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turn, it is reviewed by a more expe- By MICHELLE HAMILTON SwffWn',., rienced student volunteer, and then Bv DAVE WEIGHT graduation until they found a job, I WMC is organizing its third annual by a C.P.A. "All tax returns are This January, while most of us IVITA program this year. VITA, or Vol- checked over 2-3 times," said Ms. Many of Western Maryland's are with our biological families -unteer Income Tax Assistance, offers Beamer. faculty and administrators have kids (Lord give us patience), Colbert )free tax help to people on campus and in The program has been a success on campus, These kids aren't actu- will be starting her own. Due in the {the community. in the past. Last year VITA filled ally their own but rather college stu- middle of January, Colbert says her only , VITA is a service that is offered out between 80-100 tax forms. They dents with whom they have grown hope is that she has a healthy and happy 'because "a lot of people just can't do every type of return including close and come to care for over their baby. 'afford to go anywhere else" (0 have state, federal, and local taxes. undergraduate years. No exception "J don't care if it's a girl or a boy," "their taxes filled out says student or- This service will be offered on a to this is Mary Jo Colbert. Colbert says, "as long as it has all of its Uganizer Karen Beamer. VITA com- walk-in basis. Interested students Mary Jo Colbert is the director of parts" Colbert's sense of humor is shad- vpletcs basic tax returns for primarily should bring their tax formes) to Summer Conference Services here owed only by the seriousness with which ยท;WMC students, but community Goldroom B on Tuesday and Thurs- at Western Maryland. Every year she has cared for herself, and her baby, vmembers can also take advantage of day between 7pm and 9pm, and on for the. past seven years Colbert has since she found out she was pregnant in "this service. VITA also does work Saturday from Ilam-2pm beginning worked closely with sixteen of the July (her busiest time of the summer). vfor people who are illiterate. February 14 and ending April 13. college's students and come to con- Colbert plans to return to work when ! The student volunteers are prima- Students Karen Beamer and sider them her own. she feels that both she and the baby are rily business majors, but anyone Michelle Hertscb have organized In past years Colbert has done ready. Upon arrival sometime in the who is interested can train for and this effort under advisor Ms. everything from having 'her kids' early spring Colbert will hold her yearly t learn about tax preparation. 51u- Milstein. Training sessions will be over for dinner, to taking them to interviews and select those special six- 'dents are trained by volunteers from in January. The class runs from Kings Dominion; she's even let teen students of whom she'll care for . the IRS in a four day seminar. After January 25-27 from 9:30-5, and on them live in her basement after like her own. students complete a person's tax re- Saturday from 9:30-12, New F.A. director does more than help save money Bv SARAH BELT helping work-study students find Danielle Paquette, a senior work students instead of forcing students community service jobs in order to study student. is already trying to to take out loans, but does not see Have you seen a new woman in a meet federal requirements that a line up a job at the Early Learning this happening in the future, . jogging suit running around cam- portion of work-study money by Center, a day care center in What she can do for students is pus? She may look just like a stu- used for community service jobs Westminster. This job could qualify make them aware that she is "here to dent in a rush, but she could be the with agencies off campus. for the federal government require- help students and make the process 1most valuable person at WMC to gel The jobs available are job ment. Paqueue feels this program simpler." And if a student has any 1 to know. coaches and drivers for Target, site "allows students the opportunity to changes in their financial situation She could help you stay in school manager aids and tutors for Human get a job off campus, not tbe usual they should come in and let the or- when money is tight, or she could Services in the local shelters, main- office job." fice know. "The doors are always save you thousands of dollars. tenance workers and job coaches for Community service jobs are not open," she says. This August, Patricia Williams the Association for Retarded Citi- only meeting federal requirements Securing financial aid packages of summer is another became the new financial aid direc- zens, and delivery of books for but arc also giving work study stu- in the goals. So when students Will- ar- iams' tor, "My job is to improve services Carroll County Public Library to dents more job opportunities, This rive in the fall, "all they have to for students and to help students in nursing home residents, will help because there is a shortage worry about is being students, .. she the long run. And be an advocate According to Williams there are of jobs on campus, according to Wil- for students in the budget deci- many options, Work study students liams. said. sions," she said. can "go out into the community and She also wants to implement a di- Her history of financial aid work One of Williams' first duties is find out who is willing to hire," rect lending program to reptacc the is long, She worked for Johns paperwork of Plus and Stafford Hopkins University as assistant di- to see how well of financial years, ;"JTI," continued from p.l loans, fares but she wants colleges before rector most in financial aid for nine a federal and, other recently, in for it it to Western Maryland. bringing aid informa- contractor was The Williams To qualify for JTI, students need at Dean Disharoon said many com- financial confusion and thing paperwork Will- of tion, Maryland, because, drawn she to West- "I aid is one said, ern that least a 3.0 grade point average, Pratt munity college students think it's iams would like to simplify 10 make wanted to get back on a campus." said. They are also looking for well- impossible to transfer to a school applying for financial aid easier. Although she lives in Columbia, rounded students who arc active with like wMC because of the cost and She admits {hat, "it is confusing for Md., she is not a native Marylander. ommunity and college organiza- high academic expectations, but families to fill out all the forms," She grew up in SI. Paul, Minn., and tions, she added. with J'Tl tney see that it is a possible Sophomore Elizabeth Kress attended Johns Hopkins Uruvcrstty Most students who have gone option. Since the program began in agrees that applying for financial aid where she obtained a B,A. in his- through the program say they 1990, five students have transferred is a confusing process. "Everything tory and a master's degree in ad- thought WMC was a safe, comfort- to WMC, which averages out to one ministrative science. as a freshman out to you ~ble environment, Disharoon said. a year, she said. is handed that your expected to know When she's not helping students and after rne student wrot~ on her eV,alua- Disharoon said 14 women and what to do , but many of us (stu- with financial aid she enjoys hob- lion, "One of the most important ex- only three men are in JTT this year. dents) do not know." Kress feels bies that many students at Western !periences was a chance to be my She explain cd that there aren't many there must be an easier way to help Maryland enjoy, such as hiking, ~!own person and feel more confi- because so few men are nontradi- students with financial aid. backpacking, canoeing, and reading. , dent." The main weakness JTI stu- tional students, Ellie Geiman, a financial aid She also enjoys running and can be dents agree on is that it's too short. JTI received a merit award from counselor, sees Williams changing found running on her lunch break at l "They enjoy their freedom, and all the Maryland Association for the "necessary required documenta- WMC. f a sudden it's gone," said Higher Education in 1992. It was tion" to make the process easier. Williams joins two other new em- Disharoon. given jointly to the founders of the This is especially important because ployees on tnc Financial Aid staff Pratt said the program offers a program, Dean Disharoon and Mary it is that lime of year again. Forms Ellic Geiman, financial aid counse: very important opportunity to com- Hines, associate dean of instruction will be mailed out in early December lor, and Pal Lucke. office manager. jmunity college students. "They get at Catonsville Community College. to be completed and mailed to the So when it comes time for those a chance to sec what it's like at a As for the future of JTl, processors by March I. financial aid problems, you can find tour-year college," she said. "If Disharoon said, "It will stay as tong Williams wishes the government director Williams and her staff in they like it, they may have a chance as Jan Term is around." would provide more grant money for Eldcrdice 101. to come here." --- -'.
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