Page 103 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 103
Is life as a nontraditional student really different? By THOMAS E. IVlARSHALl. First-year Program and a fanner five years. But five or six years C,,"'riD",ingWri'" non-trad at Towson State Uni- ago, "they broke new ground," Decker Center has been in- versity, "When students are 17 says Disharoon, getting policies' vaded by nontraditional students, and 18 years old they arejust ex- changed that singled out non- the largest minority group on pcriencing the freedom of being trads and making things bener campus. away from home for the first for the next wave of non-tracts. Many nontraditional students time. Non-trads come with expe- Some frustrations of non- gather at Decker everyday and rience and are more likely to do trads stem not only from having swap idle chatter and wait for the work." responsibilities outside the col- their next class to start. For some Claude Cornell, a 29 year-old lege but feeling like nomads on of them this is their biggest social second semester English major, campus. 'The commuter lounge event of their busy days, says agrees with Dean Disharoon on isapieceofs-!"commentect Rebecca Wagner, a junior social the enhanced work ethics of non- an anonymous non-uad, work major and a mother of two trad students. He also sees a ma- Even traditional commuter young daughters. jor difference between non-trads students sec the lounge as inad- Occasionally the idle chatter and traditional students in their equate. "It is like a prison with focuses on how non-trads arc for- social needs. For non-tracts, that stone wall and all of the gotten by the college in the forms "school is no longer socializing kitchen noise," says Dan of scholarships and their tomb- first and education second," Schaeffer, a senior art major. He like lounge that they share with Comcn believes. also pointed out that the lounge is The major characteristic that not vel)' accessible for handi- A non-tract, their informal non-trads share is their reason capped students. title, is an undergraduate student for returning to college. "To bet- An on-campus day care facil- 24 years old or older. There are ter my opportunities for better- ity would be a tremendous help 75 non-trads out of 1160 under- paying jobs," says Rebecca for those snow days when county graduate students at Western Wagner. Cornett adds, "The schools are closed but WMC is Maryland this year, according to Army matured me.. but I open, suggests Wagner. "Trying the registrar. couldn't rely onjust my military to find a baby-sitter during a They make up 6.4% ofWMC experience for a job." snowstorm is impossible," she students but are difficult todtsun- Another military non-trad, says. guisb from other students. In Adam Frey, a sophomore En- The idea is not a new one, most case._<;their only difference glish major, joined the Air Force however. Several years ago lies within. "We are more experi- before going to college because WMC trustees did a study on the enced and goal-oriented," sug- he felt he had to grow up. "Ev- feasibility of an on-campus day gests Wagner. "We don't get eryone should be older to go to care facility and did not find caught up in the nonsense that the college ...they need to gain re- enough interest tojustify the pro- younger students do:' sponsibility," he said. gram, says Disharoon. She rec- Bill DuPont, a junior history Non-uads also share similar ommended SI. John's School major, lives on campus in feelings meaning school first day care facility which is open Elderdice Hall like many other and whatever time is left over even when county schools are WMC students. But, unlike the goes to sleep. Most just don't closed. have the time 10 give to college Even scholarships are easier 'Cam----p-US----~-~-~-e-ty--B-I-o-tte--r~~~~~!.n~:eait~ean~~J~~ clubs. Even the Non-Tract Club for traditional students to obtain. ~. directly after high school but did is considered time misused by a But non-trads should have no not feel at ease in the shelter of few non-trade. "I was involved On I 1130 at 12:17am. RLCre- Safetyresponds toasuspiciousper- college life, so he enlisted in the with the NTC for one semester fear because help is on lhe way. JXX1S sndcnts in Whiteford tear- son inMcDaniel. Whilethere, drug Marine Corps. "I wanted to get but it never accomplisbed any- Dean Disharoon, when a.skd lngdownotrersuidents' personal activity is observed. City Police my feet wet in the real world," he thing," says Wagner. if there were any non-trad property, were notified, responded,searched said. Dean Disharoon agrees that scholarships available, said On 11130at 12:17 a.m. Campus the room, and seized evidence of According to Barbara the NTC has grown more social "No, but there will be when I Safety observes students outside drug use. Disharoon, associate dean of the die. Everyone deserves a sec- orwhtrctord involvedinprevious On 1213 at 6:18 am. Campus.'- --, and less aggressive over the last ond chance." incidentbecoming disorderlyand Subject rr======;;;;;;;;..-============, abusive. Safety observes vandalism to.sev- truck, by identified em! rooms in Rouzer. On 11/30 at 12:26a.m. Campus On 12J3atll:23p.m.RLCrepcrts Campus Safety CARRIAGE HOUSE Safety responds to a call from toilet in Blanche desuoycd using a and City Police RLC to a student in Rouzer who firework. informed of his LIQUORS has injured his hand. On 12/4 at 12:45 a.m. Campus direction of 113 West Main Street On 11130at 3:42 a.m. Campus Safety responds to a fire alarm in flight. SafetyEMTresponds toastudent Blanche. On I214at 12:51 848-3466 in Whiteford with flu like symp- On 12/4 at I: II a.m. Campus a.m. Campus toms. Safety EMT responds a student in Safety observes On 12/1 at 12:52a.rn. RArcports medical seizure in ANW. Student evidence of an HERE'S A SPECIAL WORTH DRINKING TO: possible race related vandalism to declines treatment or transporta- attempted break ,\\iI",mll
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