Page 101 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 101
Gettysburg: A change of pace for students By CHRISSY PARDE\\' the national Civil War Wax Museum. Here visitors can tour 30 recreated war Tired of thc same old campus gather- scenes. The museum is open daily 9 a.m. ings, fraternity parties, movies, and Glar to 5 p.m. Admission is $4.50 per person. meals? Why not step off campus for a day "Here at the museum we have the and catch a breath of fresh air? most impressive building and attract the Within 30 minutes driving distance is most visitors of all the sites," said Shirley the historic town of Gettysburg, PA. Behm, who has been the assistant man- Combining the old with tbe new, ager of the museum for the past 20 years. Gettysburg is a unique sight-seeing adven- To satisfy those lunch or dinner ture. Follow Route 140 to Route 197 cravings. there are plenty of places to NOM which leads right into the middle of grab a bite to eat. "The Gingerbread Gettysburg square. Man" offers a casual, rustic atmosphere Being the site of the bloodiest battle of with its decor of brass and woodwork. the Civil War, Gettysburg boasts an abun- With 70 to 80 entrees to choose from, the dance of Civil War monuments and his- menu offers everything from club sand- torical sites. President Lincoln delivered wiches, pizza, and subs to Mexican fare his most famous speech, The Gettysburg and an alternative healthy foods section. Address, on the battlefield, which adds to Prices range from $4.50 - ~8.50. the town's attraction. Sean Grubbs, manager of the "Gin- To experience Gettysburg's history, gerbread Man," says the restaurant and many tours are available to visitors. One bar attract a lot of college students and is of the most recommended is a tour of the a popular hangout due to its laid-back, 5900 acre Gettysburg National Park. The comfortable style. park is made up of the battlefield and the For a unique, enlightening dining ex- national cemetery which contains the perience there is "Food for Thought," a graves of 3,706 Civil War soldiers. cafe and coffeehouse. "Our park ~ontains the largest collec- ~'We have a very mellow, relaxed at- tion of outdoor sculpture in the country. mosphere," said Garry Adelman, co- There is noother place like it in the nation. owner of the cafe. "We have counter ser- Many Americans see the Bailie of vice and we'll scream out your order to Gettysburg as the turning point intheCivil you when it's ready. There are maga- War and to them the battlefield is a sym- zines, books, and games scattered around bol of the-entire war:' said Scott Hartwig, for everyone to look at. You can stay for the supervisory historian at the Gettysburg ten minutes or four hours, whatever you National Park. Hartwig has worked at the Iike. t ' park for 14 years. Every Saturday at T8 'pm, I i.'Foo(hfor Visitors from allover the world travel Want to work on the Phoenix but to see the sites at Gettysburg. People Thought" features a poetry reading .. Other nights offera variety of entatainment, rang- ing from acoustic guitar pertormances to .don't want to write? come from as far away as Japan, Austra- reck bands and altemativemusic. lia, England, and Germany to catch a The menu includes favorites such as Like to design things or feel creative? glimpse of the park says Hartwig. chicken and tuna melts, 'create your own Guided tours arc available, but visitors Join the Phoenix staff and learn to can also stroll or drive through on a self- pita', quesidillas, and hummus. a middle eastern chick pea dip. Other specialties are guided tour at their own pace. The park the espresso drinks: cappucino, and coffees layout the newspaper!! roads arc open daily from 6a.m. to 10p.m. oflheday. Notonlyis it tasty,everythingis Throw together a picnic lunch and relax at Let imagination run wild! one of the many picnic spots in the park. under $5. Admission is free. Other activities available in Gettysburg Another attraction is include shopping, horseback riding, and HOUSE OF UQUORS the Eisenhower Na- miniature golf. uonal WMC sophomoreToni Smith isa native Historic Site. "Everything in Spirits, PLUS Courtesy & Service" The site is comprised ofGcttysburg. Smith says that even though CARROll PlAZA SHOf>P~G CENTER, WESTMINSTER, 11>21157 of fanner President D. she's lived thereberentire life sbe can still find a lot to do, such as going to memovles, Dwight (Rt 14{) and Englar Rd.) Eisenhower's 231 acre playing miniaturegolf,shopping, and bowl- 848·1314 farm. According to mg. Lotto & Lottery Headquarters Hartwig, what makes .'I like Gettysburg a lot and I'm glad I ANE OlNE! SPIRJTS· THE PERFECT GIFT FOR AU. OCCASIONS the farm so unique is grew up Ihcre. It is a very 'touristy' IOwn that nearly every arti- and sometimes, especially around the Sale 8eer! fact, from furniture to Fourth of July, it gets so crowded you can Bohemian $6.99 case cans photographs, is the barely get around town. But the tourism .................. $O.99/quart original used by the helps to bring in a lot of money, and it's a ........................ $9.99 12 pack Eisenhower family . good town 10 raise a family in," Smith said. ....... ..$7.99 12pk bottles The WMC college activities office has Molsen Ice.... . $8.99 12pk bottles This enables visitors to never sponsored a trip to Gettysburg. how the experience * Bud Light Ice $9.99 case cans president's family ac- Mitrbell Alexander,collegeecuviues direc- * Coors Dry...... .. $10.99 case boutes tually lived. Displays tor.said the idea has never generated much .--------, rNa~;;iLTghtl include Eisenhower's student interest. fonnal "There are a lot of historical sites, a living room, porch, dinner theatre, and a 101of dining oppor- sun original I 110% Off I I I & Busch I paintings, photo- tunities with a Civil War flavor,' Alexander said of the possibilities in graphs, and furniture. I Any purchase I I I The tour is available Gettysburg. I Excluding sale I I $8.99 I from 9 a.m. 104:15 Students may wish to take advantage I items and tobacco I I I p.rn. Admission if of the fadjng days of fall and plan a day Experience the history in Gettysburg. $3.60 per person. I products I I Another glimpse into and enjoy the new, unique attractions. history is offered by It's right in WMC's backyard!
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