- of a friendship with a teacher. "I thougbt that read." However, she pointed out thaunere is tivities. fJ he would help me out because we got along a high probability that students would go on Rachel Brumfield a graduate student at so well. Looking back, I guess it was unfair. to experience dual relationships with their Western Maryland says she has had Ihe op- for me to expect that from him, but I gucssn future employers, so ihe experience students pornmity to socialize 'With Dr. Stephen fen scrt orhun,' stesaio. have in scnool will prepare them [Or !he fu- Colyer from the psycbclogy departmertt "I "You have to be very careful and on your' ture. "It is a skill mar.we have to learn," sbe ·l toes," said the professor who wanted to re- said. ''We have to learn to negotiate those 1(=~f:!~U~:n:~~.g~~~ :: mam anonymous. ' : dual roles." Campus thoughts on Political Correctness By JAMES RIGGINS ~!ti~=~O~~~I:;~ =t~~~~;~:a1:~:::~~~,~.~em.;;c;n~llD'E;_,IUai;t'~-.;,;-I _!!'~ill!ill'-----_-j SwjfWn'ur Julie Sanders '(97) vie.wedthe rise in pc wag- necessity of being culturally sensitive," and "People are just too easily offended" That's what Joy Hoffman; a freshman at caused by "people who are afraid to say AndreaRomich,asenior,explainedthaCwe thingsastbeyare,"aUowingpeoplewhouse have to be politically sensitive" because WMC said in response '0 the growth of po- along so- litical correcuess on campus and in the na- pc to "look like fools" sometimes pc, instead of dividing One term from WMC's new and irn- cial\incs,"includespeopleinlargergroups." tion over the past few years. In light of the tension caused by the recent wave of hate provedpcglossarythatpartirularlydisturtxxl The ovcraU feeling received was best crimes on campus, many students fell thai some students was "first year student." summed up by Dr. Carol Rouzer, a professor JX>litical COITeL1nCSS (better known as pc), al- Kendra Jones, a nrst year sophomore stated in lhechemiSlrydepartmenl, who staledthm though created with good intentions, often that pc "is kind of Siupid, I don" understand pc "is importantanct has a place in so:iety bc- covers up the problem.' why people get so upset at the old tenns." cause it is sensitive to other's feelings but is Scott Robinson a freshman stated that However, some interviewed students nowbein taken to the extremes." Buy One Large Pizza At Reg. Price, Get A Small Cheese Pizza For Only $.99 Fast Delivery Call Ext. 735 One coupon/person coupon. With L__:p.!:e~2f!.2!4 .J Tee Shirts·Posters·Brochures·Advertisemen PUB & GRILL
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